用命用命令启动控制面板和使用rundll32大全(Start the control panel with commands and use the rundll32 Encyclopedia)

控制面板命令  时间:2021-01-23  阅读:()

用命令启动控制面板和使用rundll32大全Start the controlpanel with commands and use the rundll32 EncyclopediaStart the control panel with commands and use the RUNDLL32Encyclopedia

Start the control panel with commands and use the RUNDLL32Encyclopedia

There are two ways to run the control panel module, CPLThe first is by means of RUNDLL or RUNDLL32

Running rundll32. exe shell32.dll, the Control_RunDLL programbrings up the control panel window


Run ("RUNDLL32, SHELL32.DLL, Contro l_RunDLL, f i lename.CPL, @n,t")

Filename.CPL various modules in the control panel CPLN in the various modules CPL in the attribute category, defaultto 0 or empty, but the comma can not be saved

T every few pages in each category

Such as:

Run ("rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, main. cpl,


Run ("rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, main. cpl,@1")

Results: the first line displays the mouse property, and thesecond line is the keyboard attribute. The mouse and keyboardattributes belong to the main module

Run ("rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, desk. cpl,


Run ("rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL, desk. cpl,


Results: the first action displays the property' s screen saverpage, and the second behavior displays the settings page of theproperty. In addition, there is only one display property inthe desk.cpl module, so it doesn't matter if you don' t add@0.Second methods:

Running the control.exe program brings up the control panelwindow

Synt ax: run ("CONTROL.EXE, f i lename.CPL, @n, t") , theparameter is the same as the first method

Such as:

Run ("CONTROL.EXE main.cp l @0")

Run ("CONTROL.EXE main.cp l @1")

Run ("CONTROL.EXE desk.cp l, 1")

Run ("CONTROL.EXE desk.cp l, 4")

The following modules for the control panel (the operatingsystem is not the same, may not be the same, you can use@n andt to try, using WinXP prevail, different departments can finddifferent CPL files on the inside and outside) :

System properties

Sysdm.cpl (rout ine / computer name /hardware/restore, etc. )Add / Remove Programs

Appwiz. cpl (add program / change delete program / add deletecomponent, et c. )

Time / date

Timedate.cpl (time, date / time zone)


Desk.cpl (background / screen saver / appearance / settings /desktop)

IE (Internet settings)

Inetcpl.cpl (routine / safety / privacy etc. )Multimedia (audio and audio equipment)


Main settings


@0 mouse properties.

@1 keyboard properties.windows firewall


Security center alert settings


Auto update


User account

Nusrmgr.cp l

Add Hardware Wizard

Hdww i z. cp lnetwork connections


Wireless network installation wizard


Netware client connections

Nwc. cpl

Auxiliary options

Access. cpl (including pages: keyboard/sound/display/mouse/ regul ar)

Game controller

Joy. cpl

Adding Modem devices

Telephon.cpl or modem. cpl

Regional and Language Options


ODBC data source management


Power Options

Powercf g.cpl

Scanners and cameras

Sticpl. cpl

Displays Bluetooth device properties (not installed, runningdoes not display)


This is unknown. It seems to be related to Bluetooth:irprops.cpl

The following is a CPL description of Win2000 on Microsoft' sWeb site:

Wspcpl32.cpl, Languages, numbers, time

Timedate. , CPL, Date, Time, and, Time, zone

Telephon.cpl, Di al ing, rule, and, modem

Sysdm.cpl System

Sticpl. cpl Scanner and camera

Powercfg.cpl Power management

Odbccp32.cpl Open database connectivity

Nwc. cpl Netware client connectivity

Ncpa.cpl Network and connectivity

Mmsys.cpl Sound and multimedia

Joy. cpl Game controller

Intl.cpl International

Access. cpl Accessibility

Hdwwiz. cpl Add/Remove Hardware

Main.cpl Mouse

Netcpl. cpl, Network, and, Dial-up, ConnectivityModem.cpl Phone and Modem

Mlcfg.cpl Mail

Wspcpl. cpl WSP Client

Desk.cpl Display

Liccpa. cpl Licensing

Fax. cpl Fax Wizard

Desk.cpl Printers

Appwiz. cpl Add/Remove Program

Other rundll32 usage:

Font window

Command: RUNDLL32, SHELL32.DLL, SHHe lpShortcuts_RunDLL,FontsFolder

Printers and faxes

Command: RUNDLL32, SHELL32.DLL, SHHe lpShortcuts_RunDLL,PrintersFolder

Add new printer

Command: rundll32.exe, shell32.dll, SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL,AddPrinterconnect to printer

Command: RUNDLL32, WINSPOOL.DRV, ConnectToPri nterDl g

Open mode window (Open With)

Command: rundll32.exe shell32.dll, OpenAs_RunDLLpath\filename (path file name)

Install screen saver

Copy the program to the system32 directory

Command: RUNDLL32 DESK.CPL, InstallScreenSaver screen savern ame

Lock WIN2000 or WINXP

Command: RUNDLL32, USER32.DLL, LockWorkStat ion

Copy disk

Command: rundll32.exe, di skcopy.dl l, Di skCopyRunDll

Format disk window

Command: RUNDLL32, SHELL32.DLL, SHFormatDr i ve

About windows

Command: RUNDLL32, SHELL32.DLL, Shel lAboutW

Mouse key exchange




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