网页滚动字幕效果代码及滚动字幕效果制作实例演示Webscrollingsubtitles effect code andscrolling subtitles effectdemonstration examples
A set of subtitles scrolling up:
The "marquee behavior=" scroll "direction=" up "width=" 600"height=" 300 "loop=" -1 "scrol lamount=" 1 "scrolldelay=" 1"style="font: 12px; "onMouseOver=" (thi s. stop) ; "onMouseOut="(this. start) ; "> < /marquee> in rolling subtitles
Web scrolling subtitles effect code and scrolling subtitleseffect demonstration examples
Rolling subtitles will make many people feel excited,especially the firstuseof rollingsubtitles, will put it down.I've done a lot of scrolling subtitles, and I'm not excitedabout it, so I don't have much use now. Quite a few friends oftenask how this is done. Now, do a detailed project to give youa more thorough understanding of it.
Rolling subtitles in the FrontPage component in FrontPage, butthis software can only support a single line of text, a textline it is incapable of action, and it can only support arollingline! (if there is only one linerollingcondition, the solutionis to embed this code into JavaScript document.write, pleasesee the details below D Dreamweaver) is the only method ofwriting HTML code. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to useNotepad to open the web source code to edit.
The establishment of the first 1. rolling subtitles. Code
<marquee scrollAmount=2 width=300> is a good websiteconstruction company, professional web design, networkmarketing service provider </marquee>
Effect such as: Guangzhou is good website construction companyprofessional web design network marketing service provider
2. parameters:
) a scrollAmount. It represents speed, the greater the value,the faster. If you don' t have it and defaults to 6, it' s betterto set it to 1~3.
B) width and height, said rolling area size, width is width,height is height. Especially when making vertical scrolling,you must set the value of height.
) Cdirection. Said rollingdirection, the default is fromrightto left: - - -. The optional values are right, down, and up.The rolling directionwere: right said, flashball, up decrease,down said.
D scrollDelay) , which is used to control the speed, the defaultis 90, the greater the value, the slower. Usually, scrollDelayis not required.
) e behavior. Use it to control attributes, defaults to cyclicscrolling, optional values with alternate (alternatescrolling) , slide (slide effect, refers to scrolling once, andthen stops scrolling)
3. example s:
A) how to add hyperlinks rolling subtitles?This is exactly thesame as the usual hyperlink. Just add <a, href=***,
_fcksavedurl=, * * *, _fcksavedurl=, * * *, _fcksavedurl=, *
* *, _fcksavedurl=, ***, _fcksavedurl=, ***, _fcksavedurl=
***and</a> on the outside of the text. The following effect,the code is <marquee scrollAmount=2 width=300><ahref=http://www.kingar.com> website construction
</a></marquee>, click site construction can enter:
Website construction
B) how to make when the mouse stay in the text, the text stopsrolling?
Code such as:
<marquee, scrollAmount=2, wi dth=300, onmouseover=stop () ,onmouseout=start () > literal content, </marquee>
Effects such as:
Web Design
C) alternating effect. Code such as:
<marquee, scrol lAmount=2, width=99, behavior=al ternate>, textcontent, </marquee>
Effects such as:
Text content
D) multi line text scroll up. Code such as:
<字幕scrol l amount = 2 = 300 = 160高度宽度方向=了> ·广州正佳公司服务有 <BR> ·网站建设、企业邮箱、域名注册<BR> ·网络营销网站推广<P> · < a href = http://www.kingar. com /公司/” >点这里进入了解正佳公司简介</a> < /字幕>
<脚本>文档。写 “<字幕scrol l amount = 2 = 300 = 160高度宽度方向=了> ·正佳公司的服务优势有 <BR> <BR> ·已服务上千家的客户·专业的团队 网站建设网络营销一条龙<P> · < a href =http://www.kingar.com” >广州网站建设</a>优秀的服务商之一<字幕>” < / /脚本>
E改变滚动字幕的颜色可以用样式表来控制。如下效果代码是<字幕scrol lamount = 2宽度= 300 > <风格=颜色 cc6600 >做网站找广州正佳一分投入双份收获 </a> < /字幕>。做网站找广州正佳一分投入双份收获
由上可以看出 H TML代码是可以随意组合的功能强大
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