
letitrain  时间:2020-12-24  阅读:()


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有一首歌开头有一个Let is go 很轻快的叫什么



这个估计很少有人知道啊,其实尼坤弹得是 雷诺儿 的1首钢琴曲《我的钢琴很简单》。我是大学的时候喜欢上的,觉得有股淡淡的哀伤,听了很久。没想到在这部电视剧入耳到了。


一撒哈尅的特 恰啊啦 克类涩难涩剖 都 涩剖 when i look at you when i look at you 妈几妈k你某涩 比剖要 要见西难 爷剥 都 爷剥 when i look at you when i look at you this might be the last time we say goodb ye this might be the last time we say goodb ye this might be the last time this might be the last time this might be zhe last time we say goodb ye this might be zhe last time we say goodb ye this might be zhe last time this might be zhe last time baby slow down 吽 某米 大 到林大 花擦汗 那类 噶p加ki 比内利嫩 window比内利嫩 window 比内利嫩window 比内利嫩window baby calm down 某k搜利噶 的林大 扣又汗 吧米 比米乐 啊r扣 一s嫩 window 啊扣 一嫩 window 啊扣一嫩 window 比内利嫩 window show window 啊木都 内 妈么 某啦 无扫都 无嫩尅 啊您高 when i look at you when i look at you 木扣一嫩 你 某涩 比剥要 撒拉一啦 那吧 都 啊吧 when i look at you when i look at youbaby look at me this might be the last time we say goodb ye this might be the last time we say goodb ye this might be the last time this might be the last time this might be zhe last time we say goodb ye this might be zhe last time we say goodb ye this might be zhe last time this might be zhe last time look into your eyes let it way let way look at out the sky let it way let it way way way way way(比内利嫩 window) wash be zhe way let it way let it way look into your eyes let it way let way look at out the sky let it way let it way way way way way(比内利嫩 window) wash be zhe way let it way let it way(比 内利嫩 window show window) 一萨哈尅 的特 恰 啊啦 克类涩难 涩剖 都 色剖 this might be the last time this might be zhe last time 比内利嫩 window show window



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