下载速度2m宽带下载速度(2m broadband download speed)

2m宽带  时间:2021-04-18  阅读:()

2m宽带下载速度2m broadband download speed

Fan forum?Web world?What is the download speed of 2M broadbandin theory?

See the full version: 2M broadband, theoretically downloadspeed is how much?

Chysh123 2008-3-17, 14:51

What is the download speed of 2M broadband in theory?My home broadband is 2M, and my classmate is 1M. He said hisdownload speed averaged 200KB/S, and my download speed was200KB/S.

Two same, is that possible? 2M what is the download speed intheory?

Chenweio 2008-3-17, 15:52

It can' t be true。 2M theoretically, the download speed is450KB/S~500KB/S. . Is your broadband connected to CNC or telecom?My home improvement Netcom broadband 2M download speed is500KB/S. You check the quality of the phone line, ADSL equipmentis good? If not, there' s no way.

Yangzb401 2008-3-17, 16:30

Twelve thousand three hundred and thirteen

Yangzb401 2008-3-17, 16:33

2000/8=250kB (bytes) is theoretically acquired because theline causes the average user to reach 200K

2 floor, I do not know how to count

1M is the same, except after 8 =125k

Wangxue_1629 2008-3-17, 17:12

Now 2M is theoretical, huh?

GXGL 2008-3-17, 17:30

That' s all theoretical, but some are fast

Our school is talking about 2M Telecom, the most not card, thefastest time can rush 160KB/S is good

It' s 200 yuan per person, half a year

2008-3-17 17:35 picked up the knife

2M. theory speed 256KB/S

2008-3-17 17:36 picked up the knife

[quote] or by [i]chenweio[/i] in 2008-3-17 15:52:

[url=http://bbs. cfan.com. cn/redirect.phpgoto=findpost&pid=5470444&ptid=693171] [img]http://bbs. cfan.com. cn/images/common/back.gi f[/img] [/url]?

It can' t be true。 2M theoretically, the download speed is450KB/S~500KB/S. . Is your broadband connected to CNC or telecom?My home improvement Netcom broadband 2M download speed is500KB/S. You check the quality of the phone line, ADSL equipmentis good? If not, there' s no way. [/quote]

This 2M in your house is really fast. Guess China is your family.2008-3-17 17:41 picked up the knife

Here is the bandwidth, speed, unit, calculation, methods andrelationships.

In the computer network and IDC computer room, the unit ofbroadband rate is expressed by BPS (or b/s) ; the conversionrelation is: 1Byte=8bit

1B=8b - 1B/s=8b/s (or 1Bps=8bps)

1 KB=1024B - 1 KB/s=1024 B/s

1 MB=1024KB - 1 MB/s=1024KB/s

In the actual application of the Internet, download softwaredownload speed display is often seen as 128KB (KB/s) , 103KB/sand so on broadband rate words, because the unit uses ISP toprovide bandwidth line bits, and general download software todisplay the bytes (1 bytes = 8 bits) , so to get the actualconversion. Value. However, we can translate it according tothe conversion formula:

128 K B/s=128 * 8 (Kb/s) =1024 Kb/s=1 Mb/s, i. e. : 128 KB/s=1 Mb/sTheory: 2M (2Mb/s) broadband theoretical rate is: 256KB/s(2048Kb/s) , the actual rate is about 80--200kB/s; (the reasonis the user computer performance, quality, resources of networkequipment usage, network, web service ability, the peak lineattenuation, signal attenuation and other factors caused) . Thebroadband theoretical rate of 4M (i. e. , 4Mb/s) is 512KB/s, andthe actual rate is about 200---440kB/s.

2008-3-17 17:46' s happiness

What is theory?My CNC fudge, I say is 2M, but in fact may be512, and sometimes open the web, and so on to smoke bags of timeWwgklinzl 2008-3-18, 10:36

Pick up the knife support of humor!

Bug zdn, 2008-3-18, 12:30

[quote] or [i] [/i] 2008-3-17 to pick up the knife by 17:41:[url=http://bbs. cfan.com.cn/redirect.php后藤=findpost PID=5470913 PTID=693171 ][img] HTTP / /论坛。 CFAN。 com。 cn /图像/普通/回来。 G IF [下][网址]


在计算机网络、 IDC机房中其宽带速率的单位用BPS 或B/S表示换算关系为 1byte = 8bit

1b = 8b ---------- 1BS8Bs 或1bps = 8bps

1 KB = 1024b ---------- 1KB/秒=…[引用]

就是这样算O ∩_∩等。顶哈f isher811 2008-3-18 19点47分

2m能达到200KB/S已经很不错了不要奢侈太高airen7 2008-3-18 21 :45

2楼得。你说2m你能500 kb。你是那里的。搞错了把。我们都没超过250的你家那是4m的把。

爱要执着2008-3-18 23:41




应该是256 KB/s



我家原来装的是铁通的2M下载速度400k以上是经常因为当初铁通在我家附近刚开通用户还少的可怜 M07

☆星★空☆介绍19: 14

平均下来是200k左右我的是网通4m的平均是400 -500K有时候下载软件能达到1.3m左右那就取决于对方的服务器和带宽了我说的可是真的呀真的有好几次都超过了1m/s



关于2m跑500m等还是不敢相信 M 11

黑色景俊2008-3-25 10: 10


这个好像没法说吧我家里的是网通2m。用迅雷下载速度就200kb左右可我们学校用是教育网每人就1 m可有时下载速度能达到4m/s可能是我们学校带宽大大家都不用时就快了吧. . . . .  M02future1208 2008-3-26 12:36


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查看完整版本 2m宽带理论上下载速度是多少 


悬赏分 30解决时间 2009-9-24 19:09


【P2P终结者】的话那我们应该怎样设置好那个【上行速度】和【下行速度】呢或者我们应该怎样达到目的谢谢  



实际用起来下行218 kb /上行48 kb / s

要精确限速的话要用一台电脑作路由然后用SoftPerfect BandwidthManager BWM限速其实一般的卡不卡和速度没什么关系重要的是连接数太多了猫受不了就卡了

寝室里的人自觉点就好了少用迅雷快车2、 3 QQ旋风这些P2SP的软件 BT的话把连接数调低点系统的半开连接值最高50已解决问题收藏转载到QQ空间电信2m宽带下载速度是多少

5 [标签 电信宽带 电信下载]电信2m宽带下载速度是多少我


I'm in Guangdong, 2009-05-28 08:51

Am I quick or slow? Anonymous answer: 10 popularity: 37settlement time: 2009-05-29 17:32

Net friend perfect answer if there is no attenuation, 2Mbandwidth download speed is 250kbp/s. , but the wire will bebroadband signal attenuation, you download speed is normal,please feel free to use.

Perfect answer

Chu Si Yi 2010-01-18 penetration 16:20 evaluation of the answerIf the problem is resolved (participation in the evaluation of1 times) to solve: 0 evaluation of the success of original plus0 times! Part of the solution: evaluation of the success oforiginal 2! Can not solve the 1 Evaluation of the success oforiginal 2! Whether the original answer (to participate in theevaluation of 0) Original : 0 evaluation of the success oforiginal and non original ! : 0 evaluation the success of theoriginal 2!

Answer 200-220 is normal 2MB broadband

Answer the person' s Supplemental 2009-05-28 08:59

Yes, that' s fast. My 2M is only 190

-?? answer: 27. 1% 2009-05-28 08:39.

If the problem is resolved (participation in the evaluation of2 times) to solve: 2 evaluation of the success of original plus0 times! Part of the solution: evaluation of the success oforiginal 2! Can not solve the 0 evaluation of the success oforiginal 2! Whether the original answer (to participate in theevaluation of 1) Original : 1 Evaluation of the success oforiginal and non original ! : 0 evaluation the success oforiginal 2 why bother:

I downloaded a 700M movie on the same computer in Japan, whichtakes about 1 minutes and 2 hours in the country

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