测速ADSL测速、加速、检测故障全解决(ADSL speed detection, acceleration and detection fault are all resolved)

adsl加速  时间:2021-03-14  阅读:()

ADSL测速、加速、检测故障全解决ADSL speed detection,acceleration and detection fault are all resolvedADSL speed, acceleration, detection, fault resolved

ADSL is a high-speed broadband Internet access on the originaltelephone line. It has the advantages of saving investment,fast Internet access and simple installation. At present, manylocal areanetworks, especially Internet cafes, use this method.So, can the Internet speed reach the speed that ISP serviceproviders call it? How can we further improve the speed ofInternet access? How can you tell if ADSL works? How to findand solve the problem of Internet trouble? Let' s talk aboutthese issues.

First, broadband in the end "how wide?""

My broadband end is installed in 2002, remember that thecustomer service staff to speed blowing but in actual use asif it were raining flowers, I have found reduced. For example,broadband access providers promise 1M bandwidth, that can reach1M? To verify its authenticity, of course, it must be tested.But because of many factors affecting test results, for ADSLusers, the main aging degree, telephone line users to thetelecommunication room distance, computer configuration andthe connected web server performance, access server number andso on; for LAN by the way of access users, there are severalconfiguration, the user access network how many, the serverconnection efficiency, web server performance etc. . In orderto test the objectivity of the results, it is best to selectdifferent periods of time for multiple tests and draw an average

f igure.

1, use IE to download files, test speed

The easiest way to test this is to connect to the FTP downloadservice provided by the ISP. Download some of the larger fileswith IE to see the download speed. For example, I use the browserto connect the ISP FTP download file, the speed of about 70KBper second, equivalent to about 500kbps of the transmissionbandwidth, than the customer service staff said 1M half of thewhole difference. But the result is not always accurate. Themethod of downloading file tests with IE is simple, but the testresults are not very accurate. If you want to know more aboutyour network situation, it is better to use the two methodsdescribed below to test.

2, the website test speed

There are a lot of provide the speed test site, the "worldnetwork" is a very good network speed test site, it includesa lot of test server, the address iswww. linkwan.com/gb/broadmeter/SpeedAuto/, you choose toconnect to the server, will immediately see the test results,this is a cool, relatively clear thermometer network speed testthe results and the results with the standard bandwidth.In order to use the test results more objective, you can firstenter the websitewww. linkwan.com/gb/broadmeter/speed/responsespeedtest.htmto test the site reaction speed test. For example, I want topass the"Beijing cocoa software" to test the speedof the mouse

can be used to, "cocoa software" will be on the IE status bartothe IP address is, the IP input test box, clickthe"get website reaction speed test button will wait. For siteswhere the reaction speed is slow, you' ll get smaller values fortesting your network speed.

3, use special tools to test network speed

SpeedText latest version for 1. 3, is free software, softwaresize is 1. 1MB, download address:www.raccoonworks.com/Downloads/SpeedTestInstall. exe. It canbe used to connect aweb site or your server computer test speed,will result in the form of a histogram said: in the maininterface of software "Server" column to fill in the URL, suchaswww. 163. com, and then enter the test results can be obtained.If you click the "Connect" button on the toolbar, you can alsoconnect tests. If you want to compare the result with thestandard speed, simply select the items in the menu"Compare",such as 786KB (DSL) , so that you' ll get a more intuitive result.Two, ADSL network acceleration tools add fuel to the flamesBecause the system parameters of Windows are set up for lowspeed access, there is no problem with using Modem. However,when using ADSL, the speed has been greatly improved, and theWindows system parameters have not been changed, so that it cannot adapt to the data transmission of ADSL access. What we needto do is to change the TCP/IP default parameters set in theregistry for "low speed" access, so as to improve the speed ofbroadband Internet access.

Manual modification of the registry, it is not "rookie" can do.Here you recommend the use of software to automatically modify,in this regard, quite mature tools, there are two models: ADSL,overclocking, Raiders, and network hurricane.

(I) ADSL overclocking

"ADSL overclocking Raiders" is designed for ADSL, by modifyingthe PC system registry, originally configured for low-speedaccess and set the default parameters of TCP/IP, to adapt tothe PPPoE ADSL access.

After running the software main interface as shown in Figure4, clickonthe left sideof the ADSLoverclocking"button, thenclick the" ordinary overclocking "button to restart thecomputer after the accelerated effect; or click the advancedbutton, enter the" overclocking "senior overclocking" page,click on the "start networking state check MTU value", theinspection is completed it will pop-up dialog box shows thesuccessful calibration. Then click on the "advancedoverclocking" button, restart the computer and then acceleratethe entry into force. It should be noted that the software willmodify many places in the registry, although there is a systemrecovery function, but still remind you to use before backingup the registry.

After overclocking, I downloaded more than 200KB/s on theInternet, and solved the problem of stagnation, although itdidn't double as the software authors say, but it was great.Friends using ADSL might as well try.

But the software is only suitable for the ADSL line PPPoE, notsuitable for other dial-up and ADSL PPPoA, the popular ADSLInternet software is basically PPPoE, such as Enternet,RasPPPoE, WinPoET 300.

ADSL overclocking is free software, application platform:Win9x/2000/XP, Download URL is www.worldfax.net.

(two) network storm (NetSpeeder) ;

"Hurricane" is also a veryuseful tool for network acceleration!Use the"auto set Netspeederwizardrecommended to speedup yournetwork easily, and the optimization effect to test andcompared before and after the application of network softwarefor" speed test "function. Netspeeder can fundamentallyincrease the download speed for various types of networkconnections (DSL, fiber optic cable, wireless) . The DNSaccelerator updates the host name and IP address based on theIE favorites and history to increase the speed of connectingcommon sites.

Optimize the actual combat: NetSpeeder after running the maininterface, its use is simple (wizard way) and complex (handmode) .

1, automatic optimization

Using the optimizer wizard, you can easily optimize yournetwork. Click on the left side of the main interface of the"Wizard"button, and then click"next", then you choose the typeof network connection: Modem dial-up connection, ADSL

connection or Cable Modem connection, I use a ADSL connection,itwill be"ADSL connection" is selected, andthenclick"next",select "the network interface in the pop-up dialog box, theparameter must be set, this is because of the differentinterface MTU will be stored in different parts of the Windowsregistry, if you do not know the next port, select all ports"option, click "next", then click "finish" button. This set ofoptimized parameters will be saved to the registry. Afterrestarting the system, you will find that the network speed hasbeen greatly improved. What? Don' t you believe it? Then clickon the "speed test" button to test the download speed, andyou' ll see the optimization effect immediately!

2, manual optimization

If you know the TCP/IP parameter very well,

You can also use manual optimization to set the specificoptimization parameters, according to local conditions, ofcourse, there will be better optimization results.

Click on the main interface of the "fine-tuning" button pop-updialog box, select the optimized interface in the "interface"column in the "MTU" column can choose a predefined value fromthe drop-down list, such as "1492--recommended ADSL, or clickthe MTU button to detect, the software will automatically findthe optimal location from Internet MTU. Of course, you can alsoselect the customize item from the drop-down list, and then youcan set the parameter value yourself.

The recommended value of MTU for dial-up is 576, so the MTU probe

will specify the value of the Internet location to be 576 orless. If it is ADSL, then the recommended value is 1497 or less,and the recommended value of the fiber optic modem or LAN is1500 or less.

Next, set "TCP Receive Window", that is, the size of the TCPreceive packet. It' s best to set it up to an even number of moreefficient MSS recommended by the software (such as: 2x, 4x, 8x) .In general, larger receive values can better improve theirpotential performance and gain higher network bandwidth, andthe recommended values for general software are MSS * 44 *scaling 4.

Finally, the "Time To Live", which is the "lifetime",determines the maximum number of times the IP packets are storedon the net that fail to reach the destination. This is a validdividing line to determine the number of routers that IPpacketscan pass without dropping. Because the Internet is expanding,the recommended parameter is 128. General TTL values are lessthan 128, but if you set the parameter is 0, then you can notconnect to the network.

When all settings are complete, click the "apply" button torestart your computer, and then enjoy faster Internet speeds.3, DNS accelerator

The DNS accelerator accelerates by converting the host name ofthe Internet into an IP address. Click the "DNS accelerator"pop-up dialog box, click the "add" button, you can increase thehost name, click "modify", "parse" button, you can correct it.

If you browse the web through IE, Netspeeder also automaticallygets the host name from the favorites and history and adds itto the DNS accelerator. If you want the function, please click"Settings" tab, and then in the pop-up window will enable "DNSoptimization" and "automatically increase the host name fromIE history" and "automatically increase the host name from IEfavorites" option can be selected.

You need to set the "record number", this is because we choseto add a site from IE favorites and history, Netspeeder willcontinue to add a site to the DNS accelerator list, in ordernot to increase the amount of data is only the best to youfrequently visit the site added in the list. Finally, do notforget to set the "update frequency", usually 5 days can beused.

According to my test, after using Netspeeder to optimize thenetwork, broadband (fiber optic modem and ADSL) speed increasedby 2 times, and ordinary dial-up Internet access can basicallyspeed up about 1 times.

NetSpeeder is shareware, and the download address iswww. superhunter.net.

Three 、 ADSL troubleshooting and troubleshooting

ADSL Internet more faults (compared with LAN after allincreased ADSL equipment, plus the phone connection is improper,problems is also normal) , troubleshooting method here foreveryone to talk about ADSL fault.

1. factors causing ADSL failure

The common hardware failures of ADSL are the problems of loosejoint, broken cable, hub damage and computer system failure.You can usually help locate by observing the light.

In addition, abnormal voltage, high temperature, lightning andso on are also likely to cause trouble. Voltage instability isbest for Modem with small power UPS, Modem should keep dry,ventilated, avoid water drench, keep clean.

In case of thunderstorms, be sure to unplug the Modem power andall connections. Line distance is too long, the line qualityis bad, the connection is not reasonable, is also causes theADSL not to use normally the reason.

2. method for finding ADSL fault

Fault location ADSL requires some experience, the generalprinciple is: pay attention to lights and error information,after the first hardware software, internal external, firstlocal network, try after the host client, full inspection afterthe declaration. Failure reporting should be accurate andconcise, and the problems encountered should be correspondedto the faults mentioned in the user' s manual. When reportinga failure to the engine room, the port number and user nameshould be reported first according to the user' s manual. Forfrequent failures, the user shall keep a record of them andrefer them to them at the time of filing.

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