
ganesha  时间:2021-09-19  阅读:()


If the United States is Turtle Island,a continent supported on the back of a turtle,then India would be Elephant Island,a continent supported on the back of an elephant.Throughout the centuries,Indian tradition dictated that all royalty the rulers of the land,be home on the backs of the children of the great beast that carried the world through space. The elephant was the totem animal of the god Shiva,the Destroyer, who seeks to banish illusion and to encourage a clearer perception of reality Shiva and his goddess-spouse,Radha,produced among their children the elephant-headed god Ganesha,who,as Lord of Ilosts, impregnated the virgin Maya to bring Buddha into flesh. Especially sacred in India was the white elephant,considered far too priceless to be used for work or warfare,but to be maintained by its owner in the finest of style.When we speak today of a "white elephant" purchase, we have realized too late that we have purchased an object at a price that exceeds its true value. Sometimes seen as a symbol of great sexual prowess in the Asian countries, the Chinese portray the elephant as representative of royalty,strength of purpose,and discretion. In the widest,most universal,and most obvious depiction of the elephant it is a symbol of strength.At various times in Medieval Europe,the elephant also became an emblem of wisdom,moderation,and eternity Then, plishing plete change of cosmology,there appeared the elephant-headed demon,Behemoth,a favorite in Dark Side sorcery. If you have epted the elephant as your totem animal,it may not be long before you are asked to assume a role of great responsibility in the workplace or in munity.If you feel attracted to the elephant as a totem animal,it is likely that you are involved in social work,public service,or politics.You may also feel a mitment to caring for the ill,the very young, and the elderly. Whenever you sense an injustice,you will be there on the side of the underdog. As your spirit helper,the elephant will be able to draw you back to a greater appreciation for the ancient mysteries than you have previously experienced. You will soon discover that your guide is extremely concerned about your maintaining always a solid balance of body,mind,and spirit.Under the tutelage of this spirit helper,you will place your time in the Silence as your top priority.You might find yourself wishing to burn some incense while you are meditating with this totem animal in order to help create an environment in which exploration of other higher levels of consciousness will be the rule,rather than the exception. If the United States is Turtle Island,a continent supported on the back of a turtle,then India would be Elephant Island,a continent supported on the back of an elephant.Throughout the centuries,Indian tradition dictated that all royalty the rulers of the land,be home on the backs of the children of the great beast that carried the world through space. The elephant was the totem animal of the god Shiva,the Destroyer, who seeks to banish illusion and to encourage a clearer perception of reality Shiva and his goddess-spouse,Radha,produced among their children the elephant-headed god Ganesha,who,as Lord of Ilosts, impregnated the virgin Maya to bring Buddha into flesh. Especially sacred in India was the white elephant,considered far too priceless to be used for work or warfare,but to be maintained by its owner in the finest of style.When we speak today of a "white elephant" purchase, we have realized too late that we have purchased an object at a price that exceeds its true value. Sometimes seen as a symbol of great sexual prowess in the Asian countries, the Chinese portray the elephant as representative of royalty,strength of purpose,and discretion. In the widest,most universal,and most obvious depiction of the elephant it is a symbol of strength.At various times in Medieval Europe,the elephant also became an emblem of wisdom,moderation,and eternity Then, plishing plete change of cosmology,there appeared the elephant-headed demon,Behemoth,a favorite in Dark Side sorcery. If you have epted the elephant as your totem animal,it may not be long before you are asked to assume a role of great responsibility in the workplace or in munity.If you feel attracted to the elephant as a totem animal,it is likely that you are involved in social work,public service,or politics.You may also feel a mitment to caring for the ill,the very young, and the elderly. Whenever you sense an injustice,you will be there on the side of the underdog. As your spirit helper,the elephant will be able to draw you back to a greater appreciation for the ancient mysteries than you have previously experienced. You will soon discover that your guide is extremely concerned about your maintaining always a solid balance of body,mind,and spirit.Under the tutelage of this spirit helper,you will place your time in the Silence as your top priority.You might find yourself wishing to burn some incense while you are meditating with this totem animal in order to help create an environment in which exploration of other higher levels of consciousness will be the rule,rather than the exception.


ganesha 甘奈施(ganesha,在印度象征成功的象头神) 例句: 1. Mr li now speaks english with an indian ent, and has a statue of ganesha, the elephant-headed indian god of ess, in his car. 如今,他操着一口带有印度口音的英语,车中挂着一个甘奈施(ganesha,在印度象征成功的象头神)雕像。

... sei Dank 是什么句式?sei前面的名词是第几格?

Gott sei Dank! 感谢上帝 Lakshmi und Ganesha sei Dank! (印度地名) 感谢吉祥天与格涅沙 Peking sei Dank! 感谢北京 sei是第一虚拟式,接第一格






象头人身的由来 吠陀中没有提到象头神的存在,他的神话主要产生于两部史诗与往世书中,且与湿婆和雪山神女的神话密切相关。



主要有以下三种: 一说雪山神女在沐浴时,有一滴洗澡水落入恒河,并被她的侍女、象头女神玛梨尼喝了。








但这一说少有被接纳, 因为雪山神女是三界之主, 湿婆大神之妻, 也是象头神的父亲, 若土星神真的作出这行为, 就有如自杀了. 根据第三说,象头神因为触怒了父亲湿婆,被湿婆亲自斩掉了头。







关于象头神Ganesha的来历有几种版本,流传最广的一种说法是说大自在天湿婆的太太婆婆谛(Parvati, 佩尔巴利? 雪山女神)婚后久无子息, 湿婆自己是破坏神, 也没办法, 只好叫老婆去拜托毗湿奴, 每日以鲜花, 果品, 珍宝, 黄金供养, 并饭婆罗门一千人, 持续一年, 并斋戒沐浴, 凝神壹志, 存想毗湿奴. 婆婆谛就在恒河边举行这种仪式. 有一天见到一个老婆罗门, 叫她回自己的屋里, 就可以得到一个儿子. 罗门是克利斯那天 (Krishna) 化身, 他后来就变成婆婆谛的儿子, 叫做迦尼萨 (Ganesa) 婆婆谛得子, 诸神都来庆贺, 大家都抢著看婴儿,只有土星神莎尼(Sani)低首垂目, 不敢看婴儿一眼. 婆婆谛问其故, 莎尼回答说, 他以前一心虔礼毗湿奴,而疏于礼敬毗湿奴的太太,毗太太于是加以诅咒, 让他不管目光看到谁谁就会死掉 (照搅海神话来看, 毗太太应该是吉祥天, 不过这么狠的诅咒看起来实在不大合吉祥天的形象, 不过 自古以来神都满乱来的, 不予深究) , 为了避免发生不幸, 所以不敢看人, 更别说是三大神之一的儿子了. 婆婆谛听了不以为意, 想说自己地位跟毗太太也是不相上下, 说不定还有跟毗太太较劲之意, 不惜拿孩子的小命开玩笑, 就硬逼土星神看她的儿子, 一看之下, 小孩当场身首分家, 头飞回克利斯那天宫, 跟那化身为子的天神重新结合了. 心伤爱子惨死的湿婆神投地痛哭, 诸神也同样哭泣, 毗湿奴眼看这祸事是自己的老婆惹出来的, 再加上自己身为守护生命的大神, 也不能不管, 就骑上了他的大鹏金翅鸟喀缑丹(Garuda),飞到普修薄波陀罗(Pushpabhadra)河边, 找到一头在睡觉的大象, 就把象头砍了下来, 拿回来装在死婴的脖子上, 因此迦尼萨就成了象头人身. 虽然变成象头, 毕竟婴儿死而复活, 婆婆谛为此举行盛大的庆祝宴会, 只有倒霉的土星神被踢出诸神集团, 还遭到婆婆谛的诅咒, 变成跛脚, 真是有够歹命.... 这个故事的版本尚有许多, 暂且不表. "孔雀王" 里有一段 "地狱门" , 里头的大反派叫做 "大圣欢喜天" , 即为迦尼萨在密宗里的名字, 也是画做象头之形, "孔雀王" 的考据之谨慎令人肃然起敬.。





雪山神女听见外面的吵架声,赶出门来看时,正见丈夫砍下亲生儿子的头,于是痛哭失声 ,此时湿婆才知道做错了事,于是去求守护生命神毗湿奴。




















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