
中文转英文  时间:2022-02-24  阅读:()


Cash flow, is to point to the currency e and expenses all quantity that enterprise ensures under market economy condition, starting from drawing support from currency e and expenses trading exercising energy development's reflecting economic activity and directing the person on with control action. It passes rate of flow , technological process , flow direction and flow rate , concentrate having embodied enterprise business performance, the strength and being reflecting enterprise's overall evaluation, is reflecting the enterprise nature. Therefore, enterprise financial control must take that cash flow manages as core , attach importance to the currency time value , improve the fund utilization ratio , do well in enterprise overall financial control. Coming to say financial affairs risk the sort is objective reality's, in being that enterprise manages process in financial affairs, must face a display problem, the enterprise director can reduce ing adopting limited measure although financial affairs it is impossible that risk pletely. The identification angle to financial affairs risk with being able to give cash flow under the control of goes to think: The short-term long range looks at and appraises the financial affairs risk early warning system being tied in wedlock; The tradition financial analysis index leads into the cash flow index in system; Rational cash flow framework anization; Enterprise fund operation efficiency, stability keeping cash flow flows.


1.i dont know this book is belong to whom. 2. Mr. Brown will arrive at China to in search of the more glorious future. 3. he take apart two old chairs in order to make the sofa. 4. John mentioned several judge's names, he think highly of them. 5. there is no doubt that search for these losses the cultural relic work will keep going. 6. at the time two countries at warm, troops of armies are dispatched the front. 7. she gives me the things and clothes, get nothing in return.


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