动画片《Froze n冰雪奇缘》主题曲le tit go中英翻译对照版本
[ti:Let It Go]
[ar:Demi Lovat o]
[al:Frozen(Deluxe Editi on)]
[00:00.42]Let it go随心而去吧
[00:02.06]Let it go随心而去吧
[00:03.93]Can't hold you back anymo re你再也不能压抑自 己了
[00:07.30]Let it go随心而去吧
[00:09.04]Let it go随心而去吧
[00:10.79]Turn my back and slam the door我想逃离这一切绝不回头
[00:16.82]The snow blows white on the mount ain tonig ht今晚的大雪将整个山峦银装素裹
[00:19.63]Not a footp rint to be seen来时的脚印一个也看不到了
[00:23.12]Akingd om of isola tion and it looks like I'm the Queen在这个与世隔绝的王国里我看起来才像个女王一样
[00:30.42]The wind is howli ng like the swirl ing storm insid e狂风咆哮使我的内心更加慌乱
[00:37.41]Could n't keep it in,heave nknows Itried我无法压抑了天知道我已经尽力了
[00:44.15]Don't let them in,don't let them see关上门不能让他们进来不能让他们知道
[00:47.70]Be the good girl做一个好女孩
[00:48.83]You alway s had to be你必须一直都要
[00:51.20]Conce al,don't feel压抑自己压抑感情
[00:52.82]Don't let them know不能让他们知道
[00:56.94]Well,now they know然而现在他们都知道了
[01:00.44]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:02.06]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:03.93]Can't hold you back anymo re你再也不能压抑自 己了
[01:07.18]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:08.92]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:10.80]Turn my back and slam the door我想逃离这一切绝不回头
[01:14.42]And here I stand,and here I'll stay我一个人站在这里我一个人待在这里
[01:20.98]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:22.60]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:24.79]The cold never bothe redme anywa y无论如何冰冷寂寞在也不会困扰我了
[01:28.72]It's funny how some dista nce很是好笑一些距离
[01:31.40]Makes every thing seem small使一切看起来如此渺小
[01:35.04]And the fears that once contr olled me以前占据内心的恐惧
[01:38.28]Can't get to me at all再也不能盘踞我的内心了
[01:42.02]Up here in the cold thin air在这山上这冰冷稀薄的空气中
[01:45.39]I final ly can breat he终于我可以自由的呼吸了
[01:48.83]I know i left a life behin dbut I'm too relie ved to griev e我抛弃了以前的生活却感到如释重负
[01:55.25]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:56.94]Let it go随心而去吧
[01:58.81]Can't hold you back anymo re你再也不能压抑自 己了
[02:02.06]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:03.68]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:05.61]Turn my back and slam the door我想逃离这一切绝不回头
[02:09.23]And here I stand我一个人站在这里
[02:12.60]And here I'll stay我一个人待在这里
[02:15.78]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:17.47]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:19.34]The cold never bothe redme anywa y无论如何冰冷寂寞在也不会困扰我了
[02:24.02]Stand ing froze nin the life I've chose n我宁愿生活在这冰雪世界中
[02:30.76]You won't find me, the past is so behin dme你将不能找到我 以往的生活也将被忘记
[02:37.64]Burie din the snow把过去的一切都埋葬在这皑皑白雪里吧
[02:43.40]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:44.90]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:46.83]Can't hold you back anymo re你再也不能压抑自 己了
[02:51.92]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:53.48]Let it go随心而去吧
[02:55.42]Turn my back and slam the door我想逃离这一切绝不回头
[02:59.16]And here I stand我一个人站在这里
[03:02.53]And here I'll stay我一个人待在这里
[03:05.77]Let it go随心而去吧
[03:07.21]Let it go随心而去吧
[03:09.39]The cold never bothe redme anywa y无论如何冰冷寂寞再也不会困扰我了
[03:14.26]na na na na na na
[03:18.38]Let it go na na na
[03:29.76]you go终于你自由了
[03:33.19]Let it go随心而去吧
[03:34.68]Let it go随心而去吧
[03:37.18]Let it go随心而去吧
参考网页http://zhida o.baidu.c om/link?url=Qdq 1 KgWvyA ZE3 oPr0OgEYRtKX wV_V3 VCDMC tNyVx OE-dRBxx-10Sk7EGz-mLkRGwc oXOkvK8rx5DwuGejyr2XS_z 15 CZeP99bWRWmj 3 c HS S http://zhida o.baidu.c om/link?url=PX0JAP_wvVmz42CohxtpkSbA86aS 6egGCdg OCtA864krh Z7e 61 biKlo JjCxN AzFGK98PKF JLpfd96m2gzAdPX mUKAE384Q 12f2GszInEe_O
2014/2/28 creat edby qing_xi_yx q
2014/3/4 updat ed
1 小处的措辞更改
2 [00:10.79]Turn my back and slam the door我摔上门转身逃离
3 [01:48.83]I know i left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieve我知道我抛弃了我的生活我却感到轻松自由而不是难过
4 [00:30.42]The wind is howli ng like the swirl ing storm insid e狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱
5 [02:24.02]Stand ing froze nin the life I've chose n我选择生活在这冰冷中
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