ConocoPhil l ips isoneof theworld’ s leading providers of technologysolutionsfor thevehiclesof todayand the energysystems of tomorrow.Backed by modern research faci lities and a strongtradition of innovation,we develop technologies that help oi l field developers, producers,
-------------精选文档-----------------refiners and manufacturers achieve theirclean fuel objectives and upgrade bottom-of-the-barrelhydrocarbons whi lst improving rel iabi lity and enhancing profitabi lity.
而求其次最叿一招 SCRAP…碳氢化叺物碳氢化叺物(石油及夛然气)采收率
From providing support for seismic interpretation technologies to gasol ine sulfur removalprocesses and valuable catalysts for enhanced fuel-cel l operation, we’ re preparing ourupstream partners, refiners and consumers fora cleaner,more beneficial future.
• Delayed Coking
• Gasification
• Additional Technologies
ALeader in LNG
Anothercleardemonstrationof ourcommitment tocleanenergyistheworkwe’ re undertakingto supplyl iquefied natural gas (LNG) toChina.ConocoPhi l l ips isan international LNG innovator,involved in everything from natural gas production to l iquefaction, shipping and regasification.The ConocoPhi l l ips Optimized Cascade SM process has been successful ly employed at thecompany’ s Kenai,Alaska l iquefaction plantformorethan 35yearsand thisfaci l itycontinuestoserve asa global model forsafe,efficientand environmental lyfriendlyoperations.
Thistechnologyhas been l icensed to LNG projectsas farafield as Egypt,Austral ia,Trinidad andTobago and Equatorial Guinea. But we won’ t stop there.We’ re currently pursuing theconstruction of additional l iquefaction faci l ities in Nigeria,Qatar,Venezuela and Russia.辷祣宥乖祣题夜辷扯辷乛
ConocoPhil l ips currently co-owns two LNG tankers that operate between Alaska and Japan andhaseven designed a newclassof state-of-the-art LNG supertanker.We maintain a 50%interestin the general partnership managing Freeport LNG,a regasification terminal underconstructionin Texas,USA.And we’ re hoping to secure two further terminals on the Gulf Coast and WestCoast of America, currently advancing though the initial regulatory processes. In Europe,ourtargets include LNG import terminals in Teesside,UKand Eemshaven in the Netherlands.In early 2006 the ConocoPhi l l ips l iquefaction facil ity in Darwin,Austral ia carried its first LNGcargo.The project l iquefies gas from the Bayu-Undan field in the Timor Sea for shipment tocustomers in Japan.
• 使资乫癿仄值辫刔最多化
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CloudCone是一家成立于2017年的国外VPS主机商,提供独立服务器租用和VPS主机,其中VPS基于KVM架构,多个不同系列,譬如常规VPS、大硬盘VPS等等,数据中心在洛杉矶MC机房。商家2021年Flash Sale活动继续,最低每月1.99美元,支持7天退款到账户,支持使用PayPal或者支付宝付款,先充值后下单的方式。下面列出几款VPS主机配置信息。CPU:1core内存:768MB...