
魅族mx root  时间:2021-02-07  阅读:()

摘 要

随着移动互联网的迅猛发展人们的生活与手机密不可分。 根据工业和信息化部的最新数据截至2019年底中国手机用户总数超过15亿中国智能手机用户数量位居全球第一。

近年来随着国内手机市场上的“马太效应”的加剧国内最早的手机制造商——魅族遇到了空前绝后的困难这对于生活空间日益狭窄的小众手机品牌来说是非常典型的例子。营销策略的失败是其市场份额崩溃的主要原因之一。 因此营销策略的成功与否已成为他们拼命生存的关键。


关键词魅族手机营销策略 SWOT


With the rapid development of mobile Internet,people's life and mobile phone are inseparable.According to the latest data of the Ministry of industry and information technology,by the end of2019, the total number of mobile phone users in China has exceeded 1.5 billion, ranking first in theworld.

In recent years,with the aggravation of"Matthew effect" in the domestic mobile phone market,Meizu, the earlie st mobile phone manufacturer in China,has encountered unprecedented difficulties,which is a very typical example for small mobile phone brands with increasingly narrow livingspace.The failure of marketing strategy is one of the main reasons for its market share collapse.Therefore, the success of marketing strategy has become the key to their survival.

This paper mainly analyzes and studies the marketing strategy of Meizu mobile phone.On thebasis of introducing the relevant theories of marketing, it analyzes the macro environment faced byMeizu mobile phone.Through PEST model and SWOT model analys is, it determines the currentmarketing situation of Meizu mobile phone, establishes the target market and market positioning ofMeizu mobile phone through STP, and finally analyzes the operation of Meizu mobile phoneMarketing strategy, combined with the full text of Meizu mobile phone put forward thecorresponding suggestions. I hope this paper can provide some suggestions and guidance for Meizumobile phone marketing and other aspects. If there are companies with similar marketing strategyproblems, I hope it can also play a reference role.

Key wo rds:Meizu mob ile phone;marketing strategy;SWOT

古德云香港cn2/美国cn235元/月起, gia云服务器,2核2G,40G系统盘+50G数据盘






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