学生管理系统源代码求学生宿舍管理系统 源代码?

学生管理系统源代码  时间:2022-02-23  阅读:()

求学生宿舍管理系统 源代码?

/* Note:Your choice is C IDE */ #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #define LEN sizeof(struct student) int m; struct student { long num; char name[20]; char addr[30]; char xueli[20]; struct student *next; }; void main() { int n,w; struct student *head=0; void print(struct student *head); struct student *creat(); struct student *add(struct student *head); struct student *del(struct student *head); struct student *search(struct student *head); system("cls"); do { printf(" ******************************************* "); printf(" *** Student Information Management System*** "); printf(" ******************************************** "); printf(" **** choose ******************** "); printf(" **** 1 Enter new data ************* "); printf(" **** 2 Modify data ************** "); printf(" **** 3 Search by people .xueli and num **** "); printf(" **** 4 Browse data ***************** "); printf(" **** 5 add data ************ "); printf(" **** 6 Exit ************* "); printf(" ****************************************** "); printf(" ******************************************* "); printf("choose your number(1-6):[ ]"); do { scanf("%d",&n); if(n>6||n<1) { w=1; printf("Error,please input again(1-6):"); } else w=0; }while(w==1); switch(n) { case 1:head=creat();break; case 2:del(head);break; case 3:search(head);break; case 4:print(head);break; case 5:add(head);break; case 6:exit(0); } }while(n!=6); } struct student *creat() { struct student *head; struct student *p1,*p2; m=0; p1=p2=(struct student *)malloc(LEN); printf("Please input number:"); scanf("%ld",&p1->num); printf("Please input name:"); scanf("%s",p1->name); printf("address:"); scanf("%s",p1->addr); printf("xueli:"); scanf("%s",p1->xueli); while(p1->num!=0) { m=m+1; if(m==1)head=p1; else p2->next=p1; p2=p1; p1=(struct student *)malloc(LEN); printf("number:"); scanf("%ld",&p1->num); printf("name:"); scanf("%s",p1->name); printf("address:"); scanf("%s",p1->addr); printf("xueli:"); scanf("%s",p1->xueli); } p2->next=0; print(head); return(head); } struct student *del(struct student *head) { long num; struct student *p1,*p2; if(head==0) { printf(" list null "); exit(0); } p1=head; printf("Which number do you want del:"); scanf("%ld",&num); while(num!=p1->num&&p1->next!=0) { p2=p1; p1=p1->next; } if(num==p1->num) { if(p1==head)head=p1->next; else p2->next=p1->next; printf("delete:%ld ",num); m=m-1; } else printf("%ld not been found! ",num); print(head); return(head); } struct student * add(struct student * head) { struct student *p0,*p1,*p2; p0=(struct student *)malloc(LEN); printf("number:"); scanf("%ld",&p0->num); printf("name:"); scanf("%s",p0->name); printf("address:"); scanf("%s",p0->addr); printf("xueli:"); scanf("%s",p0->xueli); p1=head; if(head==0) { head=p0; p0->next=0; } else { while((p0->num>p1->num)&&(p1->next!=0)) { p2=p1; p1=p1->next; } if(p0->num<=p1->num) { if(head==p1)head=p0; else p2->next=p0; p0->next=p1; } else { p1->next=p0; p0->next=0; } } m=m+1; print(head); } void print(struct student *head) { struct student *p; printf(" Now,There %d records are: ",m); p=head; if(head!=0) do { printf("%ld ",p->num); printf("%s ",p->name); printf("%s ",p->addr); printf("%s ",p->xueli); p=p->next; }while(p!=0); } struct student *search(struct student *head) { int n,w; struct student *name(struct student *head); struct student *number(struct student *head); struct student *xueli(struct student *head); printf("***** 7 use name to search**** "); printf("***** 8 use number to search**** "); printf("***** 9 use xueli to search**** "); printf("choose your number[ ]"); do { scanf("%d",&n); if(n>9||n<7) { w=1; printf("error,please input again:"); } else w=0; }while(w==1); switch(n) { case 7:name(head);break; case 8:number(head);break; case 9:xueli(head);break; } } struct student *name(struct student *head) { char nam[20]; int w; struct student *p1; printf("Please input name:"); scanf("%s",nam); if(head==0) { printf(" list null "); exit(0); } p1=head; while(strcmp(nam,p1->name)!=0&&p1->next!=0) { p1=p1->next; w=0; } if(strcmp(nam,p1->name)==0) { printf("%ld %s %s %s ",p1->num,p1->name,p1->addr,p1->xueli); w=1; } if(w==0)printf("%s not been found! ",nam); } struct student *number(struct student *head) { long num; int w=0; struct student *p1; printf("please input the number:"); scanf("%ld",&num); if(head==0) { printf(" list null! "); exit(0); } p1=head; while(p1->next!=0) { if(num==p1->num) { w=1; printf("%ld %s %s %s ",p1->num,p1->name,p1->addr,p1->xueli); } p1=p1->next; } if(w==0)printf("%ld not been found! ",num); } struct student *xueli(struct student *head) { struct student *p1; char xue[20]; int w=0; if(head==0) { printf(" list null "); exit(0); } printf("please input xueli:"); scanf("%s",xue); p1=head; while(p1->next!=0) { if(strcmp(xue,p1->xueli)==0) { printf("%ld %s %s %s ",p1->num,p1->name,p1->addr,p1->xueli); w=1; } p1=p1->next; } if(w==0)printf("%s not been found ",xue); }


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