
bucke  时间:2021-09-11  阅读:()


Together with European architecture and Arabian architecture, ancient Chinese architecture is an ponent of the system of world architecture. During its long development, it gradually formed into a style which featured bining stone carving, rammed earth construction, bucket arch buildings and many other techniques. Industrious Chinese laboring people created many architectural miracles such as the Great Wall, Forbidden City and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.


Some people like flowers in the spring, summer, vibrant people like, and some people like the winter snow. And for me, I love fruitful harvest. Fall, is a beautiful season. Although many have yellow flowers and grass decline. However, in the season withered flowers, chrysanthemum has Aoshuang bucket of snow, facing the wind, blooming its first bud. That quivering petals, slender beauty, like a girl is dancing. Chrysanthemum color of a lot. White as snow piled up in layers. Brilliant pink sunset like horizon. Different styles, each with charm. Autumn maple leaves are beautiful, from afar, like a red flame is burning. To the brown hillside, added a touch of brilliant color. Child autumn leaves are brown, but the pine, cypress, camphor leaves are so green, almost equal to your eyes. In the howling of the autumn wind, but also adds a touch of green. I love the beauty of autumn. 是说秋天的

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