新浪实验题目搜索引擎的比较分析_火柴头_新浪博客(Experimental subject a comparative analysis of the search engine _ match head _ Sina blog)

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实验题目搜索引擎的比较分析_火柴头_新浪博客Experimentalsubject a comparative analysis of the search engine _matchhead_ Sina blog

Experimental subject: a comparative analysis of the searchengine. Your _match head_Sina blog blog page login recordlive blog blog post match head

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Experiment Title: search engine 2009-09-28 17:12:00

(comparative analysis) reprint label : search engine educationclassification: professional classroom

First, the purpose of the experiment

Through the comparative analysis of search engines, tounderstand the relevant concepts of search engines,classification, workingprinciples, and the characteristics ofvarious types of search engines, for future search enginelearning to lay a good foundation.

Two 、 experiment requirements and procedures

1. , query the classification of search engines, compare andanalyze their own characteristics, more in-depth understandingof various categories of search engines.

2. give examples of the principles and patterns of each searchengine and analyze its differences

3. , through comparative analysis, draw conclusions and explainthe ideas and experiences in the process of experiment.Three, the experimental process, steps and original recordsTrain of thought: 1. Draw out relevant concepts

2. Classify and explain all kinds of search engines, and explainthe working principle of various search engines.

3, take Google and Baidu' s two search engines for example tocompare and analyze.

4, write out the experience and experience in the course ofhomework

Contents: 1, search engine concept

2, search engine categories

3, search engine working principle and kind, search engine' sadvantages and disadvantages

4, for example, Google and Baidu for comparative analysis

5. Summarize the differences of search engines

I. concept

SE, a search engine, refers to the system that collectsinformation from the Internet according to a certain strategyand uses specific computer programs. After the information isorganized and processed, a search service is provided for theuser.

From the user' s point of view, the search engine provides a pagecontaining the search box, which enters the words in the searchbox and is submitted to the search engine via a browser,The search engine returns the list of information related towhat the user has entered.

Two, search engine categories

Search engines can be divided into three main ways accordingto their way of work, namely, full text search engine (Full TextSearch Engine) , directory index class search engine (Search)Index/Directory) and meta search engines (Meta, Search,Engine) .

1) full text search engine

The full-text search engine is worthy of the name search engine,they extract all information from the Internet website (Webtext based) , establish database, retrieval and match the userquery records, according to a certain order to return results.Foreign representatives have Google, Fast/AllTheWeb,

AltaVista, Inktomi, Teoma, WiseNut and so on, the domestic

well-known Baidu (Baidu) .

2) directory index class search engine

Although directory indexing has search capabilities, it can'tbe called a real search engine in a strict sense. It' s just alist of Web links that are classifiedby directories. Users canfind the required information in accordance with the catalog,and do not rely on keyword (Keywords) queries. The mostrepresentative of the directory index is the famous Yahoo YAHOO.Other famous ones are Open

Directory, Project (DMOZ) , LookSmart, About and so on. DomesticSohu, Sina, NetEase search also belong to this category.

3) meta search engine

The meta search engine (MetaSearchEngine) , which refers to theuser interface and the information feedback in the form of theunified, sharing aplurality of search engine repository systemto provide information service for users, also known as searchengine based on search engines. The famous meta search enginesinclude InfoSpace, Dogpile, Vivisimo and so on. (meta searchengine list) , a representative search engine in Chinese metasearch engines.

Other forms of non mainstream search engines:

1, a collection of search engines: the search engines like metasearch engine, the difference is that it is not at the same timecalling multiple search engines to search, but choose from a

number of search engine provided by the user, such as HotBotlaunched at the end of 2002 search engines.

2, portal search engines: AOL, Search, MSN, Search and so on,although providing search services, but they have neitherdirectory nor web database, the search results entirely fromother search engines.

3, Free For All Links (FFA) : generally only simple rolling linkentries, and a small number of simple classification directory,but the scale than Yahoo! Directory indexes are much smaller.Three, working principle

1, grab web pages

Each independent search engine has its own web crawler (spider) .Spider follows the hyperlink in the web page to grab pagescontinuously. Pages that are crawled are called web snapshots.Because the application of hyperlinks in the Internet is verycommon, in theory, from a certain range of web pages, you cancollect most of the web pages.

2, processing web pages

After the search engine catches the web, it still has to do alot of preprocessing to provide retrieval services. Among them,the most important thing is to extract keywords and build indexfiles. Other things include removing duplicate pages,analyzing hyperlinks, and calculating the importance of webpages.

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