successHTTP 500 internal server error correction method

500 Internal Server Error  时间:2021-02-21  阅读:()

HTTP 500 internal server error correction methodOne. Error performance

Iis5' s http500 internal server error is one of the most commonerrors we encounter, and its main error is that the asp programcan' t browse but HTM static web pages are not affected. Inaddition, the system event log and the security event log havea corresponding record when the error occurs.

Specific as follows:

(1) the performance of ie

The following error occurs when browsing an asp page that ispreviously running properly:

The page doesn't show

There is aproblemwith the page you are visiting, so you can'tdisplay it.

Try the following:

Open the http://127.0.0. 1 home page to find the link to therequired information.

Click the refresh button, or try again later.

Http500-internal server error

Internet information services

Technical information (supporting individuals)

Detailed information:

Microsoft support

Or:serverappl icationerror

Theserverhasencounteredanerrorwhileloadinganappl icationduringtheprocessingofyourrequest.



(2) safety log records (2)

Event type: failed audit

Event source: security

Event type: login/logout

Event id: 529

Date: 2001-9-9

Events: 11 :17:07

User: ntauthority \ system

Computer: mys erver


Logon failure:Reason: user name unknown or password errorUser name: iwam_myserver

D oma i n: my dom

Login type: 4

The login process: advapi

Authentication package:microsoft_authentication_package_v1_0

The name of work: myserver

Event type: failed audit

Event source: security

Event type: account login

Event id: 681

Date: 2001-9-9

Events: 11 :17:07

User: ntauthority \ system

Computer: mys erver


Log in to the account: iwam_myserver

Login user: microsoft_authentication_package_v1_0From the workstation: myserver

Without success. Error code: 3221225578

(3) the records in the system log (2)

Event type: error

Event source: dcom

Event type: no

Event id: 10004

Date: 2001-9-9

Events: 11 :20:26

User: n/a

Computer: mys erver


Dcom encountered the error "unable to update the password. Thevalue provided to the new password contains the value that isnot allowed in the password. " And unable to log in. \iwam_myserver to run the server:

3 d14228d d0 fbe1-11-995 - d - 00 c04fd919c1}

Event type: warning

Event source: w3svc

Event type: no

Event id: 36

Date: 2001-9-9

Events: 11 :20:26

User: n/a

Computer: mys erver


The server failed to move to the application '/ lm/w3svc / 4/root' .The error is that "the format of runas must be<domain>

\ < user name > or just < user name >".

For more information on this message, visit the Microsoftonline support site:

Second reason analysis

Comprehensive analysis we can see that the above errorperformance is mainly due to the iwam account (in my computeris iwam_myserver account) password error caused the http500internal error.

Http500 in detailed analysis the causes of internal errorbefore, first make a brief introduction of the iwam account:iwam account is installing a iis5 system automaticallyestablish a built-in account, it is mainly used for startingthe process of application of the Internet information services.Iwam account name will be based on each computer netbios namevaries, the general format is iwam_machine, namely by "_" and"iwam" prefix, line of computer netbios name. My computer' snetbios name is myserver, so the name of the iwam account onmy computer is the iwam_myserver, which is very similar to thename of the iis anonymous account isur_machine.

After the iwam account set up by activedirectory, iismetabasedatabase and com + application common use, password ispreserved by three sides respectively, and by the operatingsystem is responsible for the three parties save iwam passwordsynchronization. By common sense, the work that is responsiblefor the operating system can be assured that we don't have to

worry about making mistakes.Select "start" - > "program" - >"management tool" - > "activedirectory user and computer" andstart the "activedirectory user and computer"management unit.Click "user", select the "iwam_myserver" on the right, andright-click to "reset the password (t) . . . " In jump out to resetthe password for in the box to iwam_myserver set the newpassword, here we are set to"aboutnt2001" (without the quotes) ,sure, waiting for the password is changed.

(2) synchronizing the password of the iwam_myserver account iniismetabase

Because the changes might be a sensitive and important,Microsoft does not modify the iismetabase iwam_myserveraccount password for us to provide an explicit user interface,only with iis5 provides a management script adsutil. VBS, thescript is located in the c: \ inetpub \ adminscriptssubdirectory (position may by different Settings when youinstall iis5 change) .

The adsutil.vbs script is powerful, with a large number ofparameters and complex usage, which only provides a way tomodify the iwam_myserver account password using this script:Adsutil set w3svc/wamuser passpassword

The "password" parameter is the new password for the iwamaccount to be set. So we changed the password for theiwam_myserver account in iismetabase to "aboutnt2001" :

C: \ inetpub \ adminscripts > adsutil set w3svc/wamuserpass"aboutnt2001"

After the changes are made, the system will have the followingt ips:Wamuserpass: (string) "aboutnt2001"

(3) the password for the iwam_myserver used by the com +application

Synchronous iwam_myserver password used in the com +application, we have two ways to choose: one is using thecomponent services MMC management unit, another is to use iwamaccount sync script synciwam. VBS.

Use the component service MMC management unit

(1) to start the component services management unit: select the"start" - > "run" - > "MMC", start the admin console, open the"add/remove snap-in dialog box, add" component "servicemanagement unit.

(2) f ind "component services" - > "computer" - > "my computer"- > "com + application" - > "out - of -processpooledapplications", right click on the "out - of -processpooledapplications" - > "properties".

(3) switch to the "icon" TAB of the

"out-of-processpooledapplications" properties dialog. "Thisapplication will run under the following account" and "thisuser" will be selected and the user name is "iwam_myserver".These are all default andneed not be changed. Enter the correct

password "aboutnt2001" in the "password" and "confirmpassword" text box below to determine the exit.

(4) if the system prompts "the application is created by morethan one external product. Are you sure you want to be supportedby these products?" Be sure to do it. (5) if we will some otherin iis web applicationprotection"set to"high"(independent) ,then the web of the com+application used iwam account passwordalso needs to be synchronized. Repeat (1) - (4) step,synchronizing other corresponding outofprocessapplication' siwam password.

Use the iwam account synchronization script synciwam. VBSMicrosoft has actually found iwam account passwordsynchronization problems, so on the management of iis5 scriptsseparate synchronous write a script for the iwam accountpassword synciwam. VBS, the script is located in the c: \inetpub \adminscripts subdirectory (position may by differentSettings when you install iis5 change) .

The synciwam.vbs script is simple:

Cscriptsynciwam. VBS [-v |-h]

The "-v"parameter indicates the entire process that the scriptperforms (recommended using) , and the "-h" parameter is usedto display simple help information.

We need to synchronize the password of the iwam_myserveraccount on the com + application, and simply execute



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