如何关闭3389端口和1433端口 How do I turn off 3389 ports and
1433 ports
Excuse me! How close the 3389 port and 1433 port_Baidu knowBaidu home page | Baidu know | login news page Post Bar knowhelp MP3 pictures and video Encyclopedia of Library |Set up
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Excuse me! How close the 3389 port and 1433 port Views: 9693reward points: 15 time: 2006-6-19 19:39 | | questionger: Southorpine
I read a little computer security tutorial ! The ports forhacking are 3389 and 1433! So how do you turn off these twoports?! Well?! !
Best answer 1 firewall intercept
Because the firewall has the function of blocking data, so ifwe use this function to intercept and send data to the 135 portall intercepted, we can stop others from connectingour 135 port~!
We take Skynet firewall as an example, because there are manypeople, and the operation is simple, so we can understand itimmediately!
A. open Skynet firewall, see the interface shown here, click
Custom rules, and we' ll add a rule ourselves,
So click Add Rule again".
B. can now see a dialog box that adds the IP rule.
The name and description of the rule are not limited and likeit. But for the convenience of viewing, we call "intercept 135ports""
Packet orientation: receiving or transmitting (simultaneouslypreventing reception and transmission of data over a 135 port)The other party' s IP address: any address
Packet protocol type: TCP (because port 135 is a TCP protocolport)
Local ports: from 135 to 135 (definedas ports to be interceptedonly for port 135)
Port of other side: port 0 to 0 (port 0 for each other)TCP flag: SYN
When the above conditions are met: intercept
All right, a IP rule is finished!
C: put the rules we just made into the top of the same rules
Use the up arrow until not to, and select the hook, and thensave (this step is hard to forget the white | | | )
The setting method for other ports is similar. If you want toopen the port, change "block" to "pass".
Method 2 custom security policy
If we don't have a f irewall tool for hand, then we can leveragethe IP security policy function of the Windows server itself,from defining a security policy that intercepts 135 ports.
A. opens the control panel to find the local security settingsinside the administration tool.
B. to see the interface, we select the left IP security policyin the local machine.
Then right-click on the right margin, and select Create IPsecurity policy. A setup wizard appears. Click Next
The name is also to see their favorite, we call blocking 135ports ~ next step
Remove the hook to activate the default response rule, nextClick here and we' ll create it,
Next, set up what we' ll do with this rule. We're blocking 135ports, so add a IP security rule, click Add (don't need thewizard, so remove the add wizard' s hook)
In the IP filter list, we add a new one. Click add. . .In this dialog box, the name is custom, remove the add wizard' shook, and then click add. . .
Ready to start setting up the rules: )
In the address tag, set:
Source address: any IP address
Target address: my IP address
In the protocol tag, set:
Select protocol type: TCP
Setting the IP protocol port:
From any port to this port: 135
OK, youcan see onemore out of the filter. After closing, selectthe port 135 we just set up in the IP filter list.
We've built it, but the computer doesn't know how we're goingto use the rule. Never mind, as long as one operation is addedto the filter action tag, . . .
ClickAdd. Just select "stop" on OK in the securitymeasure (youcan set the name in the description)
Also select this operation. OK, we finished 99%!
Because Windows defaults, the project in the IP security policyis not activated, so we' ll assign a click to assign. Finish99.9%
Reboot! 100%
Other port settings are similar. Try more!
PS: if you don't have a IP security policy, you can build itin the console
In operation, enter: MMC, carriage return
Then select add, delete, snap in in the console buttonThen click add. . .
In it, select: IP security policy, and then add it, and thenthe operation is the same as above.
Method 3 filter TCP port
We can also use the Windows system to filter the TCP portfunctionality and filter all packets coming from the 135network ports in the future.
First open the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) property settingsdialog box
You can find the local connection in the control panel' s networkconnection, open, click properties.
Select the TCP/IP protocol, and then click PropertiesFind the higher level at the bottom right, click enter, findthe Options tab, select the TCP/IP filter, and enter theproperty
Select the enable TCP/IP filter options, at the same time inthe TCP port, allowing only selected, and click the Add button,fill in the commonly used 21, 23, 80110 port, and finally clickOK button, then the rest of the port will be automaticallyexcluded.
Later, if you want to add or delete, you can do the same.
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