
accept函数  时间:2021-07-13  阅读:()


看java源代码, /** * Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the * directory denoted by this abstract pathname that satisfy the specified * filter. The behavior of this method is the same as that of the * {@link #list()} method, except that the strings in the * returned array must satisfy the filter. If the given * filter is null then all names are epted. * Otherwise, a name satisfies the filter if and only if the value * true results when the {@link * FilenameFilter#ept} method of the filter is invoked on this * abstract pathname and the name of a file or directory in the directory * that it denotes. * * @param filter A filename filter * * @return An array of strings naming the files and directories in the * directory denoted by this abstract pathname that were epted * by the given filter. The array will be empty if * the directory is empty or if no names were epted by the * filter. Returns null if this abstract pathname * does not denote a directory, or if an I/O error urs. * * @throws SecurityException * If a security manager exists and its {@link * java.lang.SecurityManager#checkRead(java.lang.String)} * method denies read ess to the directory */ public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) { String names[] = list(); if ((names == null) || (filter == null)) { return names; } ArrayList v = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++) { if (ept(this, names[i])) { v.add(names[i]); } } return (String[])(v.toArray(new String[v.size()])); }


INPUT与ACCEPT命令工作方式相似,区别是:   (1)ACCEPT的数据总被当作字符型数据,而INPUT根据输入表达式的类型而确定。



返回:Socket socket类型。

对于TCP套接字,在服务器端通常采用下面的语句来实现: ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8000); (1) Socket socket = ept(); (2) 第(1)句创建了一个能监听某些客户机“敲门”声的门,serverSocket在8000端口上监听;当某些客户机与serverSocket连接时,第(2)句创建了一个新的套接字,称为socket,这个套接字也使用8000端口,这时,两个套接字使用了相同的端口号,因为TCP连接套接字由一个四元组(源IP地址,源端口号,目的IP地址,目的端口号)来标识,UDP套接字(面向无连接的)由一个包含目的IP地址和目的端口号组成的二元组来标识。



matlab 中的freqz函数怎么用?(详细)

我当时学时也很困惑怎么用,后来我做的尝试,我给你一个例子看看吧,是我学习时自己写的 设计一个高通滤波器,并检验它的性能 采样率为10kHZ 阻带边缘为1.5Khz,衰减为40bB 通带边缘为2kHz,波纹为3Db >>Fs=1e4; >>fs=1.5e3; >>fp=2e3; >>As=40; >>Rp=3; >>wp=2*fp/Fs; >>ws=2*fs/Fs; >>[N,wn]=cheb2ord(wp,ws,Rp,As); >>[b,a]=cheby2(N,As,wn,'high'); >>[db,mag,pha,grd,w]=freqz_m(b,a); >> subplot(2,2,1);plot(w/pi,mag); >> axis([0,1,0,1]); >> setX([0 0.3 0.4 1]); >>setY([0.01 0.7279 1]) >> title('Magnitude Response'); >> subplot(2,2,2);plot(w/pi,db); >> axis([0 1 -70 0]) >> setX([0 0.3 0.4 1]) >> setY([-40 -2.7589]) >> title('Magnitude Response in dB'); 然后给你一个信号x=cos(0.2*pi*n); >>n=0:200; >>x=cos(0.6*pi*n); >>y=filter(b,a,x); >>subplot(2,2,3);plot(n,x); >>subplot(2,2,4);plot(n,y); >>x1=fft(x,201); >>x11=abs(x1); >>subplot(2,2,1);stem(n,x11); >>y1=fft(y,201); >>y11=abs(y1); >>subplot(2,2,2);stem(n,y11); >>setX([0 60 140 201]) >>title('FFT of y'); >>subplot(2,2,1);stem(n,x11); >>setX([0 60 140 201]) >>title('FFT of x'); >>g=x11-y11; >>subplot(2,2,3);stem(n,g); 你运行一下,就可以看到结果,刚好把此信号滤掉 给你一个设计思路,你改变截止频率和阻带衰减就可以了 >> %假设截止频率为W,我随便定义一下 >> %比如wp=0.3*pi;ws=0.4*pi >> wp=0.3*pi;ws=0.4*pi; >> %阻带衰减为50分贝 >> %通带波纹为0.2分贝 >> As=50;Rp=0.2; >> %那么可以用两个函数得到系数a,b >> [N,wn]=buttord(wp/pi,ws/pi,Rp,As); >> [b,a]=butter(N,wn); >> %该滤波器就是从截止频率到无穷远都不响应






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