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waterbabies  时间:2021-03-01  阅读:()



November 2015: University student Cal lum Gathercole is taking on a momentous chal lengecompleted by less people than have been into space, by rowing more than 3,000 mi les across theAtlantic Ocean.At the age of just 19, Cal lum is hoping to set a Guinness World Record as heattempts to become the youngest person to complete the Atlantic Row solo.

Cal lum is rowingin memory of his late father Cl ive who passed away in 2012 aftersufferingfrom abraintumourand,supported by lead sponsorPersi l,wi l l be raisingmoneyforBrainTumourResearch,the PrincessAl ice Hospice and BRACE Alzheimer’s Research.To date,Cal lum has raised a staggeringxxxxxand he aimsto reach£280,000bythe end of the race.

Cal lum facesa huge chal lenge in crossingthe world’s secondlargestocean:

 He wi l l burn over6,500 calories/ day and needs to eat over 4,500 calories just to combatstarvation-on average,each person taking part loses 20%of their bodyweight

 Spentupto48hours inablackedout roomwithonlyhis rowingmachineforcompanyaspartofhisisolationtrainingregime

 Little contact with the outside world,with only an occasional phone cal l being made to closefami lyvia a satel l ite phone

 OncompletingtheAtlanticRow,he hopestobecomeoneof only33 boatstocompletethesolocrossing–lessthanthe numberof peoplewho have conquered Everest

Cal lum revealed his desire to complete the race in memoryof hisfather.He said“I have been rowingsincetheageof nineandwiththe lossof myfather; Idecidedtoputmypassionandhardworktoagood cause.Withthe supportof Persi l, I am ableto make a massive differencetothree charitiesthatare trulyclose to my heart.”

The Atlantic Row dates back to 1966 when Sir Chay Blyth rowed the Atlantic Ocean with JohnRidgeway, including a 92 day battle againsthurricanes and 50foot waves.Although Cal lumwi l l facesimi larseaconditions,heis hopingtocompletethe chal lenge in considerablylesstimethan 90days.Clare Logan, Brand Manager for Persi l UK and Ireland said: “This is a huge chal lenge successful lyconquered by less people than have cl imbed Everest so we wanted to help support Cal lum in hisrecord breaking attempt. Cal lum’s initiative wi l l raise much-needed supportfor three charities,makinga real differenceforpeoplefacing l ife-threateningi l lnesses.”

Cal lum has prepared himself both mental ly and physical ly for the chal lenge, recentlycompleting a100,000 metre rowinjustseven hoursto create a new U19 l ightweightworld record.

To donate to Cal lum’s fundraising and to find out more,go to


For further information,product samples or photography please contact:

 TeekSmith: tsmith@gol

 Dan Mason:dmason@gol


Further information about Persil Small and Mighty

Persi l smal l&mighty comes in4sizes: 15,25,40and 60wash packs,and is madefrom packagingthatcan berecycled(where faci l ities exist).

 525ml -£4.69RRP

 875ml -£6.79RRP

 1400ml -£9.99RRP

 2100ml -£13.00RRP

About Callum Gathercole

19yearold Cal lumisa studentof AerospaceEngineeringattheUniversityof Bristol ,hehas been rowingsincehewas 9;firstfor CranmoreSchool , laterforWalton RowingCluband currentlyfor Bristol University.Hehasrowed atHenleyRoyal Regatta, represented England attheHomeInternational in2011and GBin EuropeanandWorldInternationals in 2012and 2013.RowingtheAtlanticwi l l definitelybethebiggestchal lengehehaseverfaced,both physical lyand mental ly.Cal lum,a hugeConcordefan with a nuttysenseof humour, is veryproudtosupporthis chosen smal l charities–BrainTumour Research,Princess Al iceHospiceand BRACEAlzheimer’s Research.Hiscompetitivespiritand massivedetermination mean heis lookingforward to crossingthefinishl ineinAntigua in as fewdaysas possible.

About Brain Tumour Research

Fundraisinginits own right,BrainTumourResearch isalsoan umbrel lacharity,workingincol laborationwithMember Charitiesaround theUK.Together with this networkand supported bythefundraisingachievementsof ourUmbrel la Groups andfundraisersacross theUK, some£4mi l l ionwas raised in2014tofund both braintumour research and to providesupportfor patients and fami l ies.Wearestrivingtofund a networkof sevendedicated researchcentres whi lstchal lengingthegovernmentand largercancercharities toinvestmoreinbraintumour research.Help us fundthefight.Togetherwewi l l find acure.

About Princess Alice Hospice

For further information pleasecontact: telephone01372461817.Princess Al ice Hospice cares for terminal ly i l l adults across a large part of Surrey, south west London andMiddlesex, caringfor them in their own homes andat its Hospicein Esher.Morethan one mi l l ion peoplel ivewithin its carearea.

Over£9.1 mi l l ion is needed each year to providethesevital services and morethan 75%of funding must beraisedthroughvoluntarydonations andfundraising.

About BRACE Alzheimer’s Research

supports research projects undertaken in universities and hospitals in theSouth Westand SouthWales,particularlyin Bristol ,whichisa centreof excel lencefor neuroscienceresearch.

 BRACEhas raised morethan£13 mi l l ionto helpsupportdiverseresearch projects intoal l aspects ofdementia.

 BRACEis oneof onlya fewcharities thatexistsspecifical lytofinancedementia research–this workisvital if futuregenerations areto befreefromthefear of this devastatingi l lness.

 For moreinformation on BRACEgoto


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