实际情况如何解决服务器80端口被运营商封掉问题 如何解决无公网ip如何假设web服务器作者技术方案组长 鸣鸣

服务器商  时间:2021-05-07  阅读:()













# php/及数据库服务安装服务apache和–y /yum install httpd mysql-server mysql php php-mysql#service httpd restart /启动apache服务/

#service mysqld restart /mysql服务/

#chkconfig httpd on /设置apache开机启动/

#chkconfig mysqld on /设置mysql开启启动/

#vim/etc/h ttpd/conf/h ttpd.conf /配置apache/


#service httpd restart /启动apache服务/


在浏览器中输入网址加端口号看是否架设成功出现下面内容就说明架设成功。 

op e n vp nhttp://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.i686.rpminstall openvpn y#yum–/安装服务/





/到/etc/openvpn并添加可执行权限 easy-rsa/先将脚本copy


#ln-s openssl-1.0.0.cnf openssl.cnf


#vim vars


#source vars

下面这个命令在第一次安装时可以运行以后在添加客户端时千万别运行这个命令会清除所有已经生成的证书密钥。 #./clean-all


#./b uild-ca



Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key


..................++++++writing newprivate key to'ca.key'


You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporatedinto your certificate request.

Whatyou are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields butyou can leave some blank

For some fields there will be a default value,

Ifyou enter'. ', the field will be left blank.


Country Name(2 letter code)[CN]:

State or Province Name(full name)[SH]:

Locality Name(eg,city)[PD]:

Organization Name(eg,company)[zyfmaster]:

Organizational Unit Name(eg,section)[]:zyfmaster

Common Name(eg,your name oryour server's hostname)[zyfmaster CA]:server


Email Address[905407204@qq.com]:

#./build-key-server server

/生成服务器端密钥key,后面这个s e rver就是服务器名可以自定义。/Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key


.......++++++writing new private key to'server.key'


You are about to be asked to enter information that willbe incorporatedin to your certifica te request.

Whatyou are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.There are quite a few fields butyou can leave some blank

Forsome fields there will be a default value,

Ifyou enter'. ', the field will be left blank.

Country Name(2 letter code)[CN]:

State or Province Name(full name)[SH]:

Locality Name(eg,city)[PD]:

Organiza tion Name(eg,company)[zyfmaster]:

Organizational Unit Name(eg,section)[]:zyfmaster

Common Name(eg,your name or your server's hostname)[server]:serverName[]:

Email Address[905407204@qq.com]:

Please enter the following'extra'attributesto be sent with your certificate request

A challenge password[]:abcd1234

An optional company name[]:zyfmaster

Using configuration from/etc/openvpn/2.0/openssl.cnf

Check that the request matches the signature

Signa ture ok

The Subject's Distinguished Name is as followsco un tryNa m e :PRIN TA BL E:'CN' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写sta te OrPro vinceName :PRINTABLE:'SH' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写localityName :PRINTA BLE:'PD' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写organiza tionName :PRINTABLE:'zyfmaster'#可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写organiza tionalUnitName:PRINTABLE:'zyfmaster'#可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写commonName :PRINTABLE:'server' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写emailAddress :IA5STRING:'905407204@qq.com' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写

Certificate is to be certified until Dec 204:14:342022 GMT(3650 days)

Sign the certificate?[y/n]:y


1 out of 1 certificate requests certified,commit?[y/n]y #这里注意一定要选择y否则证书生成的是空证书

Write out database with 1 new entries

Data Base Updated


#./build-key client1


Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key


........................................................++++++writing newprivate key to'client1.key'

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporatedinto your certificate request.

Whatyou are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields butyou can leave some blank

For some fields there will be a default value,

Ifyou enter'. ', the field will be left blank.


Country Name(2 letter code)[CN]:

State or Province Name(full name)[SH]:

Locality Name(eg,city)[PD]:

Organiza tion Name(eg,company)[zyfmaster]:

Organizational Unit Name(eg,section)[]:zyfmaster

Common Name(eg,your name oryour server's hostname)[client1]:client1#重要:每个不同的client生成的证书,名字必须不同.


Email Address[905407204@qq.com]:

Please enter the following'extra'attributesto be sent with your certificate request

A challenge password[]:abcd1234

An optional company name[]:zyfmaster

Using configuration from/etc/openvpn/2.0/openssl.cnf

Check that the request matches the signature

Signa ture ok

The Subject's Distinguished Name is as followscoun tryNam e :PRINTA BLE:'CN'sta te OrPro vinceName :PRINTABLE:'SH' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写localityName :PRINTA BLE:'PD' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写organiza tionName :PRINTABLE:'zyfmaster' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写organiza tionalUnitName:PRINTABLE:'zyfmaster' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写commonName :PRINTABLE:'clien t1' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写emailA ddress :IA5STRING:'905407204@qq.com' #可以默认也可以根据实际情况填写

Certificate is to be certified until Dec 204:15:502022 GMT(3650 days)

Sign the certificate?[y/n]:y


1 out of 1 certificate requests certified,commit?[y/n]y


Write out database with 1 new entries

Data Base Updated


#./build-key client2

#./build-key client3


#./b uild-dh

/生成Diffie Hellman参数 这里等待一段时间。等待时长和你服务器性能决定/

#tar zcvfyskeys.tar.gz keys/*


#cp-r/usr/share/doc/open vpn-2.2.2/sample-config-files/server.conf/etc/open vpn/

#vim/etc/open vpn/server.conf



;local a.b.c.d

改成local 192. 168.2.3port 1194 根据自己实际情况修改proto udp 根据自己实际情况修改dev tun 根据自己实际情况修改ca ca.crtcert server.crtkey server.key #This file should be kept secret

改成ca/etc/open vpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/ca.crt 根据自己存放证书位置修改cert/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/server.crt 根据自己存放证书位置修改


Megalayer 商家在开始看到有提供香港服务器、香港站群服务器的时候有介绍过,后来就一直没有怎么关注。但是前几天有看到网友使用到他们家的美国独立服务器问其如何的,但是我没有使用过就不好评论,这不前几天也有介绍到Megalayer美国独立服务器。以及我们也有看到商家有提供美国站群服务器和美国大带宽服务器产品,可选30M不限制流量CN2优化线路,以及100M不限制流量国际带宽线路。新年元旦后,Me...

819云互联(800元/月),香港BGP E5 2650 16G,日本 E5 2650 16G

819云互联 在本月发布了一个购买香港,日本独立服务器的活动,相对之前的首月活动性价比更高,最多只能享受1个月的活动 续费价格恢复原价 是有些颇高 这次819云互联与机房是合作伙伴 本次拿到机房 活动7天内购买独立服务器后期的长期续费价格 加大力度 确实来说这次的就可以买年付或者更长时间了…本次是5个机房可供选择,独立服务器最低默认是50M带宽,不限制流量,。官网:https://ww...

spinservers春节优惠:$149/月10Gbps圣何塞服务器-2*E5-2630Lv3 CPU,256G内存,2*1.6T SSD硬盘

spinservers是Majestic Hosting Solutions LLC旗下站点,商家提供国外服务器租用和Hybrid Dedicated等产品,数据中心包括美国达拉斯和圣何塞机房,机器默认10Gbps端口带宽,高配置硬件,支持使用PayPal、信用卡、支付宝或者微信等付款方式。农历春节之际,商家推出了几款特别促销配置,最低双路E5-2630Lv3机器每月149美元起,下面列出几款机器...

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