Let the sun shine in 冬天来了 春天还会远吗duringwinterto s avourits lovingn es s.Its radianc ethaws theheartand invigorate s youwithc omp as s ion.Likegentlet endrils s o larrays cuddleup thes lendertrunk,mend ing wh during winter to savour its lovingness.
Its radianc e thaws the heart and invigorates you with compassion.
Like gentle tendrils solar rays cuddle up the slender trunk,mending where it is sore.
Its warmth curls your hair more,darkening it and rekindling youthful lore.
Outdoors it melts the frost that slowly encroaches like moss,chilling your conscious mind.
Let the sun shine in and reflect back to the frost.
Let not the sun shine in during summer time when it is too hot to mime.
So scalding it’ d numb your soul,just keep the shutters down to block its tentacles.
Let the sun shine in spring and fall,as it brightens the days you recall.
Drive away the rain and fog,which are too much to be at odds.
May the sun always rise on Golden Pond,and bring reflections on the water that meanders.
Punting on the way singing an evensong,for sure I will hear it when you come on board.
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