将从网页上复制下来的文章中的表格边框去掉Remove the borderof the form from the article copied from the web pageHow do you remove the border of the form in WORD from an articlecopied from the web page?
How do you remove the border of the form in WORD from an articlecopied from the web page?
Word macro: a key to delete the document, all blank spacesBy copying and pasting the cyber source Word document to getmany useless spaces and blank lines, delete them verytroublesome, if you create a related function of word macros,and then turn on the toolbar additive a button when the buttonwe click in the toolbar, through the implementation of the wordmacro can achieve a key to delete all spaces and blank linesin the word document.
Start word and then close the default open word document, andthen click the menu"tools -macro command, VisualBasic editorregulator" VisualBasic editor "in the VisualBasic editorwindow, right click on the"Normal ", select" insert "commandmodule, insert a module.
After you insert a module, enter the following code (code) inthe window that opens automatically on the right side of theVisualBasic editor. Here' s the following:
Sub, KongGe ()
Dim, I, As, Paragraph, N, As, Long
Appl ication.ScreenUpdating = False
For, Each, I, In, ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Len (i.Range) = 1 Then
N = n + 1
End If
Appl ication.ScreenUpdating = True
Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeDeleteAutoSpaces = TrueSelection.Find.ClearFormatting
With Selection.Find
.Replacement.Text =""
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End Sub
When the code is finished, you exit the VisualBasic editor, whenthe code you just entered is not saved automatically.
Right click anywhere in the toolbar, select "custom" in the menu,open the "custom" window and switch to the commands tab inoptions, the categories list boxbelow the "macro" option, thenthe Commands list box below will appear a "normal 1.kongge"option module this option is selected, press the left mousebutton, drag it to any location on the toolbar.
This toolbar will appear on a"normal 1.kongge"module commandbutton, right click the command button, there will be a rightmenu in the menu, we mainly do the following.
1. replace the contents of the text box behind the command with'delete spaces' and' empty lines' ".
2. perform the change button image command, and select afavorite Icon (such as the red heart icon) in the submenu thatappears.
After you complete the action of the above two steps, close thecustomize window finally.
So far, we have completed the Toolbar "delete the blank andblank lines" button to add, after the need to delete a WORDdocument in the spaces and blank lines, simply open the worddocument, and then click on the Toolbar "delete the blank andblank" button and wait for a moment in the word document spacesand blank lines it was all deleted.
Tip: when we put a "save as a text file and all the content ina text file is copied to the word editor, because of thecomplexity of the blank, click Delete spaces and blank lines"button may one cannot delete all blank lines, then click thebutton again. You can delete all. When you enter and apply thismacro, adjust your word macro security settings.
Other methods are introduced:
Download things on the Internet, to get the WORD out there someannoying spaces, and some do not need to form a blank line or,if a little to remove too much trouble, try under way, is notvery easy, very easy?
First, remove the form and format
In order to make the page tidy, the web documents are in theform of tables, but in general the colors of the table are setto colorless or the table width is set to 0, so we can't seethe form on the page. In addition, line breaks are used in Webdocuments for manual line breaks, as well as formatting forfonts.
If the text copied from the page is pasted directly into the
Word, they are also pasted in, which poses a great deal oftrouble with re layout.
From the edit menu, click "select all", then click "cut", andthen clickpaste". In the open"paste paste" dialogbox, select"format" as "plain text". In this way, the table and variousformats are gone, and the manual line break becomes a carriagereturn (paragraph mark) . In addition, you can choose "save as"from the "file"menu, save the document as plain text, and thenopen it with Word. The effect is exactly the same as the methodabove.
If you have just copied text from a web page, then you candirectly implement the "selective paste" step in Word, whichwill be much easier.
Two, delete spaces
There are a lot of empty sections and spaces in the text of thepage that need to be removed when composing in Word. So why doyou want to delete the space instead of deleting the emptysection first? The reason is that there may be spaces in theparagraphs that appear to be nothing, and paragraphs withspaces are not really empty segments, and there is no way todelete them in Word.
First, open the Replace dialog box from the edit menu (do notturn off after opening, and do all the subsequent action here) .Move the cursor to the find what text box, press the space keyenter a space (the default is half spaces) , "replace" what donot fill in the text box. Click "replace all", and Word will
delete all spaces. You might say, "what? I still have a lot ofspace here. "Don't worry, if so, it is because of this documentand the other two spaces: the entire space and tab spaces. Ofthe two kinds of space, space is not semiangle themas one family,so the replacement to ignore them. Open Chinese input method,press Shift+spacebar, switch to the full state, and then entera full width space in the find what box, press the space key,"replace" is empty, then replace all, all of the entire spacealso deleted. In the dialog box and then click the "advanced"button, and then click the "special characters", select "tab"in the find what box will appear "^t" (of course, can also bemanually input) , "replace" is empty, and then click replace alltabs, spaces are not.
Three 、 delete empty segment
The time to delete the empty paragraph is finally mature. Inthe find and replace "dialog" advanced "mode, two click"special characters "in" paragraph marks ", " search "box willappear in the two" ^p "(you can also manually enter the ^p^p) ,and then move the cursor to" replace "box, click the paragraphenter a"marker"^p", and then click replace all, empty all thedocuments in all disappear.
What' s the point? Think about how the empty segments withoutspaces are generated No, exactly. Did we even have to returnthe car two times before entering? Now replace the twoconsecutive carriage returns to one, just to eliminate thatempty segment.
If you have a continuous empty segment, you can replace it
several times until you can' t find the replacement object.In this way, you copied from the Internet will certainly loseweight, so you are very satisfied.
Four, pure text content (delete hand line characters)If a copy of the content is pure text, no tables and pictures,and willing to retain and link in the HTML document format,click on the Toolbar "paste" button, the page of text on theoriginal properties are retained. But at this point, documentstend tobe cluttered andneed tobe edited and typeset to resettheir font size, font, font, line spacing, alignment, and soon.
In many cases the document will appear in a large number of"manual newline (down arrow symbol)", if the delete enter plusthe method to deal with the paragraph mark, for long documentsis very time-consuming, and can be applied to the Word "search/ replace" function to solve easily. In the "search / Replacedialog box, open the" advanced "options in the find what boxto add" ^I "(manual newline) , in the" replacement for "box toadd" ^p "(paragraph) , just click Replace All" button, andinstantly complete replacement. For. In some documents, thereare two "hand line breaks", then you can just add "^I^I" (twohand line breaks) in the find content box, and then perform the"all replace" operation.
If you do not need to retain the original format and links, clickEdit paste ", open the" paste "dialog box, in the" paste"choose" plain text "can be determined. This way, the copied
text does not have any formatting and can be processed slightly.If Word2002 is used, it is more convenient, direct click Pasteon the toolbar button, the text is copied with the format, butin the lower right corner of the copy of the text there is a"paste"button, click the buttonmenu"keep text only" command,immediately into the text no text format.
After the above processing, there are many useless spaces inthe document, you can use the "find / replace" function toremove the clean.
Five, text with a form
Sometimes we copy the content from the web page with a form,which poses a lot of trouble for typography, and then we canremove the form. As long as the cursor will move to any positionwithina table, clicktable to convert table to text conversion,"a pop-up" convert table to text dialog box, and then selectthe paragraph mark "or" tab "text delimiter, after the tabledisappeared, and the text preserved intact, and text format andlinks are preserved. If you only need to have text content, donot want to retain the format and links, etc. , using the "pastepaste" command can solve the problem.
How do you remove the border of the form in WORD from an articlecopied from the web page?
Method 1:
Don' t paste to word after the click operation and so on, movethe mouse to the block of text (usually come after the paste
is a block of text at the end) , there is a small icon with theleft mouse click, select the text can only keep
Method 2:
Select the text in the web - copy it into Notepad - and copyit from Notepad to word so that all forms, pictures, and otherinformation are not available
The following are the pictures and text. If you copy method:first to word, then the selection table ("are of the form, youcan click an octagon, the upper left corner of the table, thetable menu selection) - conversion table to text - ok. So theform is removed.
If the table, you will have more.
Method 3:
Select the text in the table - cut - paste it below the table,and then cut out the empty form box,
Another method is to select the content to be copied from theweb page, open the WORD, do not paste it directly, but select"Edit" - "selective paste" - plain text, and there is no tableMethod 4:
Select the table that is copied to the web page, and then openthe table menu, and select the "convert" command to convert thetable to text. . . . . . " Command, open the "convert form to text"
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