timezone什么叫correct time zone

timezone  时间:2021-08-24  阅读:()

什么叫correct time zone

correct time zone 中文意思:正确时区 例句 1、Setup cannot determine the correct time zone for puter Downloads data for programs when puter is idle. 安装程序无法确定计算机的当前时区在计算机空闲时为程序下载数据。

2、Long-term since, for the area of secondary lesions, progressive for structural abnormalities, graft early absorption, limited available cartilage volume and cartilage grafts and recipient with poor ability, is in the main disadvantages of autograft cartilage transplantation. Therefore, how to correct the deformity at the same time, avoided to the greatest extent of the zone of injury and loss of supply, increase the use of tissue volume has been one of the problems facing clinicians. 长期以来,供区继发病变,进行性供区结构异常,移植物早期吸收,有限的可供使用的软骨块体积及移植软骨与受区结合能力差等,是自体软骨移植中主要的缺点。


3、Three kinds of correct situations and correct formulas based on curves change are able to better eliminate brightness temperature rising or dropping caused by time zone differences. ( 4) It gained the brightness temperature changing along with time evolution and spatial distribution through studying on the brightness temperature of 9 monitoring areas data from 2006 to 2008 with data warehouse concept and statistical methods. 基于曲线变化规律,给出了亮温时区差校正的3种情况及校正公式。



4、Now, you will be able to select your time zone and correct your time. 现在,您可以选择您的时区和校准时间。

5、When you apply the windows time zone update, these time stamps display the correct time for items that are modified during the extended DST period. 应用了windows时区更新后,这些时间戳将为在dst延长期内修改的项目显示正确的时间。

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