
免费英文翻译  时间:2021-07-24  阅读:()


免费 [miǎn fèi] free (of charge) 相关解释: without charge for free free of charge for nothing gratis on the house cost free exempted from charge free charge sans frais no charge incidental charge withhold payment be free free of cost 例句: 你免费得到它的吗? Do you mean that you got it for nothing? 这些画可免费拥有。


These pictures can be kept for free. You may take whichever you like. 我们提供免费服务。

We provide gratis service. 海词广告: 学外语,交外国真朋友 全球三亿白领的交友圈


Love of man, just a part of life. But for women, but the whole life. Kiss and not as a permanent love of security, but it was covered in a permanent memory on seals. Love is hard, don't expect it like as a. Happy memories of joy, and is no longer sad


In Shanxi Province, North Central region, the use of geothermal hot spring water advantages, increase temperature to cultivate Jian carp broodstock to the technology and significance of early fan. Use of geothermal water resources in this field to cultivate a favorable construction of carp broodstock for early fan, spray Xiatang grow into fry in a pond ahead of time than before 2-3 weeks, longer growing season for fish farming, fish production increased as . Although the use of artificial insemination fertilization rate is high, while the fertilized egg debonding be easily injured, incubation in the prone saprolegniasis, because without any drug treatment, so low hatching rate. Key words: Jian carp broodstock eggs hatch spray fry



单词解释: free adj: 免费的,自由的,免税的,空闲的。

adv: 免费地,自由地,无拘束地,一帆风顺地。

vt: 释放,免除,使自由,解救。

第三人称单数frees 、 现在分词freeing、 过去式freed、 过去分词freed、 比较级freer、 最高级freest。

扩展资料 短语 be free from 免受...的束缚? be free to do sth.自由自在的做某事? be free lt charge 免费的 feel free 感觉轻松 be free with sth.对某物大方,慷慨. be free of sth.①离开某物 ②摆脱(没有)某物=be free from sth.) for free免费地 1. 住宿免费——你只需付早餐和正餐的钱。

modation?is?free?—?all?you?pay?for?is?breakfast?and?dinner 。


I?have?some?free?advice?for?you.? 3.你可以得到免费的牙齿治疗。

You?can?get?free?dental?treatment.? 4.他们提供免费咨询服务,给予法律问题的援助和建议。

They?offer?a?free?counselling?service?which?can?offer?help?and?advice?on?legal?matters 5.他既挣了钱,又做了免费的广告! He?is?making?money?and?receiving?free?advertising?to?boot!

在线人工翻译英语免费 急!!坐等!!

The Bible reads "What e into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not e it." These words which have helped me a lot have always lighten my path and given me strength when I am confused and at a loss.They are my belief.


Slightly discussed China ancient times the imperial civil service examination system to test to the modern official records system's influence

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