aschool英语里 at school in school /in a school at a school

aschool  时间:2021-06-06  阅读:()

求 a school trip wht are my fanmily my favorite teacher 英语初中作文 40词左右 谢谢!! 急用

This year our school held a school trip.We went to a beautiful park.Everyone had a great time.We do what we want to do.We chated about our future and played funny games.By this trip,I learnt how to make friends.As wellI learn how to live with others. I have a both big and warm family.They are my parents and grandparents.We about each member in my family.We ofen have dinner together.Afert that,we .All in all,I love my happy family. My favorite teacher is my English teacher.From whom I can learn many useful things.I also like Engilsh.My teacher awlays tell me wonderful tales which makes me happy.My teacher ask me to study hard or I will never get ess.I like my Engilsh teacher very much.

rooms in a school是什么意思

rooms in a school 全部释义和例句>>在一所学校的房间 school 英[sku:l] 美[skul] n. 学校; 学院; 上学; 群; vt. 训练,锻炼; 教育,教导; 约束; 给…上学; [例句]Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school 就连好学生都说上学最讨厌的就是要写家庭作业。

[其他] 第三人称单数:schools 复数:schools 现在分词:schooling 过去式:schooled 过去分词:schooled

英语里 at school in school /in a school at a school

1、at school (英式) 和 in school (美式) 属于习惯用语,在 “在读”、“在校”; 2、 at a school 指 “在一所学校的座落处”, in a school 指 “在一所学校的校园里”; 3、in Oxford 是美式用法,at Oxford 是英式用法,都是指粻定纲剐蕺溉告税梗粳 “在牛津求学”。



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