dictionaryentryc# 中的 DictionaryEntry 类是干什么的

dictionaryentry  时间:2021-06-17  阅读:()


/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=loverly Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary loverly One entry found for loverly. Main Entry: lov·er·ly Pronunciation: -lE Function: adjective : resembling or befitting a lover /dict.asp?Word=loverly Adj. 1. loverly - like or in the manner of a lover 爱人般的,适于爱人的

c# hashtable 怎么理解


下面是一个适用hashtable类的例子: using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace 练习 { public class name { Hashtable hs = new Hashtable(); public void hashtable() { hs.Add("001","小T87992352"); hs.Add("002","小Z87993952"); hs.Add("003","小L87993723"); foreach (DictionaryEntry dr in hs)//通过DictionaryEntry遍历hashtable { string key = (string)dr.Key; string value = (string)dr.Value; Console.WriteLine("编号为"+key+" 的号码为:"); } hs.Remove("003");//移除键值为003的记录 if (!hs.Contains("003")) { Console.WriteLine("电话簿中不存在编号为003的记录"); } else { Console.WriteLine((string)hs["003"]); } if (!hs.ContainsValue("小L87993723")) { hs.Add("003", "小L87993723"); } else { Console.WriteLine("记录已经存在"); } foreach (string skey in hs.Keys) //通过键集合来遍历hashtable { Console.WriteLine((string)hs[skey]); } } public static void Main(String[] args) { name n = new name(); n.hashtable(); } } }

entry word是什么意思啊?麻烦解释的详细点啊,拜托拜托

entry word n. 开头词 entry word Noun 1. the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary (synonym) citation form, main entry word (hypernym) form, word form, signifier, descriptor (part-holonym) lexical entry, dictionary entry 与 entry word 相关的例句The word or words serving to define another word or expression, as in a dictionary entry. 字典词条下定义或释义用的词语,如字典的词条 An entry word, as in a dictionary; a headword. 词目在字典中一个词条开头的词;词目 the entry in a dictionary of information about a word. 字典中关于某个词的信息的条目。

The next entry in this dictionary is the word" entwine". 这本词典中下一个词条是“entwine。

” In word processing, the typing and entry of text into the system. 在字(词)处理技术中,系统文本的打印和输入。

Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned. 查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词,请参考有关词条。

A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry. 释义对单词、短语或术语的意义的说明,如字典的词条中的解释 a word placed at the beginning of a line or paragraph (as in a dictionary entry). 置于一个句子或段落开始。

the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary. 在字典中按字母顺序排列的单词形式。

A word, phrase, or name, usually set in boldface or other distinctive type, that serves as the heading for an entry in a dictionary, an encyclopedia, or a similar reference work.

c# 中的 DictionaryEntry 类是干什么的

就是键值对 Key是键 Value是值 Hashtable 内的每一组对象就是一个DictionaryEntry 例如我们要循环hashtable foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myHashtable) {...} Hashtable就是一个DictionaryEntry的集合 在一个Hashtable中 Key的值是不可以重复的,必须是唯一的,但Value的值可以是重复的 在查询时,Key担当索引的功能

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