摘要 随着3G网络的开通无线移动视频技术有了更快的数据传输速率同时也为实现地铁运营救援全过程监控管理奠定了技术基础。救援指挥中心可在第一时间通过动态视频音频充分了解救援现场的实时画面实时记录救援现场动态过程使救援工作信息都能得到及时、详细的记录为现场的指挥小组的决策工作提供全面的数据支持提高救援的反应速度。救援指挥中心领导小组可以与救援现场的指挥小组以及救援处理人员进行实时通信向现场指挥小组直接下达决策意见并且告知与现场救援处理相关的重要信息现场指挥小组和救援处理人员也能实时向急管理指挥中心的领导小组汇报现场情况。
关键词 3G无线视频监控系统地铁运营救援
Abstract: with the opening of the 3 G network, wireless mobilevideo technology has a faster speed of data transmission, and torealize the whole process monitoring management of metro operationrescue established. Rescue center can be in the first time throughthe dynamic video audio fully understand the rescue site real-timepicture, real-time record rescue site dynamic process, make therelief work information can be timely and detai led records; Thecommand of the group decision-making work provide comprehensive datasupport, improve rescue speed of response. Rescue command centerleadership team can and rescue site command team and rescue personnelhandling the real-time communication, to the command team issueddirectly decision-making advice, and inform the rescue process therelated with important information, on-site command team and rescuepersonnel handling can also real-time to urgent management commandcenter leadership group to report the site condition.
Keywords: 3 G;Wireless video;Monitoring system;Metro operationrescue
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