【摘 要】 日常工作和生活中经常需要序列数组的比较与整合。介绍一套实用计算方法——“序列数组整体目标迁移法”。①原理阐释。某序列数组整体有序迁移到另一序列数组的某个区间每个数值对应的迁入数值为迁入区间最小值+原数组数值-原数组最小值×迁入数组区间高低差与原数组高低差之比。②变式说明。某序列数组整体有序迁移到另一序列数组的某个区间每个数值对应的迁入数值为迁入区间最大值- 原数组最大值-原数组数值 × 迁入数组区间高低差与原数组高低差之比。
【关键词】 序列数组整体目标迁移数列差迁入数组区间
【Abstract】 the daily work and in life often need to compare and integration ofthe sequence array. Introduce a set of practical calculation method-“sequence arraywhole goal migration method”.A principle interpretation.A sequence array generalorder moved to another series of array a interval each corresponding numericalvalues moved for ingoing interval minimum+ the original array numerical-theoriginal array minimum x ingoing array interval and the original height differencearray of high and low poor than .Second variable type instructions.A sequence arraygeneral order moved to another series of array a interval each correspondingnumerical values moved for ingoing interval maximum- the original array-theoriginal array maximum numerical x ingoing array interval and the original heightdifference array of high and low poor than .
【Key words】 sequence array whole goal migration the sequence is bad theingo ing array interval
设甲单位序列数组为Aa、 b、 c、……d成m个依次递增的数组 乙单位序列数组为Be、 f、 g、……h成n个依次递增数组。下面用两根数轴表示
A数组a、 b、 c、……d
0 a b c …… d
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