个人网站域名快速备案技巧Personal website domain name fastfiling skills
The website filing system is a website management system withChinese characteristics. Does it feel a little similar to thepopulation census register system?.
Registration system in the eyes of the owners are mixed. Someowners believe that this system, inaddition to the field, wastemanpower and financial resources, there is not much practicalvalue, some owners think that this system is useless. Andcertain individual stationmaster when applying for individualwebsite to be put on record when be rejected, think this kindof system is too strict.
First of all, in the current system, whether we are individualowners or space providers, the recordmust be, or they have beentaken away, or the server was sealed network, the loss can bedisastrous. Some friends do not understand all the space' spraise is immenselyproud of theirbuying space without arecord,but this is not taking responsibility, and this is certainlynot a regular space. It' s no use crying if something happens.There is also a liar, take therecord as acloak, stop theuser' sspace. This liar space providers, is not responsible for thecustomer record, so that customers prepare themselves, andregulations within half a month, ah, or even a few days mustbe filed, but also through, otherwise disable the user' s space,and no refund. As the space for the record and purchase of spaceproviders and related businesses, so in the purchase of space,we should pay attention to space for this item, to see whetherthe space providers for the record, do not require space for
VPSMS最近在做两周年活动,加上双十一也不久了,商家针对美国洛杉矶CN2 GIA线路VPS主机提供月付6.8折,季付6.2折优惠码,同时活动期间充值800元送150元。这是一家由港人和国人合资开办的VPS主机商,提供基于KVM架构的VPS主机,美国洛杉矶安畅的机器,线路方面电信联通CN2 GIA,移动直连,国内访问速度不错。下面分享几款VPS主机配置信息。CPU:1core内存:512MB硬盘:...
vpsdime怎么样?vpsdime是2013年注册的国外VPS主机商,实际上他还有一系列的其他域名站点如Winity.io, Backupsy,Cloudive, Virtora等等,母公司“Nodisto IT”相对来说还是很靠谱了的商家。VPSDime主要提供各种高配低价VPS套餐,其中Linux VPS和存储VPS基于OpenVZ架构,高级VPS基于KVM。VPSDime在上个季度的Low...