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Global Winners of the 2017 NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition on
First-Place peted at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia
Runner-Up peted at Columbia University School of International and
Public Affairs (SIPA) in New York City
Congratulations “Colombia and Columbia!”
A team of graduate students from?South American universities (and one American
university)?has clinched?First-Place?in the NASPAA-Batten Global Student Simulation
Competition conducted by NASPAA, the global association of graduate schools of public policy and administration and programmed by The Frank Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy ?at the University of Virginia. The peted at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. The?Second Place, Runner-Up team,prised of students from?east coast American universities?was hosted at SIPA Columbia University in New York City.
This year’ic was?Food Security?and the world-wide effort to address UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 (end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture, by 2030).
On February 25 (February 26 in China), nearly 400 graduate students in public policy and
management from around the world traveled to eight university locations (Maastricht, New York City, Washington D.C. area, Indianapolis, Bogotá, Tempe, Seattle, and Beijing) pete in a one-day puter simulation that challenged them to advance global food security. Students from different schools were mixed onto teams of 16-20, where they bonded as members of staff of a fictional global anization (NGO)mitted to reduce global hunger in five world regions. They analyzed data, made policy proposals, reacted ?puter simulation results, drafted memos with mendations, and presented their strategy mendations to teams of local site judges.
Those sites judges selected winners from among the peting. winner at each of the eight sites then advanced to four distinguished “super judges” for an electronic review of videos and written material produced on the day of petition. Super judges included Steve Cohen (Executive Director, Earth Institute), Josette Sheeran (former Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme), Anand Desai (Section Head of Evaluation and Assessment, National Science Foundation), and Mahfuz Ahmed (Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank).
David Birdsell, President of NASPAA and dean of the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch College said, “We are delighted to recognize such fine work from student teams in Bogotá and New York. Food security is one of the world’s most pressing policy concerns; the participants have not only learned a great deal about the issues involved, but have shown the capacity to deal substantively and creatively with the problems they identified, giving us every confidence that they will go on to do outstanding work in public service.”
“World leaders often don’t get a ‘do over’ when making decisions on the international stage,” said Allan C. Stam, Dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and Professor of Public Policy. “Batten is investing in developing simulations for public policy education to develop global leaders who have practice collaborating with peers to make hard policy decisions in pressed environments. The food security field is now brightened with hundreds of scholars with new solutions to feed 790 million people affected with hunger worldwide.”
“Simulation modeling and serious games for learning are a growing trend in public policy
education,” Gerard P. Learmonth, Sr., Research Professor and Director of Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming at Batten, a global leader in simulations for public policy education. “Serious games provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their
understanding plicated world events and to experience decision-making that can affect es, all in a simulated environment.”
First-Place Team:
The first-place team of the 2017 NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition on Food
Security was the “World Two” team at the Universidad de los Andes site in Bogotá, Colombia. The super judges cited the attention paid in both the video presentation and memos written by environmental, health, and agricultural program officers to implementation and especially the team’s recognition that there can be no global solution to achieving food security — strategy must adapt implementation to local regions.
mented that the first-place team was “…grounded in the day-to-day of food
insecurity around the world” and that its strategy mendations to the CEO of the NGO were “practical and feasible” and focused on what would work “on the ground.” The super judges praised World Two’s discussion of results-based financing as a means to better implement the team’s program design ideas by providing closer-to-the-ground flexibility and effectiveness. The judges also singled out the team’s interesting analysis of how Latin America could help the rest of the world improve food security as a unique contribution to the petition.
Runner-Up Team:
The runner-up team of the 2017 NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition on Food
Security was the “World Two” team at the Columbia University School of International and
Public Affairs (SIPA) site in New York City. The super mended the New York team for an “…outstanding grasp of the big picture” and its interest in “…taking an innovative approach,” with an exciting “embrace of new ideas” distributed through their presentation and memos. Judges cited their analysis of early warning systems for climate change, crop diversification, capital innovation, and links between local employment efforts and food security as being “insightful” and “connecting the macro-picture with getting at root causes.”
Third through Eighth Place Teams:
Super judges praised the consistently high quality of the memos across all eight sites,
particularly given the time limits imposed as well as the language challenges faced by
participants whose first language was not English. With respect to presentations, super judges noted the excellent visual presentation by the Arizona State World One site winner, and “informal petent” presentation by World One at the e Mason Site, but singled out presenters in New York City and Bogotá for their ability to inctly frame the problem, establish the context, and connect the proposed solutions to identified needs. Again, recognizing the time limits imposed on preparation time, judges had high marks for the poise and rapid absorption of food security data and insights displayed by many “regional director” presenters in their oral remarks. One judge exclaimed, “I would hire that student tomorrow!” Judges also called attention to World One team at the United Nations University in Maastricht, Netherlands for its thoughtful and well-articulated strategy and the University of Washington World One team for focusing on the “….key elements that really affect people’s lives.” Judges also ed the first-time participation from students in Asian universities at the Tsinghua University site, noting that the team from China delivered a globally savvy presentation and set of memos.
Prizes and Beyond:
Students on the global first-place team will be eligible to be considered for special petition prize summer internships with stipend at anizations such as the World Food Programme in Rome. The Batten School at the University of Virginia will also be making the food puter simulation available for free for use in classrooms and institutions around the world.
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