网店网友曝光网店暴利网店就该卖得比实体店便宜(Net friend exposure shop profiteering online shop should sell cheaper than the entity)

便宜网  时间:2021-01-18  阅读:()

网友曝光网店暴利网店就该卖得比实体店便宜Net friend exposure shop profiteering online shop should sell cheaper than the entity

Net friend exposure shop profiteering, online shop should sell cheaper than the store?

This mindset is changing



These days, a"shop prof it exposure"post in the BBS fame, after posting users more clothes thanmoney"in comparison to the same style clothes in Hangzhou Sijiqing wholesale prices and shop price, the shop"profiteering"conclusion, triggered a netizen the intense discussion and 20 page thread.

Shop should be cheaper than the store

The theory was overthrown

The online name "clothes than money" the netizen said, she is a regular clothing shop, because I think the shop did not store the cost of rent, the price will be a lot of benefits behoove ", it also represents a lot of online shopping lovers ideas.However, she found in Hangzhou Sijiqing wholesale market, a lot of clothes shop price was 2-3 times more than the wholesale price, and some even more expensive than entity shop, such as a blue chiffon shirt, in a Taobao shop now very popular, the price is 148 yuan, the wholesale price in Sijiqing is 55 yuan;

a yellow blouse being snapped up on the Internet in the shop,the price is 440 yuan, but only 210 yuan in Sijiqing. The net friend for each of the clothes used for comparison are listed in pictures and detailed mining location, then, a lot of users in accordance with this guide for online shop and entity store big price.

In this post, many online shopping enthusiasts are keen to express their "feel cheated and hurt feelings, because since they think: the store need to pay high rent, labor, and the shop is just a computer can be opened, low cost, behoove cheaper,or why still buy online?And through this so-called "exposure post", the majority of users of this concept was overturned.Store owner:

Not convinced online shop high price

Hangzhou Xixi Road, a clothing store owner for online shop prices higher than the entity shop phenomenon has been concerned about for a long time.

She said in Xixi on the road, because the rent is low, for students, are basically in the purchase price plus 20%-30%on profit is shipped, and she in suppliers often can encounterwith her in the same item of net business, she also often go to the online price comparison, not really little shop she is selling expensive, such as a shoe pants, I only sell 90 yuan, some shop has to sell 145 yuan, but the shop shipments more, got lower package price".

The boss also found that successful online sellers have unique way of business, for example, last winter the most popular is a group of the same style, different colors of the big sweater,because the purchase channels are roughly the same, online and in store prices are similar between 110-120 yuan, while a sales in Hangzhou very successful shop is another way: the owner changed the brand to the big sweater, and with a small cherry jewelry, turned into "exclusive" and "original" goods, the price suddenly sold 200 yuan, but also became a sign of the popular hot single product.

Shop owner:

Added value is high in the purchase experience

With 2 gold crown (the highest credit rating is 5 gold crown)Li Fanying in the Taobao online clothing store opened nearly three years, she created a precedent of reality in,and there is a very fine division of the sales team, this is the secret of her success.

6 people in Li Fanying' s team, who contact manufacturers purchase and quality control, was responsible for communicating with the buyer, who is responsible for taking pictures and models decoration shop, all of which are only for buyers to buy a good experience.

Shop for the first year, Li Fanying' s shop sold 500 thousand yuan clothing,

Second years sold about 1500000 yuan, in the first half of this

year has sold about 1500000 yuan, created by her real action online shop model, now already in Taobao and many other online trading platform blossom everywhere.

Advertising companies in the work of Yao Lei 3 years ago on the ONLYLADY website opened a shop selling clothes, her supply is the wholesale market in Sijiqing, in the shop, she makes good use of their professional knowledge and good figure. First of all, she carefully made their collocation, worn to shoot back,the same clothes made of several collocation scheme for consumers, then, for every piece of clothing she made a very impressive text description. For example, to sell a piece of Jiangnan commoner clothes, she will use "graceful faction"technique to impress the audience, sell a copy of the big name clothes, will find T platform picture and star effect diagram contrast. These tasks are often busy until evening, but the physical clothing store is usually not going to do it. So, she gave each of the clothes are a price times the purchase price,although can be found with a price lower than her clothes sellers inthe search system, but she donot adhere to theprice,but said he' s "price expensive", she found that many people prefer to buy her goods.

"In fact, Taobao also lacks profit margins are very small sellers, it can be said that in this fully competitive platform,small sellers have small sellers of play, big sellers have big sellers gameplay. "A staff member of Taobao expresses. In fame,some big sellers offer is higher "value added": grab the goods shopping atmosphere, beautiful life picture, netizens show new thread and so on, are creating a unique shopping experience.Now, Taobao has even spawned a professional online shop

"service provider", which provides decoration, models and photography to these shop owners. These factors, so that some online commodity prices dare to separate from other small shops.

Shop outlet

It' s about improving the buying experience

Study on the problem of e-commerce experts, "electronic commerce"world editor Dr. Zhao Yanchao believes that from the profits of the post shop complaints, most online buyers and sellers are not fully recognize the difference between the electronic commerce and the store sales.

In his view, both online and physical stores are selling goods,but for buyers, the purchase experience is very different.Whether the shop or the street shops, sellers have had to spend a lot of energy over the buyers mind, to boost sales, but in the face of the corner store customer base is relatively narrow,affect the formation of these customers and their feedback has limitations. Online stores are different, because they face a wider range of customers, it takes more time to capture the different needs of buyers.

Zhao Yanchao believes that the online shop must be cheaper than the logic of the store itself is not established. Online shop rental, logistics, taxes and other explicit costs, really cheaper than the store. But the development of online trading today, many of the shop is already fighting as a team, and they will continue to spend between mind decoration shop,

maintenance and the buyer' s contact at any time, manpower, time and other hidden costs has increased a lot. And once the shop to achieve a certain scale, forming a certain brand awareness,brand value-added will also rise. If the buyers are willing to go to the store to buy a high priced clothing, why must ask shop cheap cheap?

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