韩国为什么韩国的网速最快(Why is Korea the fastest Internet speed)

韩国网速  时间:2021-04-19  阅读:()

为什么韩国的网速最快Why is Korea the fastest Internet speedFor a fee, broadband operators will share fiber Internetsignals into people' s homes.

The company usually has been established against sharing thoselines. Some governments, including South Korea and Japan andsome European countries have experimented with or sharing canpromote infrastructure as a way to get new companies to competein the broadband market.

In the United States does not require broadband providers toshare their lines, and some experts cite Korea' s relativeopenness as one reason the Internet faster and cheaper thanhere.

Faris said, the most important is that countries create a wayfor companies to enter the broadband market do not need to paya lot of basic construction.

Dense population

South Korea, more than 1200 people per square mile, more densethan the United States, in the United States, with South Koreain the same space, only 88 people, many rural areas and suburbsare large.

What is broadband results? It in close areas of population(buildings, apartments) in the Internet infrastructure costsavings compared to the United States, South Korea (where thefamily farm will far away) .

In two countries, copper wire for broadband signal transmissionof optical fiber lines, and its transmission in the home. Thedata can be in the wire transmission is very fast, but thefarther it will slow slower.

In Korea, there' s usually just from the base of an apartmentbuilding to a particular person. In the United States, coppermay have to use a mile away from the fiber line access to home.South Korea has a plan. . . 12 years ago

In 1990s, South Korea set a priority, so that South Korea willbecome a senior Internet knowledge highly connected country."They made this a priority in 10 years ago, and they haveimplemented it, " from the Internet policy think-tank, ITIFAtkinson said.

When it comes to broadband policy, the country will still bein 4-5 years ahead of the United States, even when the UnitedStates tries to catch up. An economist Taylor Reynolds said theoecd.

"South Korea has been a leader in broadband, broadband and hasvery fast" he said. "At the same time, in fact, South Korea' stechnology is possible in the past four to 5 years has used theVDSL technology at the same time, the AT&T will be used in theUnited states. "

At the same time, South Korea to abandon support for the nextbig thing, Reynolds said. This may involve the super fast fiber

optic cables into the family. At the same time, according toa recent report by the BerkmanCenter, it will be 10 times fasterthan South Korea network.

Faris said: South Koreaplans to clear the help faster broadbandspeeds.

"A big difference is that South Korea made a decisive move, toexpand the network in China, " he said. "They say we want toconnect to the Internet with better. The government hasinvested a lot of money. . . "

"The United States has taken a relatively hands off approachto the region. They have already put it to the private sector.There have been some money into this field. But in per capitais not many. We just haven't seriously consider. "


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