内因个人对最近百度k站的内因推测(Personal speculation about the recent Baidu K station)

百度k站  时间:2021-02-07  阅读:()

个人对最近百度k站的内因推测Personal speculation about therecent Baidu K station

Since 430dy. com 430dy.net in May this year, Baidu search engineevery half a month high speed. And the first adjustment ismassive. Although the reason for its K station has beenofficially explained, but its performance and "Baidu officialaccount" great difference. Therefore, Baidu K station hasbecome a hot topic of many SEO work. I also have a few of myown speculation and analysis. I speculated that the internalcause of Baidu K station is: its storage hardware is very closeto saturation, snapshot storage space can not tolerate morepages".

People who know the working principle of search engines knowthat search engines are the most consumed space. Snapshot, asyou all know, is the page that a search engine downloads to itsstorage space. Chinese inland station owners have preferredBaidu search engine to do optimization. If Baidu search enginewant to have a better user experience, then its storage spaceexpansion speed and the Chinese Internet overall web pagegrowth rate is proportional to. This is a lot of stress on anysearch engine. Baidu is still powerful, can its expansion speedincrease with the overall growthrate of Chinese Internet pagesPK?When I discuss this issue with the company' s internal SEOtechnology, it was questioned by colleagues. The reason is alsocertain rationality, Shenzhen website promotion not prevent,here also to introduce to you.

1. Baidu is so powerful, to expand the hard disk space and otherthings, for Baidu, both in terms of technology and financial

resources should not be a problem.

2. search engines can constantly remove old data to optimizetheir storage structure and storage space.

The above two questions about my recommendation are justified,then I also questioned the above two reasons. Let me see:

1. of Baidu' s powerful is outwardly strong but inwardly weak!Baidu is the first Chinese search engine, it is only preemptiveadvantage of the market. The majority of users have a problem,"Baidu, you know. "". User experience Baidu is inferior to Sogousearch engine, on the speed of data update, Baidu is not as fastas the search engine. As we all know, private hospitals in Chinaare keepingBaidu, which is the placewhereBaidu is better thanother search engines, and is also the key to it. The biddingcosts of private hospitals are smashed to Baidu, which is theplace where Baidu can proudly spring, while the nationalmedical reform pressure is great, medical policywill graduallydeepen the reform, medical reformaffects the medical industry.And the health care industry is Baidu' s nanny. What would itdo if the government moved its nanny?

2. expand the hard disk space for Baidu, technology isconvenient, certainly there is no problem. The financial andvital aspects are not necessarily a problem.

Baidu got a lot of money from bidding, but what did he do?Didit improve the search engine technology? I don't think so.Otherwise, how could you get 360 of the 7%market in just two

months?. The problem and do not go down, let' s look at Baiduin recent years have done what?

InApril, Sohu andTencent jointly fight the other videowebsite.It has increased its video search market share by nearly 5percentage points, while vigorously promoting Iqiyi.

In May, because of K station Baidu market value shrink, withthe majority of SEO workers repeatedly pay.

After 360 search online, busy with 360 lawsuits, at the sametime, 360 in just 2 months to grab Baidu 7%market. Baidu' smarket value has shrunk again to billions of dollars. Ifeng.comreported: "360 of its search business, stock investorsgenerally believe that this road stride forward singingmilitant songs, is a bad for Baidu. Affected by this, Baidushares fell sharply, so the market value has shrunk. Baidushares fell from$134 a share in August 16th to around $113 Ashare, with a cumulative decline of more than 15%. By thismeasure, Baidu' s market value has shrunk by about $7 billionover the same period. "

(http://finance. ifeng. com/usstock/huagu/20120831/6967749. shtml) . Faced with this series of problems,

It' s hard to say that Baidu' s expansion of storage space is nota financial problem! !

3. the demand for storage by search engines is amazing. Peoplewho understand the principles of search engines may have heardthat search engines need a lot of storage space. Search enginesare the largest information distribution platform in human

history. But there is no clear concept of how big the demandis. Here, I cited a Google early web indexing data to help youunderstand.

June 2000 500 million;

December 2000 700 million;

June 2001 1 billion;

December 2001 1 billion 500 million;

June 2002 1 billion 700 million;

December 2002 3 billion;

June 2003 3 billion 200 million;

December 2003 3 billion 500 million;

By the endof 2004, Google said its index had reached 8 billion100 million.

After the growth of construction sites in Shenzhen do not havedetailed data, but the data from the search engine early growthin the scale can imagine the search engine needs for storagespace is so huge, the hardware scale speed required is so high!On the search engine for the removal and optimization of theold data, compared to with such a huge and exponential growthin demand, but is an utterly inadequate measure! !

Some arguments for knowledge inference in websiteconstruction:

1. Baidu clears a lot of Web snapshots, and a lot of sites arecleared and only one page is left. In order to collect newwebsite, you must clear a lot of snapshots, make some space,retain the home page to alleviate the anger of some webmaster!

2. , the speed of thenewwebsite is not as fast as sosoand sogou.Snapshot updates are no match for larger search engines.

3. , the official announcement of Baidu is inconsistentwith itstrue performance, which proves that Baidu is just defending hisactions. The purpose of the defense is likely to conceal hisinternal crisis to the masses. Baidu said its adjustment is "hitmainly for random sampling, effect of hyperlink cheat the userexperience of the website, to the long-term careful managementof the site of the station long-term good ranking! And the oldstation its real performance is a high degree of the originalis K off, some new lines on the site good ranking.

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