How to Disab le Caps Lock Key in
Windows 7 or Vista
Windows 7或Vista下如何禁用大小写锁定键同样适用于任意按键间的映射
The caps lockkey is one of thoseremnants of anotherage ofcomputers, backwhen peopel used to shoutat each othermore often.Unless you’re in the accounting department, it’s probably not veryuseful, so todaywe’l l learnhowto disable it.
If you’re usingMacOSXinstead,you can fol lowourguideon howtodisable Caps LockinOSXusinga registryhack, oryou can mapanykeytoany key if you real lywant to.
如果你是M acOS X用户. . .
Note:This article was original lypubl ished years ago, but we’veupdated it and are republ ishing foreverybodythat mightnot haveseen it.Image by Laurence Vagner
Understanding How Windows Key Re-Mapping Works了解Win dows键盘重映射的工作方式
Windows doesn’t have a default settnig to al lowfordisabl ing the key,so what we have to do is -remap the keyto somehting non-existent soas to completelydisable it.To dothis manual ly,you’d open upregedit.exe and browse down to the fol lowing key:
为了禁用无用的大小写锁定键请打开注册表编辑器开始>运行>输入regedit 定位到以下注册表键。
Here’s the format of the binayr data in the Scanocde Map key,with theimportant parts in bold andvarious colors:
Scanc ode Map键的二进制值的格式如下其中加粗和着色处为重点。
Here’s how it works:
The first 16 zerosarejust thereto wastespace.
The“02″ in bold represents how many keys you are goingtore-map plus 1. (It real lyrepresents the lengthof the data, butwhatever)
The orange bolded“0000″ is the keywe actual lywant Windowsto mapTO,which in this case is nothnig, or0.
The blue bolded“3A00″ is the keywe are mappnigfrom, inthiscase the caps lock key.
The next8zerosare thereto wastespaceas the nul lterminator.
You can map between multiple keys by incrementing the“02″ andthen adding anotherof the colorful bold blocks in the middle.The3A00 in the mixisthe scan code. Forexample, if you wanted todisablethecaps lockkeyandthenchange scrol l lockintoa caps lockke y:
通过增大"02"增加另外的着色粗体数字块可以实现多个键的映射。例如你希望禁用大小写锁定键后使用scrol l lock键来作为大小写锁定键
It mightseem complicated, but it’s realyl fairlysimple onceyou startworking with it.
Once you’ve appl ied one of theseregistryfi les,you’l l have to rebootyourcomputer for it to work.To uninstal l,you can use the uninstal lregistrytweak, oryou can simply delete the Scancode Map keyentirely.
重启似乎注销就可以了以应用修改使键盘的重新映射生效。如果要还原到重映射前的按键在注册表中直接删除S canco de Map键就可以了。
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