
neutralize  时间:2021-07-24  阅读:()


waste [weist] n. 废物, 浪费, 损耗, 消耗, 地面风化物, 垃圾, 荒地 adj. 废弃的, 荒芜的, 多余的 vt. 浪费, 消耗, 使荒芜 vi. 被浪费, 挥霍钱财, 变消瘦, 被损耗

ground fault neutralizer是什么意思

ground fault neutralizer 接地故障中和剂 Power system resonance grounding and ground fault neutralizer 电力系统谐振接地及接地电流自动补偿装置

有一首英文歌歌词有wake up,war

曲名:Wake Up (The Matrix OST) 歌手:Rage Against the Machine(愤怒反抗机器) Come on! Uggh! Come on, although ya try to discredit Ya still never read it The needle, I'll thread it Radically poetic Standin' with the fury that they had in '66 And like E-Double I'm mad Still knee-deep in the system's shit Hoover, he was a body remover I'll give ya a dose But it can e close To the rage built up inside of me Fist in the air, in the land of hypocrisy e and movements go Leaders speak, movements cease When their heads are flown 'Cause all these punks Got bullets in their heads Departments of police, the judges, the feds Never give up, keepin' people calm You know they went after King When he spoke out on Vietnam He turned the power to the have-nots And then came the shot Yeah! Yeah, back in this... Wit' poetry, my mind I flex Flip like Wilson, vocals never lackin' dat finesse Whadda I got to, whadda I got to do to wake ya up To shake ya up, to break the structure up 'Cause blood still flows in the gutter I'm like takin' photos Mad boy kicks open the shutter Set the groove Then stick and move like I was Cassius Rep the stutter step Then bomb a left upon the fascists Yea, the several federal men Who pulled schemes on the dream And put it to an end Ya better beware Of retribution with mind war 20/20 visions and murals with metaphors Networks at work, keepin' people calm Ya know they murdered X And tried to blame it on Islam He turned the power to the have-nots And then came the shot Uggh! What was the price on his head? What was the price on his head! I think I heard a shot I think I heard a shot I think I heard a shot I think I heard a shot I think I heard a shot I think I heard, I think I heard a shot 'He may be a real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed obediance to white liberal doctrine of non-violence...and embrace black nationalism' 'Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble-makers...And neutralize them, neutralize them, neutralize them' Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! How long? Not long, cause what you reap is what you sow


vinegar[英][?v?n?g?(r)][美][?v?n?ɡ?] n.醋; 乖戾,尖酸刻薄; <口>充沛的精力; 复数:vinegars 例句: 1. The acid in the vinegar will neutralize most pesticides. 醋中含有的醋酸会中和大部分杀虫剂。

UN Security Council是什么意思

UN Security Council 联合国安理会; 联合国安全理事会; 安理会; 联合国安理会上 ?The US is trying to neutralize the resolution in the?UN?Security?Council. 美国正试图在联合国安理会使该决议无效。

很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步 如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O


neutralized v. 中和; 抵消; 使失效( neutralize的过去式和过去分词 ); 使(一个国家)中立化; 例 Remaining alkali may be neutralized with a cold acid treatment followed by several more rinses to remove the acid. 残余的碱可在低温条件下用酸中和,再清洗几次以除去残余的酸。


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