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1990年 17. result in导致

1. be determined by由„所决定 18. not nearly远不能远非

2. have something to do with与„ 19. head into走向 陷入危机有关

20. in the matter of关于就„而

3. be central to sth.是„的核心 言

4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反 21. make„possible使„成为可能

5. be due to 由于常做表语 22. combine„with把„„和„结合起


6. be deprived of被剥夺

23. in the fashion of以„方式

7. respond to对„作出反应

24. such„as像„一样

8. as the basis of依据/根据


9. be born with天生具有

25. refer to„提到谈到

10. In contrast相比之下

26. agreement on一致意见1991年 27. be comparable to和„相当犹

11. shut off关上停止切断

28. in terms of根据按照在„方

12. in any case=at any rate不管怎 面

样无论如何 in no case决不

29. on the whole总体来说大体上

13. or so大概大约 看

14. at the rate of以„的速率 30. draw a conclusion得出结论

15. take time花费时间 31. have the attitude towards对„


16. be likely to可能倾向于

32. only if只要

of=a variety of

33. the same„as与„一样


34. by lack of=for lack of因为缺

乏 52. revolve around围绕„转 以„



53. not so much„as与其说„不如

35. nothing but只不过是 说„

36. by means of通过借助于 54. because of由于

37. by the help of通过„的帮助 55. move forward向前发展

38. in a sort of sense从某种意义 56. in short简而言之 总之上来说

57. as we call it我们所谓的

39. manage to do sth.设法做到

58. the reach of science科学能够

40. extract„from从„„提炼出 到达的范围

41. out of„起源来源根据 59. a series of一系列

42. build up建立树立 60. over the years多年以来

43. by no means绝不 61. turn„on„转向朝向

44. be compared with与„„相比 62. rather than而不是

45. a sort of某种 63. at the expense of=at the cost of


46. set„„in motion开始

64. vice versa反之亦然

47. differ in„在„方面不同

65. depend on取决于

48. go through经历经受仔细检

查 66. driving force驱动力

49. in the one case =on the one hand 1995年

50. in the course of the day=during 67. social inequality社会不公the day

68. in doing sth在„过程中

51. a train of=a series of=an array

69. divert„from把„从„转移 87. scientific establishment科研


70. lie with取决于在于

88. in detail详细地

71. be validated by被„验证/证实

89. a certain amount of一定数量的

72. whether„or是„„还是

90. not related to„与„没有关系

73. depend upon„and on取决于„还

取决于„ 91. immediate goals当前目标

74. depend upon„and upon取决于„ 92. be unable to do不能够„还取决于„

93. in principle原则上基本上

75. such„as例如象这种的 一般而言

76. in general通常大体上一般 94. deal with应付解决处理而言

95. new forms of thought新的思维

77. for example比如 方式

78. compensate for补偿赔偿 96. as well as和

79. underprivileged youngster贫困 97. new subjects for thought新的的/下层社会的年轻人 思维对象/内容

80. grow up长大 98. in the past过去

81. under„circumstances在„环境 99. give rise to sth导致 引起下 使„产生

1996年 1997年


103. leads„„to导致 118. work with与„共事/合作起作

104. at the outset从一开始开始 119. close in on接近差不多的时候

105. invite sb. to do sth.使某人 120. as expected正如预期的认为

106. duties and entitlements权利 121. a refinement of一种更为完美和义务 的

107. extend to给与 1999年

122. as„as„和„一样

108. no„at all.根本不是

123. conform to符合遵照

109. arguing from the view that„


124. see„as把„看作

110. different from„„与„不同

125. less„and more与其说„不如

111. in every relevant respect在 说„


126. intellectual discipline知识

112. in action起作用 学科

127. whether„or是„还是„

113. laugh at嘲笑

128. refer to指代„


114. even more important更重要的 129. peculiar to„特有的是

115. be able to能够 130. appropriate to适合的恰当的

116. look into洞察观察 131. apply to适合于存在于

117. put forward放出拿出提出 132. view„as把„看成把„当成

133. equate„with把„等同于„认 148. far-reaching意义深远的影响为„是 很大的

2000年 149. spread over遍布覆盖

134. speclialized scientists专家

150. arise from由„产生的 由„带


135. centralized control中央控制

151. migration movement人口流动

136. under„conditions在„条件下

152. modern means of transport现


137. such as比如

153. population explosion人口爆炸

138. it is obvious that很明显„


139. be bound up with与„联系在一

起与„有关系 154. pollution monitor污染监测器

140. be directly bound up with与„

直接相关 155. digital age数字时代

141. in turn依此轮流又

156. be regarded as„被当成是

142. rest upon„取决于

157. piece together拼合汇聚综

合158. hundreds of数以百计的

143. of all kinds所有种类的„

159. around the world全世界

144. owing to 由于

160. key breakthroughs and

145. be exposed to sth.暴露于接 discoveries重大突破与发现


146. be forced to do sth.被迫做„ 161. take place发生

147. for the reasons given above 由 162


163. lead to导致 178. with it随之

164. home appliances家用电器 2003年

179. cross-cultrual perspective跨

165. result in导致 文化的角度

180. concrete research具体研究

166. man-machine integration人机

一体化 181. subject„to„使„服从于以„方式 用„方

167. behavior science行为科学

183. seek to力图试图设法


186. define„as„把„定义为

170. a little more than a hundred


171. what is called所谓的 2004年

188. language and thought语言和思

172. trace„to„从„寻找根源从„ 维


189. have some connections with„

173. state of mind心态 与„有联系

190. take root生根被牢固树立

174. and so on诸如此类

191. be obliged to sb.感激某人

192. die out灭绝

175. partly because„and partlybecause„部分是因为„部分是因为„ 193. so„that„如此„以至于

214. define„as„把„定义为

196. come to开始逐渐进而

215. elect„as把„当作

197. believe in相信

216. be analogous to„与„类似

198. a sort of某种的 与„相似

199. habitual thought习惯思维 216. contribute to„有助于

200. grammatical pattern语法结构 217. be charged with„承担„负责„2005年 218. dedicate„to„把„献给„把„


201. publishing houses出版社

219. make reflections on„对„进行

202. as elsewhere像其他地方一样 思考

203. bring together使联合使团结 220. rules of conduct行为准则

204. in relation to有关 221. moral code道德标准

205. one another/each other互相 223. moral judgments道德判断

206. out of„在„当中 224. not„any but=noting but

207. make up组成 225. more than不只是

208. no less than多达不少于 2007年

209. take a loss亏损 226. special preserve特殊权利

210. deal with对付处理 227. intellectual equipment知识才

211. on such a scale如此规模的

228. everyday realities 日常现实

212. it is no exaggeration to say„

毫不夸张地说 229. on a daily basis每天

213. the connecting fabric of the 230. established conventions andOld Continent欧洲大陆的联系网络/把欧 special responsibilities 已有传统和特洲大陆连成一个整体 殊责任

2006年 231. a clear grasp/command of„


inferior to劣于

232. leagal learning法律学习

234. link„to把„同„联系起来 240. succeed with在方面取得成功

235. be parallel to类似于 241. well-founded有说服力的

236. on a daily basis每天 242. no power of reasoning推理能

237. established conventions既定

惯例 243. the common run of men普通人2008年 244. moral character道德品质

238. enable„to„使„。能够 245. be injurious to对„有害

239. be superior to优于 be

人人 网 潮 流英语美句集锦 为撒谎受到了认可。

www.renren.com/600894553  6、We focus on the past,and all we feel is pain.

But if we focus on the future,all we see is

1、 If you don't go after what you want,you'llnever have it. If you don't ask人人网《潮流英语》公共主页是人人always 网最大的英语学习交流分享平台 以no. If you do快乐高效学英语为主题英语成绩一the same place.------不去追逐你所渴求你 直无法突破赶紧来关注吧将永远不会拥有。不开口问 回答永远是


2、Having a pretty face is attractive but having 的都是伤痛。但如果我们关注的是未来呈a beautiful personality is the "Main 现在我们面前的都是希望。attrac tion"——

有一张漂亮的脸蛋很吸引人但有一颗美好 7、 Our greatest glory is not in never falling,的心灵才是最大的亮点. but in rising every time we fall——我们最大

3、 Love is photogenic. It needs darknes s to 的荣耀并不是从不跌倒而是跌倒之后每次develop.爱情就象照片需要大量的暗房时 都能重新站立起来。

间来培养。 8、 1 There you go again!你又来了 2

4、 I'm convinced that the only thing that kept We'll discuss it later! 回头再说吧 3Whatme going was that I loved what I did. happened to you?你咋了 4What's on——Steve Jobs your mind?/what are you thinking ?你在想我确信我热爱我所做的事情这就是这些年 什么 5)That's going too far!这太离谱了来支持我继续走下去的唯一理由. 斯蒂

芬·乔布斯 9、Love me or hate me,both are in my favor. If

5、 Life first lie, generally start from writing a you love me, I'll always be in your heart. Ifcomposition.Because lying by recognized.人 you

生第一次撒谎一般是从写作文开始的。因 hate me, I'll always be in your mind——爱我

或者恨我我都无所谓。爱我我在你心里 brighten your day when you`ve been through a恨我我在你脑海 storm.友谊就像彩虹会在你闯过暴风雨时

10、We can'tchoose what happens to us,but at 带来那一片光明least,we can choose how we deal with it.— 18、What matters isn't what happens to you in—生活中会发生什么我们无法选择但 life.What really matters is how you react to it.至少我们可以选择怎样面对。 一生中遇到什么并不重要最重要的是你如


19、潮流英语:Chuck “Your world would bemuch easier if I didn't come back.如果没有

11 、 Being single means you're strong and 我你的世界会简单些. .. .. .Queen B “But itpatient enough to wait for someone who wouldn't be my world without you in it.” 但deserves your worth!单身意味着你足够坚 是失去了你 我的世界将不复存在。强有足够耐心去等待那个值得拥有你的人 《Gossip Girl》

20、When life give you a hundred reasons to

12、 Pleasure and pain are the wealth of life, to cry, show life that you have a thousandescape its negative.当生活给你一百个理由哭c ourage, 泣时你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。in fact,be able to recall a blessing. -快乐和



13、 Happiness is a butterfly,which ,whenpursued, is always just beyond your grasp,butwhich, if you will sit down quietly,may alightupon you.幸福是一只蝴蝶你要追逐它的



14、 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazydog.那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的


15、 Be true to who you are. Stop trying toplease other people or be someone else. It’sbetter to be an original version of yourselfthan an exact duplicate of someone else.做真




16、When you think your life sucks,just thinkto yourself about how many people have itworse.——如果你觉得自己的生活不如人


17、 Friendships are like rainbows. They

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