怎样免费建立一个个人小型网站How to set up a personal smallwebsite for free
How to set up a personal small website for free? 2010-04-07
14:101. first download web production tools, Dreamweaver v8.0simplified registration version
Download address:
Http://www. 14567.com/dw.html
2. start learning, go to the NetEase Institute learning webproduction methods.
Multimedia tutorials for website design
Http://tech. 163. com/special/w/000915SQ/webmediatech.html
3. if you do, apply for free home space, if you have better,(Note: host is space) , please go here to find a suitable fortheir own application, free of charge.
Http://www. 14567.com
4. upload a good home page to your space. Need FTP uploadsoftware.
Download address:
Http://www. 14567.com/ftp.html
5. visit your home page with your own or applied free domainname (generally apply for free space and give a two level domainn ame) .
Detailed -
Nowadays with the development of various communicationtechnology, Internet has been Chinese gradually enter thepopular stage, many people enjoy browsing news, online chat,online games, online transactions, all kinds of fun electronicmail network, started not by connected to the passive, hope toactively participate in the network, so a large number ofpersonal websites emerged the.
The computer and the network of professional and technicalpersonnel can use and proficiency in a particular line in anarea of expertise to make a web page, but how many network rookielevel characters making personal homepage, set up a personalwebsite? I'd like to summarize the following points and hopeto provide some help to those who lack a basic understandingof it. If you are a regular Internet worms, and on how to builda website to have some interest, then please read on, otherwiseI recommend you use some fool website orpersonal website pleaseprofessional web companies do, no need to do it yourself.
1. , to establish personal website, first of all must understandthe basic language of the current web page production HTML, theentry can be, it takes about one or two hours can be.
2. learn to use the popular web authoring software, such asFrontpage, Dreamweaver and other powerful WYSIWYG software,
can be a preliminary understanding, not all of the master, isgenerally use while learning, and constantly improve the levelof use.
3. , extensive web browsing of various web pages, at thebeginning of the best to download some simple personal web pages,because they use the technology is relatively simple, you canuse Web authoring software to open research. Then recommend tobrowse some professional web design website, learn sometypesetting experience, and can download some web pagestructure template for your own application.
4. determine the theme of your website, I personally do notadvocate beginning to build software Daquan, stacks of popularonline as the theme of the site, because you are not aprofessional online first, there are too many similar software,others could not on your website. Second, these websitesrequire huge home space, not only for the first time you can'tapply for so much space, but also you can' t always uploadmaintenance. The theme of the website is best to have yourpersonal characteristics, it is not sure, I suggest to make apersonal portal website, usually will often go to the websiteto do a more comprehensive link.
5. , it is better not to use a special color, font, becauseeveryone uses different computers, special colors, fonts,others can not see.
6. "to increase the beautiful picture is indispensable, Isuggest that if you can make your own by some professionalmapping software, it will have its own characteristics, also
can put some private photos, but remember all kinds of picturesmust be optimized to reduce the storage size of it. Remind eachpage not to leave too many pictures, because the firstwill makethe page appear messy, and second will make your page displaytoo slowly. Commonly used software to make pictures, such asPhotoshop, Fireworks, etc. .
The website can increase the appearance and function of yourhome page with some animation and special effects, animationcan be found on the Internet, also can make the best, the mostcommonly used GIF format, available Ulead Gig Animator software,the popular Flash animation, more changes, smaller size,disadvantage is the default browser on the computer withoutinstalling some Flash browsing software, some computer userscan' t see Flash. There are also a lot of free Javascript on theInternet, like pictures, I don't want to put too much animationand special effects on each page.
8. "after the completion of the basic, the Internet looking forfree homepage space, with the speed of the host, and there isno space to provide the basic CGI function and the domain nameis easy to remember for consideration, the so-called CGI is toprovide the host program on the server, you can apply for a freegeneral counter, message board etc. . Find fast, home storagespace, domain name simple web site to store your web page.
9. is the next page uploaded to your application server, uploadto your application in the homepage space will understand, youcan use specific web design software, I personally recommend
the use of CuteFTP Pro upload, this software is powerful, easyto use.
10. well, now your website has been established, you can informyour friends to browse, personal website printed on yourbusiness card, but also want to promote your website?Then youcan go to the major search sites login your new sites, such asYAHOO, search tiger, Sina and other well-known websites. Youcan also apply for links with other websites, to provide somelink exchange website for advertising exchange chain, such asTai Chi, etc. . When you do this step, you need to do two 468X60and 88X31 size advertising pictures, animation is best, storagesize as much as possible under 10K control.
11. , if you want to earn some money on your website, you cango to some commercial sites for advertising links, advertisingfor them, usually click from your web page to their pages countmoney.
12. finally, I want to remind you of your future webmasterwebsite, do not put some obvious and domestic politicalconflict, it is vital that do not matter, otherwise the sitewas closed in a small matter, perhaps oh. In addition, thecontent of the website and sex can greatly increase the amountof browsing, but the Yellow content does not put, although thenature is not reactionary content, but there are also problems.It is recommended to play a touch ball, to provide some sexeducation, sexual knowledge, love, love, content is noth armfu l.
With the continuous development of network technology, network
applications have penetrated into every corner of human society.As the support network website, is the focus of attention ofpeople: use website propaganda their government policy agenda,has become the people to communicate with the train;enterprises to use websites to promote their own image, tapopportunities; personal use of Web site personality style,created to communicate with each other. More and more peoplewant to have a website, open up a world in the network world.How to design an excellent website? On this issue, many peoplediscuss, can discuss a lot of content, coupled with the rapiddevelopment of network technology, it is difficult to putforward an absolute authority and the correct design ideas, theauthor, according to the design of my own
Meeting, summed up the following basic design ideas:
First, locate the theme and name of the website
The theme of the website is the theme of the website, the firstproblem of the website design. Website theme of all sorts ofstrange things, a superb collection of beautiful things, aslong as want to, you can make it. Here are ten categories oftop 100 websites in the United States, the top 99 in the yearPC Magazine:
The first category: online job hunting
Second categories: online chat / instant messaging / ICQThird category: online community / discussion / mailing list
Fourth category: computer technology
Fifth category: Web / website development
The sixth category: entertainment website
The seventh category: Travel
Eighth category: reference / information
The ninth category: family / Education
The tenth category: Life / Fashion
Each class can continue to subdivide, such as entertainmentcategory is divided into sports/movies/music and other smallcategories, music can be divided into formats MP3, VQF, Ra, etc. ,according to the formof classical, modern, rock androll, etc. .At the same time, the theme and cross combination can producenew subjects, such as Tourism Forum (Travel + discussion) ,classic goal play (Football +video) , according to this, thereare thousands of themes. So many subjects, how to choose? Thefollowing principles are followed:
1, the theme should be small and exquisite
Positioning should be small, content should be refined. If youwant to make a cover and contain everything site, all thewonderful things you think are on top, it will often backfire,give people the feeling is no theme, no characteristics,everything, but everything is shallow, because you can't have
so much energy to maintain it. The biggest feature of thewebsite is the new and fast, the most popular personal home pageis updated every day, and even updated several hours. The latestsurvey also shows that the "theme station" on the Internet ismore popular than "Wanquan station", just like franchisedstores and department stores. If I need to buy something, I willdefinitely choose the special store.
2, the theme of the best is your own good or favorite contentFor example: you are good at programming, you can create aprogramming enthusiasts website; interested in football, youcan report the latest progress of the battle, star dynamics.So in the production, will not feel bored or powerless. Interestis the power of making web sites, without passion, it isdifficult to design and make excellent websites.
3 themes, not too often or aim too high.
"Anger" refers to everywhere, everyone has the theme; such assoftware download, free information. "The goal is too high"means that on this topic already has very good, high visibilitysite, you want to exceed it is very difficult.
If the theme has been determined, it can be around the themeof a name for the web site. The name of the website is also partof the website design, and it is a key element. You see, the"computer room" and "home computer" is obviously the latter issimple; the "MIDI paradise" and "MIDI paradise" is obviouslythe latter is clear; the "children' s world" and "Chinesekindergarten" is obviously the atmosphere. We all know that the
Chinese name of PIII "Pentium", if"run", it maynot be so"fire"today. As in real life, the name of the site is upright, loud,easy to remember, on the image of the website also has a greatinfluence and promotion. My suggestion is that. . :
1, the name must be positive
In fact, it is legal, rational and emotional. Can not usereactionary, pornographic, superstitious, endanger socialsecurity nouns.
2, the name to remember
It' s better to use Chinese names. Don't use English or Chineseand English mixed names. In addition, the word number of thewebsite name should be controlled within six words (the bestfour words) , and four words can also be used in idioms. Fewerwords, there are advantages, suitable for other sites linkpublishing.
3, the name should have characteristics
If the name is plain, it can be accepted, if it can reflectcertain connotation, give visitors more visual impact and spaceimagination, then for the top grade. For example: music,avant-garde, "Taoba, free time. In the embodiment of the themeof the website, can point out the characteristics.
Two, positioning the website' s CI image
The so-called CI (Corporate Identity) , means to unify the image
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