代理服务器什么是代理服务器以及如何设置代理服务器(What is a proxy server and how to set up the proxy server)

代理服务器是什么  时间:2021-01-10  阅读:()

什么是代理服务器以及如何设置代理服务器What is aproxy server and how to set up the proxy server

That filed proxy server (Proxy) still has very much attention,because it is the online forum (BBS) or news group, people often ask the proxy server as it is, or how to set up the proxy server of this kind of problem, so I think it is necessary to summarize What is a proxy server (Proxy)?

What is Proxy? It' s an agent. Ordinary Internet access is a typical client and server structure: the user using the computer on the client, such as the browser request, the remote WWW server program in response to the request and provide related data. Proxy is the client and the server, the server,Proxy client, Proxy server request response; for the client,Proxy server, it accepts the client' s request, and the server to upload data to the client. It acts like a real-life agent service provider. Therefore, the Chinese name of Proxy Server is the proxy server.

Working mechanism of proxy server

The workingmechanism of the proxy server is like our life often referred to agents, assuming you machine for the A machine, you want to get the data provided by the B server, the proxy server is C, then the connection is such a specific process.First of all, A need for B data, A direct connection with the C machine, C machine receives the A data request, establish a connection with the B machine, B machine A machine download the

requested data on to the local, and then sends this data to the A machine, complete the task agent.

The proxy server has four functions:

First, to improve access speed. Because the customer demand data stored in the proxy server hard disk, so the next time the customer or other customers require the same destination site when the data will be read directly from the proxy server hard disk, the proxy server to cache function, there are a lot of customers access to popularweb sites, the proxy server has more obvious advantage.

Two, Proxy can play the role of firewall. Because all users who use proxy servers must access the remote site via the proxy server, they can set restrictions on the proxy server to filter or block certain information. This is the most common way for LAN management to limit the access scope of LAN users, and also the reason why LAN users can not browse certain websites. If a dial-up user uses a proxy server, it must also comply with the access limit of the proxy server unless you do not use the proxy server.

Three, access some web sites that cannot be accessed directly through the proxy server. There are many open internet proxy server, the client is limited in access, and the proxy server access permission is unrestricted, just a proxy server within the client access range, then the customer through a proxy server to access the target site is possible. Domestic colleges and universities use educational networks more than they can,but they can access the Internet through proxy servers, which

is why the proxy server is hot in universities.

Four, security has been improved. Whether you're on a chat room or a web browser, the destination site only knows that you're from a proxy server, and that your real IP can't be tested, which increases the user' s security.

Proxy settings:

To set up the proxy server, you must first know the proxy server address and port number, and then fill in the corresponding address and port number in the IE or NC proxy server settings bar. Suppose we have a proxy server address is Proxy.net.net,3000 is the port number configuration method in IE is to use the View menu of Internet options / connection/proxy server,and then hit the bait in the check box to access the Internet option above through a proxy server, the proxy server in the address in the address box, such as the case assume the proxy server address is proxy.net.net,

Then fill in port number 3000 in the port box, click the application button at the bottom, and then click OK to complete the setup. The next time you use IE, users will find that no matter what site you visit, IE is always connected to the proxy server first. WithNCwords, set a little more complicated. Use the Preferences menu item under the edit menu, and then select Advanced under Proxies, right now, in the right Proxies option,select the second item Manral Proxy configuration, and then click the View to the right. . . The button will appear, the proxy server configuration interface, fill in the corresponding content in the proxy server address and port number column click

on OK, return to the parameter setting window, and then click on the OK proxy server setup is complete. When customers visit the website again, you will automatically set the proxy server to send applications and data in browsing the website, either IE or NC in the browser status bar can clearly see the first proxy server, and even the target site of the process.But don't take Proxy Server and Router mixed, Proxy Server is built on the application layer service software, and Router is a network device or a computer, it is working in the IP layer,the data is forwarded to the IP layer. Typically, aProxy Server works on a computer that has both MODEM and network cards.Different Proxy Server software provides different services,generally providing WWW, FTP and other commonly used services.In the internal network of each aircraft must have an independent IP address, and a passenger in the "control panel"-Internet "connection" configuration using the Proxy Server andProxy Server to the IP address andport number of the service.When Proxy Server starts, a designated service port will be opened using Winsock.dll, waiting for the request of the airliner. When Proxy Server' s MODEM dial up, your Proxy Server will work. When you make a connection request in your IE, your plane directly to the data packets sent to the Proxy Server,when the IP packet capture server, first to analyze what it is requested, if the request is HTTP, Proxy Server to your ISP sends a HTTP request, when Proxy Server received response and will this IP packet is forwarded to the internal network, you will get this aircraft IP package. In addition, your Proxy Server can also be a good firewall. For specific operations,please refer to your Proxy Server readme file.

When you visit the Web server on the Internet, do you know how many personal information will be leaked to others? In the process of accessing the Internet, Web browser will at least more than 20 personal information on your unaware of the situation quietly sent to the Web server. These personal information, if it is sent to well-known websites or large enterprises on the Web server, there will be no major problem.It can be deeply unsettling if it is sent to a Web server where the site is not clear. The information that the Web browser sends to the Web server is, in jargon, the environment variable".Themain contents are as follows: (1) assigned to the computer' s IP address and host name (DDR REMOTEA) (REMOTEHOST) ; (2) using the Web browser port number (REMOTEPORT) ; (3) Web browser product name (HTTPUSERAGENT) ; (4) the latest web address a visit on the the website (HTTPREFERER) etc. .

Although the above does not contain email address and name and other personal information, but (1) in the IP address and the host name in the aspect of safety that it is difficult to be assured, but adopt what kind of method can hide your IP address?Solving the problem is very simple. Just access the Web server via the proxy server (proxy, server) . The function of a proxy server is that it can take access requests from various terminals for the Web server.


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