设置网站服务器apache tomcat配置,泛域名解析

泛域名  时间:2020-12-30  阅读:()

网站服务器apache+tomcat配置,泛域名解析Web server apache+tomcat conf iguration, universal domain name resolution

1, modify the host file, DNS simulation analysis.

192. 168. 1. 211 cc.com to the CNCA folder

192. 168. 1. 211 xj.cc.com to the CNCA folder

192. 168. 1. 211 xz.cc.com to the CNCA folder

192. 168. 1. 211 *. cc. com to the CNCA folder

2, install Apache


If you install SQL 2008 after installation will appear 80 port conf lict

CMD, executive

Netstat -aon|findstr "80" search occupy 80 port process Tasklist|findstr process of the "ID" look to occupy the port service

Close service, re install

3, install Tomcat

The default port 8080

If it is unpacked version:

Decompress Tomcat to D:Program FilesTomcat, setting system environment variables:

CATALINA_BASE = D:Program Files omcat

CATALINA_HOME = D:Program Fi les omcat

CLASSPATH =%CATALINA_HOME%l ibservl et-api. jar

JAVA_HOME = D:Program Fi lesJavajdk1.6.0_07


=. ;%Java_Home%l ib oo l s. jar;%Java_Home%l ibdt. jar;

PATH =%Jav a_Home% i n

4, install JK


Copy mod_jk-1.2. 26-httpd-2.2.4. so to D:Program


The following server configuration:

1, the configuration of Tomcat

Find the Tomcat directory of the conf/server.xml file in the <host></host> into the middle of the following statement to modify the default directory:

<Context "path=" docBase= "E:wwwroot" reloadable= "true"crossContext= "true" / >

Here, if the path is not empty, it is set to the virtual directory, the value of path for the virtual directory name.Find the Tomcat directory of the conf/workers.properties file,and compare the text below, if not the same, to modify below the text shall prevail.

Workers.tomcat_home=D:Program FilesTomcat # let mod_jk know Tomcat position module

Workers. java_home=D:Program FilesJavajre1.6.0_07 # let mod_jk know JRE position module


Worker. list=ajp13 # module version

Worker.ajp13.port=8009 #working port, if not occupied without modification

Worker.ajp13.host=localhost # this machine, if the above

Apache host is not localhost, modify

Worker.ajp13. type=ajp13 # type

Worker.ajp13. lbfactor=1 # number of agents, without modification

If the file does not exist, according to the above content creation. Any modifications to the Tomcat set to restart will come into effect.

Tomcat configuration method IP on multi domain in detail as follows.

< host name = "localhost" debug = "0" appbase = "d: webapps tomcat 5.0"unpackwars = "true" autodeploy = "true"xmlvalidation = "false" xmlnamespaceaware = "false" >< alias > < / > localhost.com alias

< logger classname = "org.apache.catalina. logger.filelogger"directory= "logs" prefix= "localhost_log. " suffix= ".txt"t imestamp = "true" / >

< context path= "" docbase= "d: tomcat 5.0 webapps gg" reloadable = "true" casesensitive = "false" debug = "0" >

< / context.

> < / host

< host name = "one. localhost" debug = "0" appbase = "d: \ webapps tomcat 5.0"unpackwars = "true" autodeploy = "true"xmlvalidation = "false" xmlnamespaceaware = "false" >< alias > < / > one. localhost.com alias

< logger classname = "org.apache.catalina. logger.filelogger"directory= "logs" prefix= "localhost _log. " suffix= ".txt"t imestamp = "true" / >

< context path= "" docbase= "d: tomcat 5.0 webapps kk\"reloadable="true"casesensitive="false"debug="0" >< / context.

> < / host


打开d: program fi les apache2.2 conf下的httpd. conf,在最后加入下面这段代码并保存.loadmodule jk_module modules mod_jk-1.2. 26-httpd-2.2.4. so

#此处mo d_ j k的文件为你下载的文件jkworkersf ile "d: program files tomcat conf workers.properties"

#指定tomcat监听配置文件地址jklogfile "d: program files tomcat logs mod_jk2. log"#指定日志存放位置jkloglevel info


< > virtualhost localhost

#如果非虚拟主机,将< virtualhost localhost >和最后的< /virtualhost >注释或者删除掉即可serveradmin localhost documentroot and wwwroot: /

"directory" e: / wwwroot ">


messaging localhost directoryindex index. jsp index.html.errorlog logs / shsc error_ log.txt customlog logs / shsc - access _ log.txt common jkmount / servlet / * ajp 13

#让apache支持对servlet传送, 用以tomcat解析jkmount / *. jsp ajp13

Let # Apache support for JSP transmission, using Tomcat analysis

JkMount /*.do ajp13

Let#Apache support for.Do transmission, using Tomcat analysis </VirtualHost>

At the beginning of the # behavior can delete notes. I am here to set the configuration of the virtual directory, re designated serverName, DocumentRoot path allocation site, in fact, the Apache configuration can be very flexible, you can not use the virtual directory, directly to modify the default configuration of the site, the editing tool of any text search,such as ServerName, DocumentRoot, ServerAdmin other related items, then the configuration can be modified according to your

actual situation. I suggest that you can try a different configuration, this is a very fun experience.

After all the changes, double-click the Apache icon in the system tray, and then click Start to start the Apache service.In the address bar enter http://localhost/ and http://localhost:8080/respectively, if the result is the same,Apache and Tomcat integration success

3, the configuration of the Apache and Tomcat pan DNS Because of the way that *.yourdomain.com domain could not be configured Tomcat host, which is supported by Apache, as long as the set of*.yourdomain.com can be. In server.xml a<Engine defaultHost="localhost"name="Catalina" >when the non domain pointer to the way when they are submitted to the webapps/ROOT,so as to set up extensive domain name analysis to the default defaultHost on it.

The specific configuration of Apache and Tomcat extensive domain name analysis steps:

You confirm whether the domain name support extensive domain name analysis, now most of the domain name providers to support such services.

Conf igure the Apache pan DNS you

<VirtualHost *.*.*.*: 80>

S erverName *.yourdomai n.com

DocumentRoot /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/webapps/ROOT ServerAdmin yntsky@gmai l. com

ErrorLog logs/a.ntsky. com_log


The domain name to ROOT

Do not need to do other settings in tomcat, you can keep the original, for some special two level domain name as long as the tomcat/confg/server.xml configuration of<Engine defaultHost="localhost" name= "Catalina" >

Analysis of abc.yourdomain.com information in ABC code 2011-09-07





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