有什么考英语四级考试有什么技巧的啊 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问(Do you have any skills in English test four - solved - Search ask)

solved  时间:2021-01-13  阅读:()

考英语四级考试有什么技巧的啊-已解决-搜搜问问Do you have any skills in English test four - solved - Search ask1, listening, there are three types of questions, dialogue (ten dialogue) , passage (three essays) , compound

Dictation (compound dictation, also is the legend of Duan Ziti) ,the first year after the two year compulsory, alternately,which the number of relatively large test passage.

The easiest ones to score are dialogue and passage, just remember a super skill : Dialogue says things are always going bad. A few examples: for example, the dialogue asked the professor' s lecture lecture difficult, difficult to remember,the teacher assignment more or less, some more, men' s invitation, Ms. promised to do, never, never is a silly man invitation, invite the object is Mary, please ask us to swim okay, skating, dancing, dinner, the answer is always Mary, I very want to go, not to but, CET four for ten years, Mary has never been, this year will not. So remember, as long as the dialogue, inevitable accidents will happen, for example, the two option, theA train, the train is lateB if you are a teacher,you how to set up a dialogue, of course is late, time is what to say, not two or two nerve disease. Just love, came to the station, meihuazhaohua, the man said, wow, the train is on time,the woman said, "! It' s just in time! So punctuality is out of the question and bad things are usually the last answer! For c omp oun d

Dictation, I have no good luck last semester to test this, but I think this problem is indeed more difficult, only ears

listened attentively, even if you don't understand, also according to the context of a shot in the dark, empty sure, maybe a teacher will give you a wrong!

I want to add, do not listen to the tape over the years, whether or MP3, these will only make you feel more tired, I was just in my MP3 inside some BACK STREET BOY as

Long, as, you, love, me, I, PROMISE, YOU, etc. , and Mariah Carey Always Be My

Baby, when I was asleep in the classroom taking a short nap,to repose!

2, this is the focus of reading, we should test the reading scores directly affect whether you can live here, I talk about the topic for each one, facts and details, according to my observation, each place is listed at the compulsory, namely first, sceond, in

Addition. . . . . . Where there are examples and examples, there are as, such, for

Instance and so on, there are several rules should be tested,remember, 1) in the option to copy or seem to copy the original is not the answer, and synonymous with the correct answer,

2) the meaning of the expression is more specific, that is, the sentence is longer than the general answer, and general,abstract is the answer,

3) there are absolute mood words in the options, such as must,never, merely and so on. The answer is not the answer, but there are not very affirmative mood words are the correct answers,such as could, might, possible and so on.

Two semantic meanings and to determine the problem, a new test often asked noun semantic function and polysemy of the phrase,in a complex sentence because of its relationship between sentences, complex, often as a means to examine the ability to understand, as long as you can remember a rule, that is the option meaning and reference the words in the meaning of superficial similar is generally not the answer

Three reasoning and judgment questions have the following skills,

1) if you are required to make inferences about a paragraph,then just look at the paragraph inwhich the question is asked,

2) the use of exploratory, not very absolute mood words, such as tend, to, offten and so on, is generally the answer,

3) common sense logic is the answer, for example, why China is poor, because of the large population, why Americans are fat,because they eat Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald' s too much.Four, the main idea, the question and the point of view,attitude problems, these two relatively difficult, and everyone' s score is not very high, so even if you donot do well,do not mind. These two questions, I was in a very urgent situation, read only the first paragraph, and then quickly

selected, in fact, the final effect is good, reading more than 200 points!

3, vocabulary, for this problem, when you see my blog later,go back and throw away those words, series memory, spark memory,black and white memory, what kind of genealogical memory,serial memory. . . . . . Books like that, or send them, or keep them well, and sell them to freshmen who don't know how to do it in the coming year. Otherwise, just take it to the table! I think memorizing words is a very out of proportion approach to input and output, extremely ignorant and superstitious! I was doing this, two days before (but not too early, otherwise, will forget)to browse the text behind the four phrases, when the exam, as long as there are options appear words or phrases on the books,so don't hesitate to choose her! I would also like to remind you not to waste too much time on 30 vocabulary questions, only 0 of each question. 5 minutes, and reading, a 2 point, save time for reading! I used my method, plus the probability of the 1/4question, and at last I got more than 100 points for the comprehensive items (including cloze test) .

4, cloze test and short answer questions, the two problem is the former year by year alternately, the chances are far greater than the latter, if you encounter a cloze test, you should be glad, the four exam, she is the most simple, I had no problem at a glance, until the exam the end of the bell rang, I began to take the machine reading card inquiry, I was sitting in the last row, when an woman teacher came to my front, I have five questions with no card, I fondly said to her, the weather is very hot, you are also very tired, she smiled a dual said, thank you, okay. In this instant, I finished all the questions. We

all know people participated in the college entrance examination, do a cloze Tihua time may be more than two reading,but the score? I believe we all know well. Thanks to the four test, each of the questions is only 0. 5 points, even if the real master in this problem will not exceed your five points,but the time spent is about 30 times your (I was doing this problem before and after about 18 seconds) . I have always thought that for cloze test, the real purpose of the proposition is not to test your knowledge, but to see if you can make the right time!

If you have been short answer questions, to tell the truth, I don' t have a good way to this problem, although difficult to meet once in athousand years, but I thinkthis is the best level of CET four, the worst response to questions, questions must be people from outer space! If you're interested, try it. If you can't do it, then you' ll have bad luck! In college there is a good saying: "whohasn't steppedonhis stool several times in his life?"!

5, writing, I think this is the most easy to deal with, but also the most worthy of the scoring problem!

Just 9 seconds before the exam, it is possible to get 9 points (out of 100points system) above goodresults. I was just before the start of two memorize difficult phrases, try to test in the first sentence and at the end of each one, and then the remaining part, or free play, or write a few paragraphs I love the lyrics English (note not Pinyin) , or write about Li Yang Crazy English in a funny sentence.

You don' t doubt my practice, I now give you an analysis method is feasible: judging reason, every teacher on the table will have a stack of papers, far more than you when the college entrance examination review the information you want, as long as the person who has the patience to see so many English articles carefully, plus general panjuan occurred in summer,hot weather, irritable mood, every day we see off these boring low-level articles in the cabin to the Internet, not QQ,Not to use MSN, more likely to blog, people will be crazy. So they panjuan, generally only the beginning and ending sentence,and then generally look at words enough, there is love of the teacher, a good mood, but also to see if there is nowrongwords,in order to prevent this, I remind you that our goal is not to write a frightening article, but as far as possible in the thirty minutes without saying the wrong thing, do not write a word. In a word, our goal is - no cavities! ! Again, to write the essay, thebest use of black pen, and do not useothercolors,especially the pen, in addition, must pay attention to the written order, it is said that B is mostly modern black eyes,for they are more sensitive, more accustomed to. Writing is also,the more tidy, the clearer he sees, the better the mood, and the higher our score! I finished the problem at that time and shared it for eight minutes, but my writing achievement was eighty points (710 points out of grade) !

Perfect answer

You * * * Zhang Wei answered: 51.2% 2009-12-18 17:28.

Whether to solve the problem (to participate in the evaluation

8 times) canbe solved: the 8 assessment success, original plus two, part of the solution: 0 evaluation success, original plus 2, can not solve:

The 0 assessment of success, original plus 2, whether the original answer (to participate in evaluation 8 times) Original:8 evaluation success, original plus 2, not original: 0evaluation success, original plus 2!

Answer 1: in the network, many articles teach you how one month over six, half a month over four, individuals think: possible!But that' s definitely something better for English based friends. If you start the English foundation is not good, then only with me, down-to-earth step by step. In fact, the most important thing is learning, there is no shortcut to go.

2: listening:

The listening part is the easiest part of the band 46 test to score. Total score of 20 points, which, if the hearing level is better, take 16-18 points can not be a problem. The so-called level is good, I feel as long as I can understand VOA stand English, six is enough. Personally, I haven' t heard system 46exam questions over the years, but the test Gufen, hearing is 16-18 minutes.

At first, I didn't even listen to VOA Special

English is very difficult. My method is: a SP to listen to 4-5times, the English words do not understand the meaning of the

word, all clear, and then insist on listening to 2 hours of training every day, crazy attack sp. If you have nothing to do,take a MP3 to your ears and let you get used to the English context. 2 months later, I listened to a four - grade English test tape and found it simple to understand something I didn't understand at all.

Now, you already have a good hearing base. Next, you can do some special dictation, try listening to stand

English. This stage is really hit your confidence when ^ ^ :Dictation appear many spelling mistakes, stand sounds like mumbo-jumbo, then think: my level is not ah 5555~~~, but never mind, in fact you are already in progress, but you didn't perceive it. Stick to it, slowly found that the correct rate of dictation has improved, and stand has become more familiar.When the dictation special feels simple, you can begin to try dictation, a relatively short stand. If you can persist in training for about half a year, you have reached the level six foreign language listening requirements. Because the six level of listening requirements are not particularly high, you can understand stand, you really feel that the six level of voice is really slow.

Here a bit, actually before the exam, listen to some of the calendar year 46 exam listening, can help you understand the questions, familiar with test mode, so it' s definitely worth it. I am hearing more conceited, so how not heard, hearing results always get full marks.

3: words

basis of English, no words, as if the building has no brick,Fantasy castles in the air. But being the word is considered to be the most difficult and boring thing. A good friend can learn a word by reading, but it is not good for the foundation.The whole article is not clear enough. What words are you talking about? Since we are now unable to do so, we should work harder than others. I finished grade six, and the draft of the word was filled with a big box.

We must have this experience, and soon, the words back soon forgotten, then what should I do? I was daily fixed back about 30-40 words, the day before the second day review of the word,then every Sunday, 1 hours a week to review the words, every month and spend a few hours a month of the word a review.In this way, half a year will be able to accumulate a relatively large vocabulary. Please review the words before you have the exam. Because it is for exams, you can find high frequency words on grade 46 exams, and recite them (there are many relevant information on the network) .

For the middle exam vocabulary, you need to rely on the title.When I was in grade six, I was doing a grade six test break out of the north. Take a week to make sure all the questions are clear and all the words you don't understand are written down.Because six years ago, the experience is: a lot of topics are repeated.

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