关键字深度挖掘Keyword mining
Keyword optimization in the site' s position is very important,based on the SEO, then the keyword in the website occupies ahigher position, of course, keyword mining is also veryimportant.
Choosing keywords is important in an enterprise. A problemarises when the enterprise chooses the keywords to optimize.Our products do not have no search at all. For example, a popularkeyword and an unpopular keyword, popular keywords even ifranked second, third pages, but Shi can get a lot of trafficevery day. But Shi, if Shi one of the most unpopular keywordseven if ranked first, then every day to traffic is also a few.So, even if the site ranked first, it has its value?Obviously,Shi doesn't make any sense, so we should learn to dig the keyword well.
Keyword is divided into unpopular keywords and hot keywords,of course, unpopular keywords, Shi, some people usually noattention to vocabulary. So popular keywords can be very clear,Shi on the Shi, there are many people concerned about the word.What should I do from unpopular words and popular words?There are many kinds of popular keyword mining.
First: Baidu index. The http://index.baidu.com Baidu indexgives abroad analysis of the daily trends of keywords. Evaluatethe level of keywords for a SEOer selection.
Second: Google AdWords keyword tool, this tool is basically thesame as above. Address:
https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternalThird: Fengyun list, search engines have a search list everyday. Baidu billboard http://top.baidu.com/, Google hot listhttp://www.google.cn/rebang/home, Sogou indexhttp://top. sogou.com/. It' s worth our attention.
Fourth: of course, the key word of prediction, of course, thispoint shiSEOER understanding of the internet.
Fifth: create keywords. Of course, there must be great strength.There are many more ways to create keywords, and these Shi onlymention a few points.
How do companies select keywords?
Enterprise selection keyword optimization may be difficult forsome people to find. Because if we do business Shi products areunpopular, basically every day without a search volume, thenwe can not do some very hot traffic keywords. In this way, evenif there is no traffic flow of significance. For companies, itmay be true that customers are Shi our core. So what should wechoose at this time?For example, we Shi do medical care, thenwe should choose. Health care knowledge, more products, andother related keywords. Because we should be more Shi findtarget customers, so as to obtain the company' s interests.Baidu business free Baidu business online customer servicesoftware
Abstract: the bridge is Baidu for the promotion of Baidu
customers to provide a free web service communication tools.As a "bridge" built in the business owners and visitors, helpBaidu business both efficient and convenient communication.Features: can be set up to 10 sites, 100 sites customer servicewhile reception site visitors, real-time monitoring of sitevisitors geographical origin, keyword sources, browsingbehavior, accurate positioning of real visitors betweenconvenience and potential customers, consultants 7 * 24 hoursall-weather communication, let your line of business, keepabreast of potential business opportunities. Use the toolsprovided in the name card, visitor marketing source tracking,network storage, customer service management, rich functions,Baidu business to help you, negotiate, to grasp businessopportunities! (business service software)
Some people worry that if 100. Become a dominant, there willbe no competition not later, would later 100. Technicalprogress is slow, will not be 100. More and more user experienceis not good, for such de worry, the answer is: not baidu!""Hundred degrees CEO, " Robin Li said at a recent de2010 China(Shenzhen) IT leadership summit.
Perhaps the debate will continue for some time with Google' sexit from the Chinese market, but de has begun to spare no effortto practice its de service promise. Earlier this month, 100.The degree of officially released the new value-added products-- "100 bridge". As a web service software, "100. Bridge" cansupport up to 10 sites, 100 customer service while receptionsite visitors, 7 * 24 hours all-weather de communicationbetween the enterprise and the convenience of potential
customers, consultants. Relying on the 100. De searchtechnology, "100. Bridge"with other similar software withoutthe special functions of de. The use of "100. Bridge", theonline sales of enterprises can be the first time to see eachonline consultation de potential clients from which searchkeywords, which are the provinces and cities, to seewhich pagescan easily record visitor information in the communicationwindow. In addition, the system will automatically createcustomer profiles for long-term contacts. Enterprise salesstaff can also effectively track and manage sales leads desearch, continuous optimization of marketing de potentialcustomers according to de sources, so as to improve the abilityof sales management and improve the conversion rate of De atDe site visitors.
Research Report shows that de access to small and medium-sizedenterprise website 80%of the search engine, accurate grasp ofvisitors de source, to promote customer conversion is veryimportant de role. In fact, more and more de enterprise websitebegins to offer website client service function, the netizendoes not need to install software, can visit website de at thesame time communicate with salesperson online, understandproduct service de detail. With the development of networkmarketing De, the website customer service system has becomemore and more important in the network marketing. (businessservice software)
It is understood that 100. Recently launched "Rainbow Action"to parts of de. The degree of 100 customers to carry outpromotion gift limit of this new product, the future of "100.Bridge"will serve as the value-added services provided to 100.
Of all de enterprise customers free promotion. And de similarsoftware on the market are required to pay for the purchase,paid upgrade maintenance, annual service fees ranging fromthousands to tens of thousands
Said website customer service system, many people are notstrange, from the initial de online QQ to TQ negotiation, andthen to 53 customer service, LIVE800, 5107, music and so on awide variety (not less than twenty) , the function is alsobecoming perfect. With the development of de networkmarketing,website customer service system has become more and moreimportant in network marketing, website customer servicesystem has become an important tool for network marketing De,but also enhance the image of corporate website, strengthenenterprises interact with visitors de tools. The fly in theointment, de although competition is fierce, but the productDe price is indeed uneven, from a single seat de five hundredor six hundred yuan to VIP version of De, thousands of yuan,nearly 10000 yuan. The complex de market allows users to pickhualiaoyan, I do not know what to do. For the launch of de 100.Promotion of 100. Business with its free, support ten separatesites, 100 seats online de features include all de powerenterprises ranging from De. So let us know what is 100. Thedegree of business (here is 100. De' s official website for itsintroduction) :
100. The bridge is a hundred degrees. The degree of promotionde customers to provide a free website business communicationtools. Just like in the main site andbetween visitors to builda "bridge". The two sides of the bridge to help hundreds ofefficient and convenient communication De. With the help of De,
source tracking, visitors name card marketing network storage,customer service management tools in 100 rich functions, helpyou negotiate business. The degree of efficiency, grasp theopportunities!
100. Business characteristics -- a person opened, can usemultiple sites,
100. Bridge supports up to 10 sites, 100 customer servicewebsite. As long as you open the function, your company Decustomer service staff will be able to share the use. 100.Bridge also provides 500MBde free network storage space, commonlanguage, common file can be used on any computer.
100. Business characteristics of website visitors watch de -see
The first time you can see every visitor from which keywords,which is regional, see which pages; you can easily record thevisitor information in the communication window, letbusinessnet automatically help you build customer file system.
100. Features of the powerful de - bridge site trafficstatistics
Introduce hundreds
Degree statistics, professional, authoritative, stable destatistical function, provide more than a dozen kinds of richde data reports, help you optimize the promotion, improvetraffic, evaluation effect, build health marketing.
100. Bridge characteristics fully meet the individual needs ofthe heart function de
You can also customize the communication window icon, invitedde style, joined the company logo and slogan, let the businesswith yourdewebsitede purchasewill inspirevisitors all blendinto one harmonious whole. Screenshot, file transfer, memo,customer service monitor. . . Many intimate de customer servicefunctions, so that the use of experience more considerate andefficient.
At this point, 100 degrees. Has launched instant messagingtools. HI, 100%. The degree of the message board (BusinessCenter) , website customer service system. The degree ofbusiness, basically have included all the tools of enterprisenetwork marketing De. Within the next two years, 100 degreesof small and medium-sized enterprises De networkmarketingwillgreatly enhance the degree of confidence, and then to thewebsite, customer service and other network marketingauxiliary products as the main business, de small company willbe very difficult. Because of de 100. Others, but also becauseof 100. Search in the country to promote the uniqueness of de.Baidu human intervention website ranking SEO how to deal withRecently, GOOGLE left the mainland and went to Hongkong to makea lot of noise. On this issue, the domestic SEO said, "what kindof people are you, just like a group of women who gossip, andonce they are spread, the seriousness will be magnified. ". ButI feel no idea what had gone away, just jump.Com.hk domain you
is also slightly, I found web page open, but also many new sitesincluded slow slightly, GOOGLE is such a get. What is not clear.GOOGLE get such a lot to do SEOer will lock eyes to Baidu, youaccounted for most of the domestic market, he is certainly themost happy, but many SEO people don't love him, because he isdifficult to control, be the most changeful, ranking a God whilein life, ups and downs, it is too exciting. Haha.
Because so many people are saying that Baidu has manualintervention website ranking, but low you no such thing as ayou, according to the normal human thinking will believeeveryone you you, everyone thought, said the Internet is you,such as:what I call theNBaidu service call let me dopromotion,I he refused, he took my website, ranking down. My site rankingis too good, too much advertising, Baidu business may have aconflict, so they give me the right to drop the site. In youis to do optimization, people to cheat, said I in the baiduyourelationship, you give me money, I can let him go to your frontrow, Khan one, in contempt.
Baidu why did humans interfere with our website rankings?Most people think of some of the ideas mentioned above. Ipersonally believe that SEO can only promote Baidu businessdevelopment, because people who do the industry know littleabout the network, you, a small number of people know how tostand SEO to do their own home page, will only encourage morepeople to do it, price promotion. Because every industrycompetition is very fierce, there is no unpopular industry.
You is the industry so much, where suchmanual interventionwillhit you on the head, and if so, you can go tobuya lottery ticketto try.
And then you is to call you only salesman, they do not have youpermissions to set your ranking, and I may be around you on theyoubaidu salesman, find a come over, ask to know.
That Baidu ranking ups and downs is how?
I personally think that Baidu is the biggest Chinese searchengine in order to improve the quality of the search, will oftenchange the algorithm to make other site you in the front rowto chance, and if you do, youwill findBaidu SEO the top 3 searchresults are generally very stable, timely ranking fell down,too. The two day will return to the original position. Anddifferent industry algorithm is different, such as some illegalwords in time, SEO row in the home page, two days will go down,The front page is some local portal page, you time can look atthe word card, ha ha.
In this case, learning SEO can stable rankings?
Of course, this is a must, it said, the baidu top 3 ranking isquite stable, as long as you don' t do illegal industry word rowto the first page is no problem, but if you want to stabilizeto the first page or to see their execution can not exceed yourtarget opponent.
Now more and more people are becoming SEO. Can I learn more from
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