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WINDOWS directory procedures
Backlight. exe power settings
Btftpclient.exe Bluetooth Explorer
Bubblebreaker.exe ball game
Calc.exe calculator
Calender.exe calendar
Camera. exe camera
Clearstorage. exe restore factory settings
Clock.exe clock
CommManager.exe communication management
CommuRec.exe address book
Cprog.exe phone
CSDtype.exe CSD line settings
CusTSK. exe theme settings
Cvdsetting.exe voice dialing settingsDeviceinfo.exe device informationDlagent.exe download agent
Fexplore.exe Explorer
GCHistory. exe call log
GIFplayer. exe GIF player
Gimageview.exe picture browser
GMMSview.exe MMS Manager
Exe mobile home kit
GOTOneServ.exe mobile services
GPRSAuthentication. exe GPRS settings
GRingView. exe ringtone management
Helpdesk.exe mobile customer service
IA_Zip. exe Zip compression tool
Iexplore.exe browser
IntSHrui.exe Internet sharing settingsJBLend_AMS.exe JAVA treasure chest
KeyLock.exe key lock
Message.exe information
MicrophoneAGC.exe microphone automatic gainMute.exe vibration open
MyFavvorite.exe, my collection
Notes.exe memo pad
Pimg.exe pictures and videos
Powerexe.exe battery power display
Poweroffwarning. exe power off prompt
Ppc_adobereaderle.exe Adobe reader
Ppt. exe PowerPoint
Pword.exe word
Pxl. exe excl
Readial.exe phone dialer
Remnet. exe connection settings
Repllog.exe synchronization software
Safemode.exe security mode
Sddialer.exe voice marker recording program
Shfind. exe search program
SIMlock.exe SIM lock
SMSService.exe short message service
Sndplay.exe player
Solitare.exe Solitaire
STK_UIPPC. exe SIM card application
The storagelow.exe phone is running short of space
Syncml. exe directory update
Tasks.exe task
Tmail.exe information
Welcome.exe hard start after the first set
Wlansettings. exe WLAN settings
Wmplayer.exe WM player
Wrlsmgr.exe wireless Manager
Common programs and settings open command parameter list# telephone \Windows\cprog.exe
# media player \Windows\wmplayer.exe
# Explorer \Windows\fexplore.exe
# clock \Windows\clock.exe
# camera \Windows\camera. exe
# photos \Windows\pimg.exe -camerakey
# calculator \Windows\calc.exe
# communications manager \Windows\wrlsmgr.
#短信\ windows \ tmail. exe - "text"
#彩信\ windows \ tmail. exe "mms".
#电子邮件\ windows \ tmail.exe service "activesync"#任务\ windows \ poutlook. exe tasks
# 日历\ windows \ calendar. exe
#便笺\ windows \ notes. exe
#联系人\ windows \ poutlook.exe contacts
#新建短信\ windows \ tmail.exe transport "text" to ""#新建彩信\ windows \ tmail.exe - "text" to ""
#新建电子邮件\ windows \ tmail.exe service "activesync" to""
#新建联系人mscontacts –new.
#新建任务: mstasks - new
#新建日历mscalendar –new.
# msnotetake新建便笺: n
#新建excel工作簿: mspxl?
# mspword新建word文档: n
#设置-密码\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl 1.0#设置-主人信息\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl 2.0#设置-电源\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl 3.0#设置- 内存\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl, .
#设置-关于\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl 5.0#设置-背光\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl 6.0#设置-调整屏幕\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl 7.0#设置-输入\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl 8.0#设置-声音和提醒\ windows \ ctlpnl. exe cplmain. cpl 9.0#设置-删除程序\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain.cpl, .#设置-菜单\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl, 11.0#设置-按键\ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl, .
#设置-今日 \ windows \ ctlpnl.exe cplmain. cpl, 13.0
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