字符串flash脚本大全(Flash script Daquan)

脚本大全  时间:2021-01-08  阅读:()

flash脚本大全Flash script Daquan

- Go to jumps to the specified frame

- Play play

- Stop, stop!

- Toggle High Quality switches between high quality and low picture quality

- Stop All Sounds stops all sound playback

- Get URL jumps to a hyperlink

- FSCommand sends the FSCommand command

- Load Movie loading videos

- Unload Movie uninstalling videos

- Tell Target informs the target

- If, Frame, Is, Loaded. . . Determine whether the frame is fully loaded

- On Mouse Event mouse event

. Other Actions. Include

- break jumps out of the loop

- call calls the specified frame (usually calls for a specific function)

- Comment notes

- continue continues the cycle

- delete removes variables in an object (Object)

- do, while, do, while cycles

- duplicateMovieClip copy MC

- else, otherwise (used with if)

- else if, otherwise (if used with if)

- evaluate calls the custom function (Function)

- for for cycle

For. . . In in turn takes all the attributes in the object (Object) , or all the elements in an array

- FSCommand sends the FSCommand command

- function declares custom functions

- getURL jumps to a hyperlink

- goto jumps to the specified frame

- if, if

- ifFrameLoaded. . . Is the frame fully loaded?

- include reads into the external ActionScript program file (.As)

- loadMovie loads MC

- loadVariables reprint data from external files, which can be text files, or text values returned by scripts such as ASP/CGI - the trigger condition for the on mouse event

- event trigger for onClipEvent MC

- play play

- print output to printer

- removeMovieClip removes MC

- return returns a value in function (function)

- set variable sets the value of the variable

- setProperty settings properties

- startDrag starts dragging

- stop, stop!

- stopAllSounds stops all sound playback

- stopDrag, stop dragging

- swapDepths switches two MC depths

-tellTarget specifies the target for theAction command to take effect

- toggleHighQuality switches between high quality and low picture quality

- trace tracking debugging

- unloadMovie uninstall MC

- var declares local variables

- while when it was founded. .

With do. . . To objects (Object) . .

. Operator (Operators)

- logical non operation

- = = not equal to

-% take the remainder

- & & Logic and operation - () parentheses

- * multiplication

+ plus sign

A self - + + variable

- minus

--- variable minus one

- / Division

< < less than <

- < = less than or equal to - < > is not equal to

- = = e qua l

> > greater than

Greater than or equal to - >

- and logic and

- not logical non -

- or logic, or

- typeof returns the variable type - void entities, no returns

- | |逻辑或操作



- <<位左移

> >位右移

> > >位右移无符号

- ^位异或操作

- |位或操作

- ~补位操作


% =一% = B等效于a一% b

- =和= B等效于a和B

* = * = B等效于A×B

+ = + = B等效于= A + B

- = A = B等效于= A-B

/ = / = B等效于= A / B

- << =一个<< = B等效于=一个<< B

> > > > = =一个B等效于=一> > B

> > > > > > = =一个B等效于=一> > > B

- ^ =一个^ = B等效于=一个^ B

- | =一个| = B等效于=一个| B


-情商EQ B字符串一值与字符串值B相等

- GE


- GT GT B字符串一值大于字符串B值


LT LT B字符串一值小于字符串B值







- getProperty获取属性

-获取从电影开始播放到现在的总播放时间getTimer 毫秒数-获取版本获取浏览器的flashplayer的版本号

-全局的转成本地的场景场景中的坐标转换成MC中的坐标- HitTest测试一个点或者MC是否同另一个交叉即冲突检测-诠释把十进制数值强制转换成整数


- i s nan测试是否为非数值

返回键盘按下键的键盘值-键码ASCI I值

-本地到全局坐标MC中的坐标转换成场景场景中的坐标- maxscroll文本框的最大行度





- parseInt将字符串转换成整数





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