The computer is slow to open a web page
1, antivirus.
Dial off the Internet connection, turn off the system restore,in the safe mode, use the latest version of antivirus softwareto kill poison, at the same time better change an antivirussoftware to kill again.
Clean up the disk and defragment the disk.
One, in my computer window, right-click to clear the diskcharacter- "attribute" - "clean the disk" - check the file tobe deleted - yes.
Two, clear temporary f iles, start - run - enter % temp % -confirm. Clean up the registry and garbage files with theoptimized master or super rabbit.
Three, close some start-up procedure, start - run - msconf ig- - start, and the normal procedure except antivirus softwareand input method can be turned off.
4, optimize your computer with the optimized master or superrabbit, and then select the following methods for furtheroptimization.
Disable unused IDE channels
Right click on the "my computer - properties", then click on
the "hardware" and then click on the "device manager", in whichto open the"IDE ATA/PATA controller"and then enter the primaryand secondary IDE channel respectively, choose the "advancedSettings", find the current transmission mode "for a" notapplicable ", will be the "device type set to" no ".
Optimize the visual effects
Right-click "my computer" -- "attributes", "advanced", in thecolumn of "performance", click "Settings" - "visual effect",adjust for best performance, or only some necessary item.Start and fail recovery
"My computer" -- "attribute", "senior", "start andtroubleshooting", click "Settings" remove "to write eventsinto the system log", "send the alarm management", "restartautomatically" option. Set "write debug information" to "no";Click edit, in the pop-up notepad file:
[Operating Systems] timeout = 30 to zero seconds.
Disable error reporting
"My computer" -- "properties", "advanced" - point "errorreport", click "disable the error report, " tick "but in theevent of a serious mistake to inform me" - sure.
Set up system restore
Click "start" -"all programs" - "attachment"- "system tools"
-"system restore", in the system restore interface, remove the"closed system engineering" on all drives the front hook, in"of the available drives"area, XuanXi TongPan partition, click"Settings" inthe systemrestoreSettings "window, " touse diskspace "will be dispatched to 5% or less, " ok "to return to,according to the above methods will be set to disable the otherpartitions.
Turn off automatic updates
Shut down automatically update the specif ic operation is: rightclick on the "my computer" -- "attributes" -- -- "automaticupdate", the "notification Settings" select "shut downautomatically updates. Select" I will manually update computer"
Close the remote desktop
Right click on the "my computer", "property", "remote", the"remote desktop" in the"allowusers to connect remotely to thiscomputer" box.
Disable hibernation function
Click "start" - "control panel" - "power management" -"dormancy"and remove the check before "enabling hibernation".Close the "Internet time synchronization" feature
In turn, click"start"-"control panel"-"date, time, language,and regional options", then click on the "Internet time",
cancel "automatically synchronize with Internet time service"in front of the hook.
Close the disk index
Open my computer, right-click on the drive, select "properties",and cancel the check "index to find the file quickly".Disable redundant service components
Right click on the "my computer", "management", "service andapplications", "service", in the right pane will not need theservice is set to disabled or manually.
Close Dr. Watson, Dr. Watson
Click "start" - "run" - enter the "drwtsn32" command and openDr Watson.
The Watson window only holds the "dump all thread context"option and uncheck its options.
Set up virtual memory
The virtual memory is 1.5 to 2 times the physical memory, whichis 2 to 3 times physical memory. Virtual memory Settings methodis: right-cl ick on my computer-properties, high-performanceSettings - - virtual memory changes - select the system diskin drive list operator - custom size - in the "initial size"and "maximum" setting value, and then click"Settings" button,click "ok" button to exit.
Change the registry
(1) speed up and turn off
At the beginning of the [] - > [running] -- > type [Regedit]- > [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] - > [Control Panel] - > [Desktop], thestring value [Hung to delete, then set up.
1, right click on my computer - property - high - performanceSettings - -virtual memory changes - in the drive is equippedwith page file is a list of selected in (D) - "no page file"- "Settings", set the disk page file to delete;
2, chosen in the drive list you want to have a drive letter (C)page file - choose "custom size" in the "initial size" and"maximum" input value - "Settings" - "ok".
AppTimeout] numerical data changes to [200],
[WaitToKillAppTimeout] the string value of numeric datachanged to 1000. In the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] - > [System] - >[CurrentControlSet] -> [Control], [HungAppTimeout] the stringvalue of numeric data changes to [200],
[WaitToKillServiceTimeout] the string value of numeric datachange 1000.
(2) speed up your reading ability
At the beginning of the [] - > [running] -- > type [Regedit]- > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] - > [SYSTEM] - > [CurrentContro lSet]- > [Control] - > [our Sess ionManager] - > [MemoryManagement],
[EnablePrefetcher] the following numerical data changes, suchas more than 800 MHZ CPU use PIII suggestion will numerical datachange to 4 or 5.
(3) speed up broadband access
Home version: open the registry editor, find
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Po l i c i es \Mi crosoft \Windows,add a term called Psched, and add a Dword value to the rightpane of Psched to 0 for NonBestEffortLimit value.
Speed up the broadband Internet connection
Open the registry editor and find it
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Servi ces \Tcpip \ parameters, right-click the parameters on the rightmargin, select "new"-> left DWORD value, named it "DefaultTTL",right click the mouse to select, choose the "change" to 80(hexadecimal) value, or 128 (decimal) .
In the left pane, Tcpip changes the value of
GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize to 7FFF.
(5) accelerate your online neighbors
Open the registry editor and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/sofewAre/Microsoft/Windows/Current
Vers ion/Explore/RemoteComputer/NameSpace, delete
Its lower {2227a28,280-3AEA- 1069-a2de08002b309d} (printer)and
{d6277990-4c6a-11cf 8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d8d87-0060f5bf} .
Speed up the menu display
In order to speed up the menu display, we can be set accordingto the following way: we can HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelDesktop "MenuShowDelay" found under the primary key, putit to change the value of "0" can reach the effect of speed upthe menu display.
Reduce startup load items
Many applications will be installedwith the ideaof adding themto the system startup group, which will run automatically everytime the system starts.
This not only extends the startup time, but the systemresourceshave been consumed since the completion of the completion.Start "system configuration utility", in the "start" in theitem lists the system startup loading project and source, takea closer look at whether you need it automatically loaded, orclean up before the project check box, the less loaded project,launched in natural healing fast. This needs to be restartedbefore it becomes effective
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