
月球上能不能种菜蚂蚁庄园  时间:2022-02-05  阅读:()


Last year, I had a friend in Hong Kong to participate in the wedding ceremony, first of all, is the church ceremony, with the fact we see on television are no different, I believe you all know. Then, in the hotel, the dinner scene layout mainly to spend. Bride and groom at the door ing guests. Daozi all the guests, the bride and groom have a cake ceremony, and then with the guests toast, eat dinner buffet. At the dinner, the host will say something new is on How to recognize and how to love, now married thing. at the same time growth will take some new photos. entire dinner lasted four hours. after the end of the dinner, they once again at the door to shake hands with guests, and thank them for their arrival which I lifetime participated in the most solemn wedding, and because of the relationship, I can not say more carefully, In a word, marriage is a very happy thing, and I look forward to the day when I get married arrival. at the same time I also hope that people have sitting in a happy marriage. 我选择的单词都应该是很 常见的,一般都能看懂

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