ZC_BLOG_MASTERTemplate file and template tag z-blog Build

z-blog  时间:2021-01-13  阅读:()

Template file and template tag z-blog Build

Template file and template tag z-blog Build

The homepage is related to the list page

1.default.html page master template file

The catalog.html list page template file 1)

The b_article - multi-.html article template

B_article - istop.html 2)

B_pagebar.html page at the bottom of the page, you can change the page style

Log page correlation templates

Single.html log page master template file

The b_article - single-.html log page article template B_article_nvabar_l.html log page article navigation,displaying "previous" log link 3

The b_article_nvabar_r.html log page article navigation,displaying the "next" log link

B_article_trackback.html displays the template for each reference notice

Article 6. B_article_mutuality. HTML each article display t emp lat e

B_article_comment. HTML per comment content displays template


B_article_commentpost.html comment sends form template 5)B_article_commentpost-veri.html comment captcha 6)

The display style for each tag in the b_article_tag.html The message is related to the template

The template for the message is optional, and the log page template is used if no.

B_article - guestbook.html message page body template, which is calledb_article-single-.html template if it does not exist The guestbook.html message page master template file (the default theme does not have this file) , and the single.html template is called if it does not exist

Other template files

The search.html search page template displays the search page The TagCloud is displayed in the tags

Z-blog template tag library and relevant instructions, system

constant c_option. Asp

Label meaning


< # ZC_BLOG_LANGUAGE # > blog page language defaults to zh-cn < # ZC_BLOG_HOST # > blog url

< # ZC_BLOG_TITLE # > blog title is displayed in the browser title bar

< # ZC_BLOG_SUBTITLE # > blog prof ile

< # ZC_BLOG_NAME # > blog name is displayed in the page < # ZC_BLOG_SUB_NAME # > blog subtitle

< # ZC_BLOG_COPYRIGHT # > copyright note

< # ZC_BLOG_MASTER # > blog host name

< # ZC_CONTENT_MAX # > for the longest word


< # ZC_EMOTICONS_FILESIZE # > emoticons - high and wide < # ZC_GUE STB OOK_CONTENT # >

< # ZC_BLOG_CLSID # # > blog, the unique identifier is not changed regularly to prevent spam robots from being valid < # ZC_TIME_ZONE # > blog time zone defaults to + 0800, or Beijing time

The < # ZC_IMAGE_WIDTH # > image is automatically reduced to size


< # ZC_VERIFYCODE_WIDTH # > capsize image -wide

< # ZC_VERIFYCODE_HEIGHT # > captcha - high

Most of the parameters shown above can be modified in the background website Settings.

2. Language resources

(LANGUAGE/SimpCh ine se. Asp)

< # ZC_MSGxxx # > quotes content from: ZC_MSG001 - ZC_MSG230Here, XXX is the last three digits of the string resource that the guide USES.

3. The file cache

Using the < # CACHE_INCLUDE_f ile name (all uppercase and not suffix) #>, you can refer to the contents of the text file under

the root directory INCLUDE folder

Using the < # TEMPLATE_INCLUDE_ file name (all uppercase and not suffix) # >, you can refer to the contents of the text file under the subject directory INCLUDE folder

For more information, see how to refer to the include directory within the template

The label is available by default

Label meaning

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_CATALOG # > c lassi f ication directory < # CACHE_INCLUDE_AUTHORS # > user l i st

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_TAGS # > Tags are displayed from the number of USES to less than 50

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_STATISTICS # > s ite stat ist ics

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_PREVIOUS # > was recently publ ished < # CAC HE_I NC LUD E_C OMM ENT S # >

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_GUESTCOMMENTS # > recent ly commented on the latest message in the comments

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_TRACKBACKS # > recent ly ref erenced

< # CAC HE_INC LUD E_CALENDA R # > c a l en dar

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_CALENDAR_NOW # > current ca l endar

catalog.html references this calendar tag to display the current date

< # CAC HE_INC LUD E_A RCH I VE S # > ar c h i v e s

The contents of the above tags are automatically generated by the system and do not change manually; The following tags can be modified in background link management

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_NAVBAR # > navigat ion bar

< # CACHE_INCLUDE_LINK # > friendship l ink


< # CACHE_INCLUDE_M I SC # > i con

Use the <#CACHE_INCLUDE_f ile name (fully capitalized and not suff ix) _HTML # >, which indicates the mandatory reference to the contents of the file under the root directory INCLUDE folder Use the < # CACHE_INCLUDE_ f ile name (all uppercase and not suffix) _JS # >, which indicates that the file under the root directory INCLUDE the root directory is mandatory javascript The article data

Article basic data:

Related template file: b_article - istop.html, b_article -multi-.html, b_article - single-.html

Label meaning

< # art icl e/i d# > number

< # article/url# > link

< # art icle/level# > permiss ions

< # article/title# > title

< # article/staticname# > al ias

< # art icl e/intro# > summary

< # art icle/content# >

< # article/posttime# > time in more time format see article generation time

< # art icl e/commnums # > comments

< # article/viewnums# > browse the recommended use of JS for viewing details. . .

< # art icle/trackbacknums# > reference number

< #article/trackback_url #> refers to the link after the link

is clicked to get the full link

< # article/pretrackback_url # >

< # art icle/trackbackkey# >

< # article/commentposturl# >

< # article/commentkey# >

< # article/commentrss# > comments RSS

The < # article/tagtoname# > tags text format can be used in the < head > area as a keyword

< #article/firsttagintro# > the first tag summary will set up the image link, which can be used as an autograph

Article classified data:

Label meaning

< # art icl e/category/i d# > number

< # article/category/order# > serial number

< # art icl e/category/name# > name

< # art icle/category/stat icname# > alias

< # article/category/url# > link

< # art icl e/category/count# >

Article author data:

Label meaning

< # art icle/author/id# > number

< # art icl e/author/name# > name

< # article/author/staticname# > alias

< # article/author/level# > class

< # art icl e/author/emai l# > Emai l

< # article/author/homepage# > site link

< # article/author/count# > articles

< # article/author/url# > link

Article block-level labels:

Some articles related to the data module also have their own templates, which we call "block-level tags. "

Label meaning

< # template: article_tag # > tags, the custom template is



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