新浪邮件如何在outlook express进行设置How to set up Sina mailin Outlook Express
How does the Sina mail set up at Outlook Express?
Http://tech. sina.com.cn/sinahelp/2002-06-14/120714. shtmlIf you are still unable to use the settings after the OutlookExpress setting on the upper side is complete, then you' ll haveto see the specific error message in outlook, and what is theerror number in it? According to the error number and thefollowing table for comparison, in general, most problems canbe solved.
OUTLOOK EXPRESS error information code table
Http://tech. sina.com.cn/sinahelp/2002-12-13/113/186.htmlSina toll mail
Outgoing server: smtp.vip. sina. com
Receive server: pop3.vip. sina.com
Sina free mail
Outgoing server: smtp. sina.com. cn
Receive server: pop3. sina. com.cn
Http://tech. sina.com.cn/sinahelp/2002-06-14/120714. shtml
How does the Sina mail set up at Outlook Express?
First of all, please check your Outlook or Outlook Expressversion. Please note that the outlook, express5.0, andoutlook2000 and outlook 2002 settings are slightly different.For outlook5.0 or outlook2000 users, click here to see the Sinamailbox setup method.
For Outlook2002 and 2003 users, click here to see the Sinamailbox setup method.
Outlook Express settings
In the case of the Chinese version of Outlook Express 6, followthese steps to configure your client manually:
1, after you open Outlook Express, click the tools menu in thewindow, and select the account";
2, click the "mail" tab, click the "add" button on the right,and select "mail" in the pop-up menu";
3, pop-up dialog box, according to the prompt, enter your"display name", and then click "next step. "";
4. Enter your email address and click "next""
5. Enter the POP and SMTP server addresses of your mailbox:
Pop:pop. 126.com
Smtp:smtp. 126.com
Click "next"";
6, enter your account number and password (this account for theuse of this mailbox account, enter only the front part of the@) , and then click the next step";
7, click the finish button to save your settings;
8, set the SMTP server authentication: in the "mail" tab,double-click the account you just added, pop up the propertybox of this account;
9, please click the "server" tab, and then in the mail server,select the server requires authentication options, and clickthe "Settings" tab, select "use the same settings as receivingmail server".
10, click OK, and then close the account box.
Now that you have set it successfully, click the send receivebutton in the main window to send and receive mail.
The QQ mailbox is set as follows in Outlook Express:
Open Outlook Express, and click the "account" in the tools
"menu ;
Click add, select mail from the pop-up menu, and enter theInternet connection wizard;
Enter your display name, and then click next";
Enter your email address and click "next"";
Enter the POP3 and SMTP server addresses of your mailbox, andreceive: pop3.qq.com
Send is: smtp.qq.com, click "next"";
Enter your account name (for the mail address of @qq.com, andenter only the front part of@) . For@vip.qq. com' s email address,complete the address) and password;
Here for the newly launched @vip.qq. com mail address (QQmailbox implements a mailbox, two domain names) , please be sureto note that in the "user name" when filling in, you mustcomplete a full e-mail address to identify. If you need to fillout the address myname@vip.qq.com, you can't just fill in themyname.
For @qq.com' s email address, the user name, you only need tofill in the myname.
Click the finish button to save your settings;
In the Internet account, select themail tab, select the accountyou just set, and click properties";
In the property settings window, select the server tab, tickmy server needs authentication, and click the settings buttonnext to it. In the pop-up settings window, login information,select "use the same settings as the receive mail server" andclick OK to return;
If you want to keep the Mail Backup on the server, in theproperties settings window, select the Advanced tab, and tick"keep a copy of the message on the server"",
And you can further select and set more specific retentionmethods according to your needs.
Congratulations You have completed the Outlook clientconfiguration and can send and receive QQMail messagesWhen using OUTLOOK, how to set up the server, I use the NetEase163 mailbox
1. open Outlook (Outlook Express) , click Tools, and then selectthe account".
2. click add, select mail from the pop-up menu, and enter theInternet connection wizard.
3. enter your name in the show name field, and then click next".
4. enter your full 163 free mailing address (you@163. com) inthe email address: field, and then click next".
5. enter pop. 163. com in the receive mail (pop, IMAP or HTTP)
server: field. In the send mail server (SMTP) : field, enter:smtp. 163.com, click next".
6. in the account name field, enter your 163 free post user name(enter only the part before @) . In the password: field, enteryour mailbox password, and then click next".
7. click "done"".
8. in the Internet account, select the mail tab, select theaccount you just set, and click properties".
9. in the properties settings window, select the server tab,tick my server needs authentication, and click the settingsbutton next to it.
10. login information, select "use the same settings as thereceive mail server" to make sure that you enter the correctinformation in each field.
11. click ok".
Congratulations You have completed the Outlook clientconfiguration, and you can send and receive 163 free postmessages.
For more details, please visit:
Http://mail. 163. com/help/help_client_04.htm#outlook
Reference: http://hi.baidu.com/coolplay
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