
bigpipe  时间:2022-03-01  阅读:()


Eats the melon to keep child      Zhuge Liang not can only plant the good crops, moreover also has one to plant the watermelon the good craftsmanship. Area Xiangyang once had such a custom: Entered the watermelon garden, the melon has been possible to eat to the full, the melon seed could not carry off. Fable this “the custom” was also the same year asks Ge Liangliu to get down.      Zhuge Liang plants watermelon, big, Sha Tian, tailless acid. es the human who prosperous sojourned and passes by to arrive at the melon garden full luck of having good things to eat. The periphery old es to him to study a kind of melon the experience, he does not retain tells them the melon to want to plant in the sandy soil ground, on sesame seed cake or fragrant foots oil. Many people asked that he wants the watermelon seed, because before does not have the attention to keep the melon seed, many people have to feel disappointed turn over. The second year, the watermelon the ripened fruit garden, he inserted a sign in the place, above had written: “the melon tube eats, the melon seed stays behind.”      Zhuge Liang melon seed Xian Jing, seasons, apportions the nearby melon grower again. Now, on Hanshui River both banks sand's Jia Jia the lake, the Changfeng continent, the young Fan continent's watermelon still had the fame, in a big way, Pi Bo, the taste sand is sweet. Some places also observe that strip “to eat the melon keeps the child” the old rule.


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