
appearance  时间:2021-07-04  阅读:()


Beauty does not e from appearance When we say someone is beautiful, it always means that he or she is good-looking. But there is another kind of beauty which doesn’e from appearance, but from heart. A young lady is walking on the road, eating a banana, she is tall, slim, well dressed and beautiful. But look, what’s she doing? She throws the banana skins on the road, instead of into the dustbin, though the dustbin is just beside her. She is beautiful in appearance, but not in heart. Afterwards, a disabled es. He picks up the banana skins and throws them into the dustbin. Although the girl is beautiful and fashionate, I don’t think she is beautiful. Beauty doesn’t e from appearance. It es from your heart, your action and your good qualities. Good appearance makes you beautiful, but not in mind. Having a heart with kindness, selflessness and helpfulness makes you the most beautiful person in the world.


一般情况下用法是这样: 指容姿、外观时是用不可数 ~a man of noble appearance. 一位容姿高雅的男士 ~They are very similar in appearance 它们的外观非常相似 出席、出现用可数 ~The appearances of works have changed our culture in many ways. 社交网络的出现在很多方面改变了我们的文化 ~The president candidates made several appearances on TV. 总统候选人在电视上几次露面 特殊情况尢其是指 表里不一 时,外表也会用上可数 He appears to be happy, but appearances can be deceptive/deceiving. 他似乎很高兴,但是外表可以是有欺骗性/欺骗 Their expensive home created a false appearance of ess and happiness 其昂贵的家创造出一个成功和幸福的假象 希望这个回答能帮到你,满意的话请采纳哦~~


展开全部 appearance 外观 双语对照 词典结果: appearance [英][??p??r?ns][美][??p?r?ns] n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. How would you rate your appearance? 你如何评价你的外表? ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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