go time蛋蛋最近一期ap大嘴里的歌曲 是一首英文歌

go time  时间:2022-02-26  阅读:()

蛋蛋最近一期ap大嘴里的歌曲 是一首英文歌

Let It Go - Alexandra Burke Sometimes life seems impossible When our dreams just fade away We get caught up in the little things Lose ourselves along the away Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Time can be the perfect remedy Let love the lead the way So feel your heart let it show Give it just a little more Come on baby bring back the light When life is hard let it fly Put your hands up to the sky Come on baby bring back the light Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Switch it up e on make you worth it Gonna live life our own way Yeah that struggle is trouble But so much beauty along the way Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Time can be the perfect remedy Let love the lead the way So feel your heart let it show Give it just a little more Come on baby bring back the light When life is hard let it fly Put your hands up to the sky Come on baby bring back the light Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Come on baby bring back the light So feel your heart let it show Give it just a little more When life is hard let it fly Put your hands up to the sky So feel your heart let it show Give it just a little more Come on baby bring back the light When life is hard let it fly Put your hands up to the sky Come on baby bring back the light Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go Let it go go go go Let it all go

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