
语法错误  时间:2021-08-31  阅读:()


第十节 常见的语法错误 一 句法成分搭配不当 所谓句法成分搭配不当,是指句子中密切相关的句法成分,如主语和谓语、述语和宾语、定语和中心语、状语和中心语等,在组织句子时,由于没有注意照顾它们之间的配合,结果造成了搭配不当的毛病. (一) 主语和谓语搭配不当 主谓搭配不当是常见的毛病.请看下面的例子: (1)*修建高速公路是很必要的,但是应该看到,我们国家的经济基础还比较低, 还不能一下子省与省之间都通高速公路.(报) 例(1)“经济基础”不能与“低”搭配.如果要保留“经济基础”,可以将“低”改为“薄弱”;如果要保留“低”,可以将“经济基础”改为“经济发展水平”. 下面的例子是主谓搭配不当的另一种情况: (5)*理论正确是衡量文章好坏的重要标准. 例(5)主语“内容正确”是从一个方面说的,而谓语“是衡量文章好坏的重要标准”则是从两方面说的,不搭配.宜将主语改成“内容是否正确”或“内容正确与否”. 当主语或谓语是联合词组时,更要注意主谓的配合.下面的句子都有问题: (7)*一年不见,她的身体,她的业务水平和思想水平都比先前提高了许多.(刊) 例(7)“业务水平”和“思想水平”可以说“提高”,“身体”是不能说“提高”的.可将“身体”改为“健康水平”,便两项都照顾到了.当然也可以这样改: (二)述语和宾语搭配不当 述语和宾语搭配不当,这有两种情况,一种是语义上不搭配,例如: (1)*合伙人如严重违反合伙协议约定的义务,由此而造成的经济损失将由违反协 议者负责赔偿.(刊) 例(1)“违反”和“义务”在语义上不能搭配.宜改为“合伙人如严重违反协议,不履行合伙协议约定的义务,……”. 另一种是语法上不搭配.例如: (4)*经过这一阶段的整顿,见到了成效,初步改变了这一条街长期来一直比较混


1.句子成分残缺不全 We always working till late at night before taking exams.(误) We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正) We should read books may be useful to us. (误) We should read books which may be useful to us. (正) 2.句子成分多余 This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误) One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正) The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误) The driver of the red car died on the spot. (正) 3.主谓不一致 Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective. (误) Some think that reading should be selective. (正) My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误) My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正) 4.动词时态、语态的误用 I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误) I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正) We have little time to read some books which we interest. (误) We have little time to read some books in which we are interested. (正) I am a student who has studying in the college for two years. (误) I have been studying in the college for two years(正) 5.词类混淆 It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误) In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正) Honest is so important for everyperson. (误) Honesty is so important for everyone. (正) The old man was hit by a car when he across the street. (误) The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street. (正) 6.名词可数与不可数的误用 Too much tests are disadvantage for students’ study. (误) Too many tests are disadvantageous to students. (正) In modern society, people are under various pressures(误) In modern society, people are under various kinds of pressure. (正) 7.动词及物与不及物的误用 The traffic ident was taken place at the junction of two highways. (误) The traffic ident took place at the junction of two highways. (正) because of his excellent performance, the boss rose his salary. (误) because of his excellent performance, the boss raised his salary. (正) 8.介词to和不定式符号的混淆 Too many tests will do harm to cultivate our independent thinking. (误) Too many tests will do harm to the cultivation of our independent thinking. (正) All these contributed to solve the serious problem. (误) All these contributed to the solution to the serious problem. (正) 9.情态动词的误用 It may not good to our health. (误) It may be not good to our health. (正) They should spent much time. (误) They should spend much time. (正) 10. There be句型的误用 There exists some new problems such as being dishonest. (误) There exist/arise some new problems such as being dishonest. (正) There are many way to solve the tuition and fees of college education. (误) There are many ways to raise the money for the tuition and fees for college education. (正) 1.动宾搭配不当 We must pay attention to it and make solutions to the problem. (误) We must pay attention and find a solution to the problem. (正) It also may help you to make ess. (误) It may also help you eed/obtain your goal. (正) 2.根据中文逐字硬译 If someone’s family situation is not well, he can apply for loan to bank. (误) If one’s family is not well off, he can apply to the bank for a loan. (正) Let alone touch the outside world of campus/keep a good body health(误) Let alone get in touch with the world outside of the campus/keep fit(正) 上面这些错误比较典型、集中,请大家务必要注意,其他的错误,如单词拼写、大小写、标点符号的误用等,可谓千姿百态,无奇不有,在此就不一一列举。




C程序的错误可以分为两种:语法错误和逻辑错误 (1)语法错误,这是C语言初学者出现最多的错误,比如,分号“;”是每个C语句的结束的标志,在C语句后忘记写“;”就是语法错误,发生语法错误的程序,编译通不过,用户可以软件的提示信息来修改。

(2)逻辑错误 就是用户编写的程序已经没有语法错误,可以运行,但得不到所期望的结果(或正确的结果),也就是说由于程序设计者原因程序并没有按照程序设计者的思路来运行。

比如一个最简单例子是:我的目的是求两个数的和的,应该写成 z=x+y; 由于某种原因却写成了 z=x-y; 这就是逻辑错误。


比如软件的BUG就是逻辑错误,发行补丁程序就是修改逻辑错误(用户最常见就是Windows操作系统经常发布补丁程序) 下面介绍如何用本软件修改这语法错误。



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